Did you ever want to ask a hot girl you saw, "Are you a stripper?"
Seattle, Washington
A few years ago, I was in the public library in Lynnwood, WA (n. of Seattle). I happened to notice an attractive young lady, in her mid-twenties, standing in an aisle perusing a book. She was wearing a black pant suit. Then I quickly noticed that she was quite discernibly wearing stripper shoes! No doubt about it. As I went back to my table, I thought for ten minutes, if there was a tactful way to ask her if she was a stripper. I absolutely couldn't come up with the words to ask her. I didn't recognize her from any of the local clubs--Honey's: about five miles away in Everett, or Rick's: app. 10 mi. away in Seattle (both now closed). Has this ever happened to you? How did you deal with it?
You probably shouldn't use as your opening gambit the line about her shoes. It's kind of like asking if a woman is pregnant; you better be right or she'll be pissed. And even if they are stripper shoes, she might not admit to it since it is a footwear faux pas to wear them in real life, kind of like wearing bowling shoes anywhere other than a bowling alley. If this was a non-stripper whose only rebelliousness was to wear stripper-looking shoes, you will piss her off with the question. And if she is not a stripper and you ask the question in the form of what you might think is a compliment ("You ought to be a stripper"), she'll still probably get pissed.
I did work with a young woman once who had the perfect stripper body...but she was definitely not in the business...and she was married. :(
The question is "set" in two bits of [hopefully disarming?] self-revelation; I've gone first in revealing something about myself and thereby inviting her to do the same. Making any overt comment about her [revealing?] pantsuit or anything sexual is sure to raise her defenses.
Primo has the right idea -- stripperwear is popular among civilian young women who want to be seen as sexy, attractive, and 'with it' Thong / g-strings, casual outerwear imprinted with sexual innuendo ["grab a bit of life; pink; too hot for U"]. It's part of the decade old stripper culture and doesn't signal they're strippers.
You just want to know whether she's a stripper??!! What a limited goal! If she's that attractive I'd want to see if she signaled interest in me during some neutral small talk. If so, I'd find out if she used the library often and plan on "running into" her again.
During the brief conversation I'd reveal more about me [I usually come here on X & Y days to research my family history in the area} Then I'd introduce myself while shaking her hand and quickly end talking and leave her alone. [I'm somewhat interested but not slobbering over her like a DOM] Doesn't matter whether she tells me her first name or not but most do and reveal a little about themselves if they have any small interest. Goal would be to develop an intimate relationship over time. Much more satisfying to me than being only a "looker" If something develops "great", if not "no big deal." as they'll surely be other attractive YWs coming along.
If you act hesitant rather than confident, don't self-reveal first, and talk in an apologetic voice you doom yourself to being a looser and DOM.
Of course, she could still freeeze you out, especially if she's a 9 or 10, knows it, and has a choice of many younger men to string along. Nothing you or I could do about that. But better to take a chance and get shot down if the prize for success [however small the chance] is so fabulous.
Either way she had a killer smile.
As a couple of you surmised, I was probably in the worst of places to have such an encounter, AND get an answer to my question--No wait, in church would have been even worse! My only saving grace, is that while she was pretty, she wasn't my type (like my profile pics). I didn't really need any more dancers on "wanna see list," anyway, at the time. I had plenty of faves.
Your pro cheerleader comment reminded me of an incident years ago. I was in a store talking with a co-worker and management from that particular store. We were talking "football" (I use that term sparingly these days when talking about the Dolphins) and like with any guys, the talk turned to the cheerleaders. As a season ticket holder, I always saw them and relatively up close with my 100,000 Power binocs. :) Anyway, I mentioned that the Dolphins seemed to pick somewhat unattractive women so they would not appear sexist. The store manager then commented that his wife IS a Dolphin's cheerleader. I was sort of dumbfounded as he didn't say it as though I had insulted his wife, but rather that he agreed!
Once on a crowded Friday night Delta flight from Cincinnati to Tampa, I sat right next to a young woman that had to be heading to Tampa to work for the weekend. She was totally hot - but slutty stripper hot, not model hot. Low cut top, obvious implants, and plenty of tats. But what really set her apart was the diva quality she had. She complained to the flight attendant about everything. Maybe just my fantasy, but I was sure she was a dancer, but I was too timid to ask her.
(which brings up a question for another topic....how DO most strippers dress in public. We like to think they dress in sexy, revealing clothes, but from my limited experience of seeing dancers outside of work, they tend to downplay their looks. Loose, baggy clothing, little or no make up, and wear glasses.)