
"too many dancers"

Avatar for samsung1

Ever heard of such a thing? I know at one club management will send girls home for having "too many dancers". Is this happening at other clubs or just here in dumb ass Columbus?


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Avatar for shadowcat

No but I have heard of dancers being turned away because they were black. A feeble attempt to stop drug trafficing.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Yes, samsung1, up at Bogarts a dancer told me that if they don't show up early enough when the club opens for the day, Bogarts will tell them to leave.

Avatar for Fenster

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

"What's that Sweetie? They're not letting you work tonight, and your rent is due tomorrow? Let's talk about on the way to the motel."

Avatar for Dougster

Clubs around here have been pro-actively reducing staff due to the downturn in business.

Avatar for jackslash

Clubs turning away dancers? That would have made sense in the olden days when clubs paid dancers to perform. Now the dancers pay the club for the privilege of dancing and make their money from lap dancing only. You would think that clubs would want as many dancers as were willing to pay the fee. The number of dancers would be limited by the dancers themselves, who would not want to perform if the dancer/customer ratio was too high.

Avatar for Dougster

Sure but what happens when the dancers aren't even able to pay their rent and constantly trying to haggle it down? Big drain on management's time.

Avatar for Samella

Stupidest move possible from a business perspective--UNLESS the dancer was downright horrid looking, but no decent club would hire such a stripper anyway, right? Having more beautiful girls, better ratios, and potentially lower prices bring PATRONS BACK. There is ZERO "drain" on management, because the cream always rises to the top. Those who can't cut it will have to go elsewhere, so in summary, by NOT turning away dancers you: 1) create better value to customers 2) directly increase revenue from girls' paying house fees 3) and weed out the worst dancers

Avatar for vincemichaels

Well, I'd agree with you Samella, but Bogarts does it and I don't doubt other clubs do it too. I'm scratching my head, wondering why they do.

Avatar for Dougster

Of course there is more management overhead the more dancers there are, or do you think managing 5 on shift is just as easy as managing 100?

I think it's a good idea to keep total staff to reasonable levels. I'm sure they've run the numbers and there is an optimum level. I myself would take the opportunity to remove the dancers with the most obviously unsavory personalities and looks first all though, legally, you might have to hide it behind the pretext of them consistently not being able to pay their rent.

Avatar for travelingguy

I found more and more clubs are doing similar things - thinning their lineup of girls and telling girls to go home earlier. From my travels, the club are hurting and they realize that some of the customers are getting chased off by either being asked over and over by different girls if they wants dances or the girls being too aggressive.

The other unfortunate thing I found with economy has been many of the hotter girls are leaving the clubs are more customer expect more (extras) for less money.

Plus I have sat in clubs for a couple hours where I was the only tipping the girls on stage or getting dances. Good for me since it is easy to be popular but bad for the girls and the club.

Avatar for DandyDan

That sounds like bizarro world. Most of the clubs I go to can't seem to hire enough dancers. My favorite club will have more dancers than customers some times during the week, but usually, they see how many customers there are and leave or hide out in the dancer dressing room without dancing. I am familiar with one club that caps out at 5 dancers Mon-Wed and 6 Thu-Sat, the Lamplighter west of Ottawa, Illinois, and it seems to work for them, but I don't know how having a dancer cap would work at most clubs.

Avatar for boatmonkey

My favorite club in Detroit, La Chambre, charges a higher tipout to a dancer if she shows up more than an hour after the shift starts, I think it is. But I haven't heard of them turning girls away.

Avatar for Clubber

Too many of the WRONG dancers!

Avatar for vincemichaels

It happens, boatmonkey. Most clubs do charge a higher tip-out to the dancers that come in later. I've heard it from a few that Bogarts turns away the late ones at opening. It might be their incentive to be on time. Later on, I know at night, it is just a higher tip-out. Aw shucks, Clubber, even the UGGGGGGGGGLY ones need love. LOL


Don't forget, there is just so much locker space in the dressing rooms, most of the clubs in Akron don't really give the girls enough room. TOS

Avatar for Dougster

vincemechaels: "Aw shucks, Clubber, even the UGGGGGGGGGLY ones need love. LOL"

Send 'em to Payer11. Well, wait, I guess he won't actually provide them with love, but will pay them $60 and all they have to do is have sex with him to earn it to.

Avatar for gatorfan

only if they are sucking your dollars and not your cock

Avatar for inno123

Absolutely you can have too many dancers. When you have a bunch of dancers sitting around with no chance of making any money trouble is certain to follow, often in the form of doing things that will cost you business in the long run.

Avatar for rl27

I think Samsung is talking about a club sending some of the dancers home when they have been there a while, not turning away dancers when they get there. I recall Columbus Gold and XCalibur doing this before. Some clubs will also let dancers leave early after peak time.

Avatar for troop

unless they're all fat and ugly, there can never be too many dancers!

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