
Comments by inno123 (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Bouncer Gets Probation In Strip Club Death
    Not necessarily dudester. The court found that it was involuntary manslaughter. Besides how much money does the bouncer have? They might go after the club, but the club might be able to convince a jury that the death was an accident. More than likely the club's insurance company will negotiate for a wrongfull death settment with no admission of responsibility.
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    14 years ago
    Real Or Fake?
    I would say more like 50-60 percent rather than 99 percent. The successes kept two things in mind: 1. Maintain a natural breast shape. No spheres. 2. Keep a shapely bust-waist-hips proportion. 38-18-20 is going to look like a freakshow.
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    14 years ago
    Safety in Tijuana?
    Well, it depends on your definition of incredibly risky. At least you can be fairly sure that the Adelitas girl is using protection very consistently, which is more than you can say for some drunken party girl.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Giving out dancers names.Girls what do you think?
    Well, it depends. At the last club I visited the dancer that I took to the private area reminded me of her name several times. Considering how much time I had spent face-to-boobs with her it was unlikely what I was going to have trouble remembering her on a future visit, so the main point I think was that I could remember to tell it to my friends. But then there is the matter of descriptions of things that could be evidence. But is it really that much better than accusing the club? And the thing that would most likely get the dancer in big time trouble with the club would be offers to go OTC.
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    14 years ago
    Disabled Man Sues Strip Club For Human Rights Violation
    The law's the law. If you have a business open to the general public you have to have reasonable accomodation. You would have to provide reasonable accomodation to a disabled employee as well.
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    14 years ago
    With Craigslist Out, Village Voice Media Now No. 1 for Adult Classifieds
    Honestly, is there anybody here who didn't see this coming miles away? Anyhow, Village Voice has been publishing these kinds of ads in print for decades and will be unfazed by the complaining. Craigslist caved because they have a huge legit side of their business that could be harmed if their brand got slimed. Backpage does not have that worry.
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    14 years ago
    Is a Moment of Silence Called For?
    I noticed that all his prior reviews were of the Gold Club in Memphis. Sounds like he went to Vegas itching to spend a fortune and then blame it on 'losing it at the tables' when he got back.
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    14 years ago
    Fake Customers Working For The Club
    I can see it in terms of 'making it rain' since the club and the dancer can agree ahead of time that the club gets the cash back and thus nobody is really out anything. I can also see if the dancer has a friend in the audience lending them some money to throw back at her to prime the pump so to speak. But for the fake customer buying lap dances I doubt it. Because unless the club is genuinely paying the performer for the dances (expensive)then the club is wasting the dancer's time that she could have spent selling a real dance.
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    14 years ago
    Public sale looms for closed Crazy Horse Too strip club
    I wonder if anybody else here remembers the original Crazy Horse which as I recall was on Paradise Road. Real stupid of the US to allow the licenses to expire, not that there is any shortage of clubs on Industrial Rd.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    VIP/LD area gatekeeper
    Unless you are expecting him to do something out of the ordinary the guy does not deserve a tip. A club that charges dancers per dance is not necessarily being overly controling or a 'nazi'. The club has to make their profit somehow, and it certainly isn't just on the cover charge or drinks. They club knows where the money is going and needs a little of it. The alternative to charging per dance is to either charge a big 'stage fee' or 'tip-out' that can on a slow night leave the dancer losing money at the end of the shift. Charging the dancers per-dance gets the club their revenue and, unless the dancer is so stupid as to charge below cost, the dancer as well.
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    14 years ago
    How do you get rid of a psycho BITCH
    I do not know the details of the texts that she is sending or whatever. I would suggest that every time she sends you a text reply back with the EXACT same phrase "Text Rejected" Do NOT reward her with an emotional reaction, not even an exclamation point at the end. Do NOT reward her with an explaination, threats, demands, reasoning or whatever. Make her suspect that maybe even the response is being generated by the phone itself and you aren't even seeing her texts. If she switches to e-mail then do something similar with the e-mails. If she switches to annoying voice messages or stalking then you have to get the police involved, and you will have a better case for doing so.
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    14 years ago
    Best West Coast city for an "extra" vacation?
    Much as I would like to help the local economy and recommend LA/COI I would have to agree with harrydave since you will likely get three BBBJs in TJ for what one will cost in the COI. But you don't have to get a car. Take the trolley to San Ysidro, walk across, and get a cab. The only potential hitch is that the last trolley north leaves at 12:59 am.
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    14 years ago
    Craigslist pulls prostitution ads from Canadian sites
    The strange thing is that the actual thing being offered in the ads...having a call girl come over to your place and have sex for money...is legal in Canada. The demand to craigslist talks about things that they fear might be scondary...pimping, underage prostitution, trafficing... and not the ads themselves.
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    14 years ago
    Prostitution Busts at Hot Tub Establishment
    Screenplay in development: Hot Tub Crime Machine.
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    14 years ago
    Be aware of your surroundings
    Strip club owners need to take responsiblity for their parking lots. First of all if gangbangers are hanging around and doing deals and whatever it will give an impression on the nature of your club whether or not you would ever let them inside your doors or not. After all the church lady types are never going to see the inside of your club, only the outside. Finally you will be certain that whatever violent crime goes down in your parking lot will reported as 'robbery occurs outside of strip club'. So put up some cameras and hire some off-duty or retired cops.
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    14 years ago
    Too chubby to dance?
    Having seen the exta pictures her legs are nice but she will have to get a nicer hairstyle. Her breasts are not too saggy which is good. Since she likes corsets she might try dancing in an underbust corset as her signature, at least until she has trimmed down enough to be proud of her torso.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    UCLA Prof: DREAM Act Will Help Illegal Immigrants Replace ‘Old White Men' in C
    Well, clubber you might be surprized that I am indeed an old white man. It is just that I choose not to live in fear and check facts rather than listen to those who like to drive web hits and nielsen ratings out of distortion and fear.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too chubby to dance?
    IMO she can start. Until she tones up she will earn less than most of the other dancers and will need to make up the difference with personality. But why not earn money getting her exercise while dancing instead of spending money in a gym?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    UCLA Prof: DREAM Act Will Help Illegal Immigrants Replace ‘Old White Men' in C
    Tell them how I feel? I feel that Brietbart is the undisputed king at taking a tiny part of a much bigger work and showing it out of context to make old white men feel threatened by minorities.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Rating the chains
    Thanks for all the comments. Let me flesh out my own observations. I wonder how much central management there really is of many of the chains. The only chain that I have been to more than one location of is DV. The DV Industry is a fine club while the DV Ontario was a big dissappointment. The clubs are about 20 miles apart and I could not imagine the same regional manager not making the one live up to the standards of the other. On the flip side I do not see an independent club spending the kind of money that it would take to develop their timing system. However reading reviews of other DV clubs apparently not every one has those timers, which also points to weak central management. On the other hand I read the detailed reviews of one SR location and I can almost imagine tht they are talking about the one that I have visited. SR gives much more of an impression of being a tight ship.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Quick opinion-related question for avid clubgoers
    Hey, and if you find being in a large room with thuggish characters to be intimidating, put yourself in the platform heels of a petite girl who has to go into a booth an get completely naked with them!
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    14 years ago
    Nude or Topless
    I think you will find that in any particular jurisdiction, if nude clubs are allowed they will be both higher reviewed and more frequently reviewed.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    'No Negros Allowed' Sign Posted to Segregate a Wisconsin Strip Club
    Superdude: "But really, who, in that small town, would go through the steps of demanding service, getting refused and filing a test case. After all, he would face public exposure as a SC patron" Not really, there would be no shortage of men willing to test this guy in court and the ACLU and/or NAACP would gladly bear the legal costs just to make a point of this kind of behavior being illegal. And I think there would be no trouble getting a jury to slap maximum damages on the case too.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Payback is a Bitch
    I am guessing that sinclair is guessing this is the 'former boyfriend' kind of video. I mean if she was posting them herself would she provide extra information so that everybody at UNC would know exactly how to find her?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New Jersey
    Little Darlings - Shills or What?
    In particular I am suspicious of the guy who claims to have been visiting clubs for ten years and has seen all of them. But we only have this one glowing review of one club.