Ok so guys and gals what type of personality makes men want to buy dances from that stripper..innocent and flirty..sexy and mysterious..perky or calm etc...and what types of things should the dancer say when approaching a customer? Like introductions, conversation, things to say and talk about..what makes that man want to spend with you versus the next dancer..any advice is more than welcome..thanks
Flirty. Friendly. A warm smile goes a long way. Eye contact. Calm. Touching goes a long way (a soft rub/touch across his shoulders or upper back; put your hand softly on his lap; and if you are a free spirit and adventurous, introducing yourself to Mr. Happy – hey I’m just saying – it works!).
What doesn’t word for me:
Serious/stoned-faced. Looking like she does not want to be there and talking to you as if it’s the last thing she wants to do but has to. No eye contact when you are tipping her or while she is dancing for you. Looking at her cell phone while she is talking to you (or even worse; while she is dancing for you – it happens). Asking for a drink right away (as soon as she comes up to you). Starting a conversation w/ another dancer while she is talking to you and subsequently ignoring you while you are right there.
Basically what it takes is manners and being friendly towards the PLs (you’d be surprised some of the manners, lack thereof, many dancers have). Obeying the Golden Rule will help you in the end even if you are not getting the same in return.
Again papi_chulo you nailed it..you just described my personality..so basically manners are everything and genuinely being interested..ok got it..thanks again:)
1. Polite but direct (ask to join me) 2. Appear interested in me (for a while) 3. Not be catty about the other dancers
But I can say that that may not be at all what the guy two tables over is interested in. I suppose there are even guys who's sole requirement with a dancer is for her to say "Do you want a VIP dance?"
My point is that the dancer has to find the groove that works best for her, and that will change depending on the venue. What works better in an upscale club will fail miserably in a local bar.
Mostly, I agree that the more natural a dancer is (or appears), the more likely the customer will be interested.
What works for me in the club is what works for me outside the club. You know how to make a good impression on a stranger. After the basics, add some sexy touches. After the LD, do not ask for a tip. Guys come into the club to relax, not to get stressed.
Pretty much what everyone said. You have to be yourself, but be 'more' of what you do best.
My #2 is not the best looking dancer in the club, and she can be very 'in your face'. She knows this and she makes it work for her because of the honesty. One time during a dance she asked me if she thought she intimidated people and I said, 'hell yes, but that's your charm'. She was very appreciative after that!
So if you're flirty, flirt more. If you're shy, play that up. But however you approach it, be honest because no one is a good enough actress to do it all. If you are, I'll call my agent and get you some commercial jobs! SC custies can spot the fakes a mile away.
Polite, flirty, act like you actually want to sit down with me, Do not walk up and say "Wanna Dance?" and if I say not now don't scowl and go away. I will seldom get a dance from a girl who does not put out a little effort to chat me up.
Like others have stated. Be kind, honestly, friendly, Happy, and flirty. You have to enjoy what you are doing and that vibe will be sensed by the customer.
One thing that works on me or is an ice breaker.... What brings you out tonight? My answers always vary....it can be I want a beer... I want to see beautiful women... I am on my way home from XXX. This will lead you into conversation.
In my mind that is KEY..... conversation. Not just YOU WANNA DANCE. Like I mentioned before in another thread where you asked these questions. Know a little bit about everything.
Men like: Sports, Booze, Money (making money...ie stocks), outdoors, good food, and of course women.
But being knowledgeable about these things will help you have conversations with customer....built a little repoor and then get them comfortable with you and then you can make them part with their money.
But you need to know your clients....you don't walk up to a guy with a New Jersey Net hat on and say.... How about those Knicks.
Also like others have stated be ok with getting turned down. When that happens be polite and ask if it is alright if I check back with you in a little bit. Sometimes guys are just scoping out the place before getting dances. Sometimes they liked to be asked twice!! But just don't immediately leave if you were having a good conversation with the guy and then he says no. If the guy is put off and giving short answers....then it is obvious he isn't wanting anything and you can leave.
It is hard to tell you one tried and true way to make money because very situation is different. Just like every sale is different and people are different. you need to be able to adapt and react on your feet.
I think it is refreshing that you are asking all of these questions and want to be the best you can. I wish you the greatest luck at your endeavor.
Just be nice and polite and flirtatious and try to close the sale in about 3-4 songs so your actual personality won't put them off of buying dances from you, ha.
Try not to perfect your 1000 yard stare. The one that girls use while they are stage and just look into the mirror or the wall or the bar while they stand there and just shuffle around. Make eye contact and smile! Girls that smile are always way prettier. Good Luck.
Just coz I'm a girl don't start telling me all about your man or your kids or shopping or anything else that you'd discuss with your female friends. I am there for dances (or more).
First of all be friendly, smile, act like you are enjoying yourself. Don't whine about your job. Let the customer talk about himself, but do not have him talk about his home life (which if it was good would he be here) or work (remember, this place is an escape). Ask about why he's there, his interests, places. music, movies, TV, what he thinks of the club etc. Don't just launch into 'want a dance' but don't take forever getting there. Maybe three or four minutes. If you haven't sealed it by then. But if possible remember his name. Then when you are strolling around later say hi again by name. Clinging there will seem needy, Swinging by later and remembering his name will get attention.
last commentDon't lie. I'm old, fat, and bald. Don't call me handsome or sexy.
Flirty. Friendly. A warm smile goes a long way. Eye contact. Calm. Touching goes a long way (a soft rub/touch across his shoulders or upper back; put your hand softly on his lap; and if you are a free spirit and adventurous, introducing yourself to Mr. Happy – hey I’m just saying – it works!).
What doesn’t word for me:
Serious/stoned-faced. Looking like she does not want to be there and talking to you as if it’s the last thing she wants to do but has to. No eye contact when you are tipping her or while she is dancing for you. Looking at her cell phone while she is talking to you (or even worse; while she is dancing for you – it happens). Asking for a drink right away (as soon as she comes up to you). Starting a conversation w/ another dancer while she is talking to you and subsequently ignoring you while you are right there.
Basically what it takes is manners and being friendly towards the PLs (you’d be surprised some of the manners, lack thereof, many dancers have). Obeying the Golden Rule will help you in the end even if you are not getting the same in return.
1. Polite but direct (ask to join me)
2. Appear interested in me (for a while)
3. Not be catty about the other dancers
But I can say that that may not be at all what the guy two tables over is interested in. I suppose there are even guys who's sole requirement with a dancer is for her to say "Do you want a VIP dance?"
My point is that the dancer has to find the groove that works best for her, and that will change depending on the venue. What works better in an upscale club will fail miserably in a local bar.
Mostly, I agree that the more natural a dancer is (or appears), the more likely the customer will be interested.
@lasabiastarr, post some pics in your profile.
There, now someone has asked for pictures.
My #2 is not the best looking dancer in the club, and she can be very 'in your face'. She knows this and she makes it work for her because of the honesty. One time during a dance she asked me if she thought she intimidated people and I said, 'hell yes, but that's your charm'. She was very appreciative after that!
So if you're flirty, flirt more. If you're shy, play that up. But however you approach it, be honest because no one is a good enough actress to do it all. If you are, I'll call my agent and get you some commercial jobs! SC custies can spot the fakes a mile away.
One thing that works on me or is an ice breaker.... What brings you out tonight? My answers always vary....it can be I want a beer... I want to see beautiful women... I am on my way home from XXX. This will lead you into conversation.
In my mind that is KEY..... conversation. Not just YOU WANNA DANCE. Like I mentioned before in another thread where you asked these questions. Know a little bit about everything.
Men like: Sports, Booze, Money (making money...ie stocks), outdoors, good food, and of course women.
But being knowledgeable about these things will help you have conversations with customer....built a little repoor and then get them comfortable with you and then you can make them part with their money.
But you need to know your clients....you don't walk up to a guy with a New Jersey Net hat on and say.... How about those Knicks.
Also like others have stated be ok with getting turned down. When that happens be polite and ask if it is alright if I check back with you in a little bit. Sometimes guys are just scoping out the place before getting dances. Sometimes they liked to be asked twice!! But just don't immediately leave if you were having a good conversation with the guy and then he says no. If the guy is put off and giving short answers....then it is obvious he isn't wanting anything and you can leave.
It is hard to tell you one tried and true way to make money because very situation is different. Just like every sale is different and people are different. you need to be able to adapt and react on your feet.
I think it is refreshing that you are asking all of these questions and want to be the best you can. I wish you the greatest luck at your endeavor.
Just sayin'.