
Comments by inno123 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Being a free agent at a regular club
    Having an ATF means going to one club, and just one club, exclusively, and it means trying to adjust your club going times to your schedule. I wouldn't want to spend so much or be that focused on just one thing in my clubbing. It also implies some sort of 'relationship' with the dancer, which I am mostly clubbing for somebody to have relationship-free intimacy with. And as relationships go the Customer/ATF one is a pretty lame one.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Does anyone else find that a Dancer claims them as "thier" customer?
    I can hardly think that you supposedly wise to the world guys can think that you can talk about favorites and regulars and expect instant attention from them and not think that they are doing the exact same thing. They just usually hide it well. If you don't want a dancer to think that you are hers then don't act like she is yours.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Tired of easy extras?
    If you want 'the hunt' then just try ordinary dating. Pay for play isn't supposed to be hard.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Exotic dancers file lawsuit against three Detroit area strip clubs
    I have been advising a new strip club owner and this topic has been big on their minds. The thing is they tended to believe that there would be a magic contract that would prevent this kind of suit. There really isn't. What makes and independent contractor isn't the contract, it is the independence. You can't call them independent and then try to micromanage every part of what they do in the club. Unfortunately these dancers are not very predictable so micromanaging them seems very desirable. As a result I have been advising the the owner to keep things as simple as possible. Don't be setting a detailed dance price list that the dancers have to follow. Don't be announcing constant specials that the dancers have to offer. Don't be having lineups that they have to manage their schedule around. Don't be having specific stage times that they have to manage their schedule around. Don't be saying that the VIP is either 15, 30, or 1 hour. If the dancer wants to make an 18 minute VIP or a 45 minute VIP let them. Don't be saying that their stage set has to be one topless and one nude song. Apart from making the dancers genuinely independent every rule you have has to be enforced or it is pointless, and that means more supervision, which means more overhead.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Question about sex wax ?
    Umm... Mr. Zog's Sex Wax is not for sex. It's just the name and it is used for coating surfboards and similar sport applications. In general the softer the wax the lower the melting point. So for example the wax you can indent with a fingernail, like in a tea light, is lower temperature than the harder wax found in a pillar or taper. And scents usually increase the temperature. So test on the back of your hand first. If it is too hot then either dip the fingers in and then touch with your warm fingers or drip slowly from a high elevation so it will cool some on the way down.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Waitress as Facilitator in VIP
    I guess the lesson is to first observe the way the club works. I've been in some clubs where the waitress will try to hit you up at the start of the VIP for drinks but never had one intrude in the middle.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Haven, CT 2AMer
    We seem to have the club at that address listed as the Crazy Horse
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Haven, CT 2AMer
    Sounds like a complete failure for club security.
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    11 years ago
    Time vs. Money In The Clubs
    Fine by me, the guy the drops a thousand dollars becomes part of the mythology that keeps dancers in the club chasing that dream. Looking at the clubs you've reviewed you certainly are overpaying, but you realize that. I am much more frugal and see the same thousand bucks as buying a lot more.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    a stripper's personality..
    First of all be friendly, smile, act like you are enjoying yourself. Don't whine about your job. Let the customer talk about himself, but do not have him talk about his home life (which if it was good would he be here) or work (remember, this place is an escape). Ask about why he's there, his interests, places. music, movies, TV, what he thinks of the club etc. Don't just launch into 'want a dance' but don't take forever getting there. Maybe three or four minutes. If you haven't sealed it by then. But if possible remember his name. Then when you are strolling around later say hi again by name. Clinging there will seem needy, Swinging by later and remembering his name will get attention.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    best outfits to make money exotic dancing/stripping?
    The most important thing is to go for a look that you feel that you can pull off well with your appearance and fits the customers in the club. We had a discussion of costume looks a while back that might be useful. https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=21189
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Regulars ... From SW POV
    Bear in mind that there are club regulars and there are dancer regulars. The club regular is the guy who is on a first name basis with the bartender, waitress, doorman, and manager. He gets good mileage because everybody knows that he is not law enforcement and not dangerous. The dancer regular is the one who has latched onto a dancer as if they have something special, and because of that expects lots from it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Camming - how times have changed
    While I can see the appeal of the cam sites I don't see the appeal of spending money on the cam site. On the other hand I am also lately becoming convinced that from a value for pleasure proposition a good Asian Massage Parlor has pretty much everything -- club or escort -- north of Tijuana beat. But you don't get the club vibe.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Describe a dancer to one of your buddies so that he can cash in on a treasure.
    Stage name is the most constant thing. Most will not change it until they change clubs, and they usually are unique to each club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    Managers that act like A**holes
    Well, being the manager of a strip club is both complex and not exactly high class so you tend to get people who are over their heads. It requires a close attention to detail yet not micromanaging. One of the biggest problems is that a club can get the attitude that this isn't really a real business with real customers but a giant scam where PLs are tricked out of their money. Because once that attitude takes hold everybody will be looking for their own scam, and everybody will be looking to scam the manager and club in the process.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Dreaded Lint
    Best answer is to avoid clubs that use black lights. Clubs that use black lights are lame. They don't make you look good and they don't make the dancers look particularly good either, and they display an amazing lack of creativity in the club design.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ass holes, the new vagina?
    I agree that porn affects a lot of this. The irony is that real life anal and porn anal are very different. More so than real life vaginal and porn vaginal. Real life anal needs to be slow, very well lubricated, and the easiest position for the woman is on her belly with her legs close together and yours outside of hers. That makes it easier for her to relax her anus. They don't show it on porn because it is hard to get a camera angle on it (as with missionary) and like all porn they want fast fast fast. It is easiest to relax the anus with the legs close together. Then use lots of lube and go really slow. Considering the number of plain old conventional germs back there I would suggest a condom and definitely do not put it in her pussy until replacing the condom and washing. Again very different than porn anal.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What would u do if you found out this?
    Considering the failure rate of condoms alone I would either dump her or switch to oral only. Too much financial risk all over the place
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do Civilian Women hate Strippers so much and show hostility towards Strip Cl
    Whenever a woman says 'what is it with guys and...' they presume we won't have an answer and then act surprised when we do.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are $10 Lappers a "Good Deal"?
    Frankly I am advising a owner opening a new club that has to build a clientele in an established market. My recommendation is to offer a $10 'Sample Dance' (one song, topless only, light contact only) and then to offer a coupon for a 'Free Sample' with each paid admission. There would be no other specials offered by the club at all (but dancers could make their own deals). The goal of course is that at the end of the sample dance the dancer will have the guy in the right place to sell the 'real' dance. The plan would be to have the dancer's profit from the sample dance be low but her profit from the 'real' dance be much higher.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Are $10 Lappers a "Good Deal"?
    The thing about $10 dances is that they are easy to sell, which means that the dancer can spend a greater percentage of her time earning. Sure a $40 dance will make her more money, but if it she has to spend several more songs working several guys to hustle one she has earned less money. When dances cost $40 guys tend to sit on their hands until the management offers a special, and the dancers usually take a lower cut of that anyway. With a $10 dance there is rarely ever a need to offer a special. $10 dances are economical to the dancers if they sell a lot of them quickly and use them as a tease to upsell to the more expensive dances or to get tips.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Skinvestigation claim: Detective gets 130 lap dances, makes no arrests
    Anybody who is spending 130 dollars per dance and getting nothing is clearly not a good negotiator. I bet the dancers had him pegged as a cop when he walked into the place
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers cumming
    That it was a genuine orgasm and not a fake one? Possible but unlikely. That you were really the first time it happened? Almost certainly SS.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Industry slowdown
    Here is what I think is going on. It is a cycle that is hard to know which point to blame first. Mileage is going way up. It used to be that high mileage meant getting a serious contact in your grind. Now it means having sex. So now essentially being expected to be prostitutes dancers are considering alternatives. Those that think that they can make it just on the visuals and performance are thinking that web-cams are the way to go. And then the ones who are OK with the sex with random men are thinking that web-based escorting is the better choice. And the customers are thinking the same thing too. Now, as it so happens I am advising a new club owner. What am I suggesting? First, cut out a lot of the BS that makes dancing at a club more hassle than being a webcam girl or an escort. That includes lineups, rigid stage schedules, and a tipout system that can have them leaving with almost no net. Then also have one or more webcam rooms with the club name prominently shown and a full set of all the props and let the dancers go there and make money during slow times. Have a miniscule fee so the girls can feel that they can get in on the webcam business without having to turn their private home into a public space.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Off Topic
    One thing to bear in mind that the only thing the House Republicans offered in exchange for their demands about the affordable care act was SIX WEEKS of continued funding, barely enough time for them to put together another set of crisis demands. Is that any way to run a country? The House Republicans have become like the ATF that has discovered that if there is some crisis you will give her money. What happens? You get more and more crisis happening closer together until all you are doing is sacrificing your life for her emergencies. And there is only one way to end it. You have to say no, and not give in to anything. So I only blame Obama for being like the PL who let the stripper think that she could get things by creating a crisis. But the House Republicans are the main culprit, the crazy self-obsessed stripper who is willing to manipulate and destroy everything around her to get what she wants. And just like the self-obsessed stripped they never will admit that any of it is their doing. It is all everybody else's fault.