
Comments by inno123 (page 30)

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    14 years ago
    Shower With The strippers!
    They 'played cards' in his bedroom and then showered together. That must have been one intense poker game to need to shower afterward.
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    14 years ago
    Strip-Club Owner Hid $12 Million in Trash Bags
    From what I know of the IRS they are not going to send him to jail. They are going to want back taxes plus penalties and interest plus to force him to set up a set of outside controls that will make sure that every penny gets coutnted and taxed in the future. People in jail aren't able to pay their back taxes.
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    14 years ago
    SC Culture : Canada vs. USA
    Its really rather simple. Canada got a healthy dose of French Influence and New England got a bunch of Puritans. That was just enough to change the national attitude about government being involved in mandating personal morality.
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    14 years ago
    Redundant SC Reviews
    I agree that it is worthwhile to review even if your experience is the same as others. It provides another data point, both in terms of someone reading the reviews and in terms of calculating the average and 12 month trend of reviews. I will agree though that once you have given a detailed review of the club the subsequent reviews don't have to retread a lot of the details.
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    14 years ago
    Gentlemen's club files counterclaim against dancers
    Th3 142 declarations are irrelevant since there is an implied pressure and besides wheter or not an arrangement qualifies as an employee or independent contractor has nothing to do with whether or not either sides likes the arrangement. All in all, if you are exercizing strict control over virtually every aspect of when and how the activities are performed there really isn't any independence. California recently put an and to the nonsense and said that club dancers had to be employees. The last I saw the clubs are still doing fine and outranking the Nevada Clubs.
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    14 years ago
    recent Mons review...
    It also reminded me of a recent Tropical Lei review that said that there was no VIP. One would think that if you were going to write a fake review one would at least read the other reviews of the place to make it believable.
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    14 years ago
    Surveillence Cameras at the Club
    I guess the big question is whether a VIP room consists of a location where there is an expectation of privacy. Before you scream 'of course!' do you expect that the bouncer can peek in to insure that the rules are being followed? If the answer to that question is yes then it is not a place with an expection of privacy! Of course a system that recorded and held images of dancers for a long time or uploaded them to the internet is a clear violation. But if the purpose of the system is to help protect the dancers from violent or abusive patrons that would be better than the bouncers playing peeking tom.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The cost of EXTRAS
    Why do they charge more for it? Because men will pay more for it. If the girl charged the same for each which would you pick?
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Kendra Exposed
    I think it funny how after all the buildup she gets all pisses that he pulls out and acts like a dweeb about not getting any cum anywhere.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Who's our worst enemy?
    There are a lot of clubs that will wand you if you look like you might have a weapon. As I said guns in a strip club is a super bad idea, particularly if they have private rooms (as this one does) and serves alcohol (as this one does). This is a problem that decent security would have avoided.
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    14 years ago
    Tipping for LDs?
    The usual way I signal to a dancer that her dance was excellent is to buy another.
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    14 years ago
    Bad idea
    It would be real funny....once. Blow on it and you will certainly get immediate attention...from the bouncer.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Who's our worst enemy?
    Frankly the 'worst enemy' was the club security. There is NO WAY that one, much less two customers should have been inside the club with handguns. If I worked at that club I would be severely pissed that was allowed to happen. Could you imagine being a dancer and take a guy to the back room only to have him pull a weapon? And don't give me any 2nd ammendment CCW baloney. Taverns are specifically designated as pistol free zones in Michigain even for those with a CCW permit. (That was why the person with the CCW was arrested to.) And before you start to declare the CCW person as some sort of hero you might want to have a word with the innocent bystander he shot.
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    14 years ago
    T-Pain Says He Won't Release His New Album Until Music Sales Pick Up
    What he's really saying is that if you release an album and sales are sluggish everybody presumes that your fifteen minutes is up, particularly if you are relying on a gimmick and there now there is an iPhone app that can anybody can make faux T-Pain 'music'.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Homemade Stripper Pole Accident
    How foolish can these people be. How can you expect to be able to do lifts and spins on something held in place only by friction?
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    14 years ago
    Gov. Jay Nixon signs bill that will regulate strip clubs
    Another 'small government' Republican trying to keep a lid on Government intrusion into our lives.
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    14 years ago
    Playboy Plans Free, Safe-For-Work Site
    Safe for work is just a euphymism. It is really a safe-for-girlfriend-to-find-in-your-history.
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    14 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    gee have some consideration, it might seem like a little playfull kinkiness in a three minute dance, but she is going to be doing this for an entire work shift. What's going to seem like a little fun play is going to feel rather beaten upon after several hours.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Indiscreet OTC Girls
    It sounds like maybe they were just making it clear that you were their regular, and might have done the same even if you prior action was ITC instead of OTC. If this kind of behavior was generally done regarding taking other dancers' regular customers then it was not inciminating other than what you knew. Unless the club has a specific tip-out policy I could not imagine any of them not frowning on OTC action. They get a piece of the VIP room and the girls servicing the customers OTC instead of VIP is costing them.
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    14 years ago
    The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism
    He may be onto a tactic though, Go to a strip club, get a girl to sit down with you, go into a diatribe like this, and then maybe she'll offer you a free dance just to get you to shut up.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    @natasia...since I am not usually looking for 'extras' (if I am I would be using an escort) what I am looking for is somebody who is going to put a nice vibe on the experience, in particular to at least seem to be enjoying doing this with me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Black strip clubs.
    Out of curiosity I scanned the top 100. While there are lots of 'ethnically mixed' clubs there are only two that say 'black' They are Sinsaysionals at 25 and All Stars at 95 (The latter may be in some deep legal problems with the recent discovery of a 14 year old dancer there). Are there fewer clubs that are willing to just say that they are black dancers, or are black clubbers tougher to please or is the economics of running a quality club not there for black neighborhoods?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Prostitutes makes Craigslist $36 Million
    Far better than the mexican system is the canadian system. In Canada operating a bawdy house (brothel) is illegal but being a private independent call girl is legal. Street walkers are much less common than in US cities and health/crime issues are much easier addressed.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    When it comes to girls on the stage attitudes and moves are the most important. On the stage I am willing to appreciate all the different ways a woman can be beautiful. Now if we are going for a lap dance a different set of criteria applies. Having the right attitude is important, but being a good conversationalist is not. We aren't going back there to talk. I am going back there to play with some breasts so, well, there need to be some breasts! A pair of B cups are fine, C or D ideal, but larger than that is not proportionally more fun. Then there are height considerations. If a girl is too short then when facing me during the lap dance giving me a good view of the breasts would mean breaking contact with the grinding. Similarly a taller girl would have me looking up to her breasts. So in summary for a lap dance I am looking for good attitude, nice preferably natural breasts, and a height not too different from mine.