
Comments by inno123 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Big vs. Small Spenders
    Perhaps a better question for the pink site. I think Dougster has it right though. Cultivating and maintaining regulars is not an easy thing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Witness Protection
    Do clubs cause crime?
    Having tried to help owners with site selection for potential clubs I can certainly say that clubs are forced into the sketchy parts of town. For one thing you are usually having to look at unincorporated zones since the county regulations are usually looser than the city regulations, so it is areas that no city wanted to annex (bad sign there) OR it is some city like the City of Industry where property values are not a major concern. Then you have to deal with separation distances from schools, churches, parks, etc, which further limits your choices and you have to look for places with frontage and visibility from a major road. By the end you are looking at the dregs of land use if anything is available at all. And then, honestly, clubs probably do draw criminals. They may not create criminals, but they bring large quantities of males under 40, which is the primary demographic for criminals, add booze and an emotionally charged atmosphere, and shit happens. But you could say the same thing about football games for the same reasons. Zone sports fields out of existence?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Post Dance Cock Blocking ?
    Use a compliment in the past tense. "Its been nice talking with you."
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How not to do OTC
    The guy was an idiot to volunteer the information about the $50. But also and idiot of not noticing that his foot was bumping the brake pedal.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Construction cost per square foot
    Thanks for the props, guys. The description of this club is very similar to one I consulted on the layout and management of and is about to open in South Carolina. The only thing I can say is that build out costs can vary greatly. The person I dealt with on this club was cash-strapped and wanted to save money by doing work himself and being his own general contractor We went with the low cost choices on materials everywhere, reused as much as possible, and while I don't have all of his cost numbers I believe it was less than twenty dollars a square foot. On the other hand a company is now offering to buy him out, add some adjacent square footage, gut the place, and spend about ten times that per square footage on a high end build-out. On the other hand they will have done in weeks what it took the do-it-yourself owner months to do. One thing to bear in mind is that 2000-2500 square feet is a very small club. If you look at stipclubproperties.com you will see that you are talking at the very low end of the range of clubs. It looks big when you are staring at an empty space, but it gets small really fast. Some of the main gotchas you will likely run into on cost are: Heating/Air Conditioning. If this is currently a retail space it no doubt will have been sized at about one person per hundred square feet. Clubs with tables and chairs are usually sized at one person per fifteen square feet. In addition retail is usually presumed to be nonsmoking, and clubs, depending on local ordinance, may not. That makes a HUGE difference in the quantity of ventilation needed. In fact for somebody building a new club I would recommend making it nonsmoking even if the local ordinances do not prohibit it. Plumbing. A retail space of this size most likely has one employee toilet, most likely not meeting accessibility requirements. As an assembly occupancy you will need more than one space, some provision that allows separate spaces for each gender, accommodation for handicapped access, and the dancers will most likely be a lot happier not having to share toilet space with customers. The 3000 square foot club needed two customer toilet stalls, a unisex handicapped toilet, and a dancer toilet. you will likely have to be ripping up the slab to get the drain pipes in. Parking; Your retail store might have needed ten parking spaces to meet the needs of customers and employees. Your club will need a lot more.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dancers and the Economy
    IMHO: Quality has stayed about the same or decreased slightly. Value has increased. Supply and variety has decreased. The reason is that a slow economy means fewer customers with less money to spend. That smaller customer base can support fewer performers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If she is worth a second chance text back. "I said no calling". If she texts back with an apology say something like "I'll think about it" and then go a day without answering her texts. If she calls do not answer and text back "No Calls" and block her number. If she goes a day with only texts then if she again promises no calls let her back. What you have to do is to make her understand that she really will lose you if she ignores your desires. That's actually the main thing, not the calls themselves.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Face ... Body ... or Both ?
    Body. It isn't her face that I am going to get pressed up against me.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar". Agree or disagree?
    Her job is degrading enough. Anything that you do that makes it seem a little less degrading of course works.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Feature Dancer
    It isn't that different than any other night. The other dancers still have to make a living too.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Camel Toe Slide
    Ok, forgive my uninformed question, but what makes a camel toe slide different than an ordinary lap dance grind? I presume that the first difference is that your dick is out. But are her bottoms off or on? If the answer is off I'm not all that sure about the claim that it is medically safe or advisable to do without coverage.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Financial Paradox
    Lax regulations is the number one reason why clubs locate where they do. This is a combination of both permissive zoning laws plus the priorities of local law enforcement. The money is willing to travel. In fact the customers are perhaps a little more likely to go to a place a little further away so as to have less chance of being seen by their immediate neighbors.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ATF PG by hubby but still wants u to fuck her
    I would continue to use the condom for disease control reasons.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strippers turning to money for sex
    Of course it is for more money, but there are two factors that you did not include. 1. If this is an 'extras club' the customers know it. They are there for extras and if she doesn't supply them then there will be no repeat business and world will get around if the customers talk to each other. 2. The small extra step. She is already completely (or almost completely) naked, mashing her body up against him, grinding his cock against her pussy, and having his hands on her. It is easy to think 'heck I might as well just be screwing him', particularly if it might mean having to do it with fewer men each night.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How I wish there was a way I could un-see that.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Ordering Strippers Off of a Tablet Menu
    In practice it would be frustrating and impersonal. Impersonal for obvious reasons, frustrating because you see this hot girl, but it turns out she is on break or in an hour VIP or it turns out the outfit she is wearing tonight is not like the one in the photo, and on and on. Clubs offer real personal interaction. If you want to interact with your computer to contact a girl use a cam site.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Does rubberjosh Have Blurdick Now?
    That's one serious case of blurpussy.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What? No massage parlor?
    Sounds like their real goal is to get the pot shop closed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    review content ?
    Personally I like and write somewhere in between. I write the story as a narrative but with a point of focusing on the facts that someone needs to understand. I think that it is good that reviews give you enough information that you can walk in and not look like you have never been there before. You have an idea of what the layout is, how the club operates, what you should and should not be able to ask for, etc. I want the review to talk about the club, not about you. I am not you so what you were thinking and what you were doing and what the dancer said to you is irrelevant. But I will be going to the club so tell me about the club..
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    BDSM overtones
    It is amazing the degree of variation which women (and I can only presume men) find exciting. There is a woman I am currently seeing (not a dancer) who becomes highly aroused (almost to orgasm) when her nipples are handled VERY roughly (I am talking about so rough it would get you thrown out of the club anywhere and possibly charged with assault).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fake video or real representation of young Americans? not knowing why we celebr
    not fake but edited. Dumb answers included, right answers excluded. And more than a few people get the clue that if they want to get included make up a dumb answer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Once...just once...show some restraint!
    I agree that with all the other alternatives streetwalkers should just plain be over the line. Besides they will be the first form of prostitution that law enforcement will run a sting and unlike raiding a club or massage parlor they will definitely prosecute you.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How Long Would You Wait?
    I've just started in the online dating thing and I've noticed how many of the women answer that it will take 6+ dates before they will have sex with a guy. The best I can figure is that they do that so that when it happens after 3 or 4 dates the guy will think that they are special. Which is bizarre because ALL guys think that they are special. Women who think that the guy 'wont respect them' if they have sex after only a couple of dates because they are giving the impression that they will sleep with just anybody forget that no guy thinks of themselves as just anybody. Every guy thinks that if a girl has sex with them it was because their game was just completely irresistible. Frankly if it really takes 6 dates you are destined for the friend zone. Women do not need 6 dates to make up their mind if you are good enough. If they haven't seen what they want in 3 or 4 dates the chances of their being some sudden revelation about you in date 5 or date 6 is tiny. I don't like putting a timetable on things but if you are not seeing some escalation in physical contact (French kissing, grinding, ass caressing etc.) by the end of the second date it is likely going for the friend zone.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    In the close confines of a VIP booth and with the complexity of a paid relationship it makes no sense. Also if you are trying to chase the unicorn of simultaneous orgasm it isn't going to happen in any position, so don't blame 69 for it. In pretty much any sex one person is going to have to back off while they climax and then finish satisfying their partner. The challenge of 69 is finding a position that will be comfortable for both of you for an extended period, and it is NOT any of the positions that you see in porno films. The best 69 position is with both of you on your sides, the lower leg bent forward that they can rest their head on it and the upper leg pivoted up to give then clear access to the genitals. You never see that in pornos because there are no clear camera/lighting angles.