I have been going out to the clubs for over thirty years and there has been a definite slowdown in the last ten years or so. Many of the clubs I go to used to be standing room only and now you chould shoot an AK 47 through and not hit anyone. I also notice that the customers are mostly older guys. I would hate to see this business go under. What is the problem? Owners tell me it is the economy or the no smoking policies(largely unenforced in clubs)or the weather etc. There was a long article in the New York Times about the economies of Webcamming and I think younger guys are just as happy using their electronic devices as theY are using a real
GIRL.It is cheaper and you do not have to interact in a real way. I am curious what other facors may be in influencing this. Any serious thoughts?
last commentCP
Another factor: new, more restrictive state/county/city regulations of SCs. Here in Missouri state law forbids stage full nudity; topless okay ONLY if no booze AND club closes at midnight. We went from totally nude shows / topless LDs to bikini only for both. Neighboring Kansas clubs have failed to take advantage by consistently offering full nudity on stage to attract cross-state traffic into their clubs.
Why pay 500 for sexual activities when buyi g and playing a video game is superior cheaper. And by the end of the day we can even have our girlfriends not mind it...and still give us sex.
Clubs offer entertainment along with whatever sex you might get as a bonus. If all you wanted was sex you get an escort. In a club you can sample a wide variety of girls easily, as opposed to stringing along several girlfriends in the outside world. Maybe you can do that, but I'm too old.
I love going to my club. I'm surrounded by friendly, beautiful women who treat me like I want to be treated. It's not just about orgasms.
That's crazy talk! :)
Online sex sites IMHO will NEVER replace real skin-to-skin contact that you get with a real, life breathing, female sex worker.
If guys want to sit at home on their sofa and jack off to the tiny screen on their cell phone - LET THEM - as far as I'm concerned.I'd rather be with a live woman.
No, it's the old guys just like the clubs. Why? Because they have the money to do it in the first place.
In years past; one would often have to drive the streets to find sex; now a days is often a click away. Many guys prefer the escort/sure-sex thing to the SC thing; and with the internet; the escort/sure-sex thing is easily attainable and may even offer more discretion than visiting a public SC.
And the economy of course. Although technically recovered; many still feel skittish and uncertain about the present and future; so many feel skittish about pissing money away in SCs.
And since the air dance days are long gone in many areas; many of the hot/very-attractive dancers we would see in the past in the air dance days probably got out of the biz when it became extras or high mileage in the SCs.
I definitely prefer the live, in-the-club experience over any virtual reality. Many posters (mostly younger?) use smartphones and tablets to manage financials, get news, sports, porn etc. So they've become used to this experience. I use my pc for the same but in the end prefer a live, warm female on stage or in VIP.
@gmd - I've been on this site long enough to have read your posts about your club experiences (exploits?) and know you much prefer "going for the gold." More power to you!
When I go to a club I like (1) seeing attractive women stripping to full nudity; (2) getting full contact LDs; (3) getting extras, sometimes, but not always, all 3 in the same visit. Geography matters as to what opportunities are available.
Personally, I'm a big proponent of the negative feedback theory. The economy tanked > disposable income was cut back > top talent (looks and/or personality) left because they had higher expectations > clubs brought in low quality replacement and/or starting gouging customer in a suicidal attempt to keep revenue up > customers further cut back > and so on.
Yes the clubs are populated by older men because many of us are tittilated and mesmerized by young hard bodies that we didn't get to sample when we were young. Today's men in their 30's and 40's have benefited from the sexual revolution of the 60's and 70's, taking the mystery and mystique away from the beauties who I drool over.
Today I spent an hour in a club with a 24 year old who stroked my rock hard dick through my pants as we discussed swallowing vs. spitting; the several threesomes which we each have been involved in; planning for an OTC get together where she wants to give me a birthday present.
That was unheard of in my experience when I was young. I had a steady girlfriend from age 16 to 18. She had huge beautiful breasts and we'd remove her bra and I'd feast on them. But we never went below the waist. Why? It just wasn't done. So my contribution as to why strip clubs are losing business? Lack of demand.
We went through a long upward trajectory fueled by consumption on steroids because of debt. Now we are in a period of consumption decreasing because it is no longer fueled by debt, and people are saving more.
The younger generation spends more time with social interaction through electronic devices than they do in person. It is not to unreasonable to
believe that webcams can replace strip clubs in the future if the trend continues.
Lastly, the Pacific Northwest has been hit hard because Dougster's mom has become too old to be a desirable fuck anymore.
Here in Arizona, they've passed very strict DUI laws which have impacted clubs. Wages have gone up very little in the last twenty years.
I have to agree with gawker that the ease of getting pussy must have some impact. When I was in HS there was not grinding or any talk being bi. Go to a HS dance now and it looks like a fucking orgy with girls twerking and acting lesbi to get the boy's attention.
Young dudes today have it made. When I was a kid, I had to actually go up and say something smooth to their face. Now dudes can just text. Also, with the right kind of cash, the available pool of pussy is world wide versus just what in in the block.
However I do remember before 2008, there were a few nude clubs in addition to the topless clubs and almost all the clubs were very crowded on the weekend. Dance prices were better too. Then 2008 hit. Some strippers started treating me like a rock star because I was still spending money but I was picky and didn't spend too much on any one dancer. Nude clubs closed down or changed management and lost the nudity. I thought that was stupid because they could have gotten most of the crowd back if they offered bring your own beer and nudity on multiple stages. What I saw was a tiny little stage barely off the ground in the corner of a narrow room where you had to wait 30 or more minutes for one dancer to possibly visit. That lasted all of a few visits and I gave up never to return. Then they dropped the nudity where they once had a special niche market but they killed it. I guess those clubs are ok with whatever business they get being topless only.
A couple of other clubs are as crowded as ever though.
Recessions are good for the talent. When hiring in the economy is lackluster, more talent looks for income from this line of work. We've been in a quasi recession now since 2008, and the talent in clubs is quite good.
Alternative services are available like never before. Where I live, there are massage parlors all over town. The internet and various sites like craig's list have eliminated almost all barriers to entry for a girl who wants to be involved in the trade.
Most clubs are not good value for money. Club owner margins on dancer revenues are too high in many places. This impacts the dancers and the customers negatively. Econ 101: falling demand and increasing prices is the definition of a dying industry.
Innovation, upgrading facilities (so many SC's are dumps), focus on customers and value based pricing.
Yeh, but how many strippers or club mangers took and passed econ101?
Now is webcamming cutting into SCs? Maybe some, but I don't see it ever really taking the place of watching and interacting with live girls. Cam girls have been around for a while now and, even before then, there has been a lot of online, video and print content out there forever. And, truth be told, I doubt that total annual webcam revenues represent more than a very small fraction of what is taken in by the SC industry. The reality is that most cam girls, except for a very top small %, cannot even make a decent living off of camming alone. And long time cam girls are also complaining about how bad things are now compared to the glory days, so it is not like guys are flocking to pay them either.
I think that things will improve once the economy does. Just my two cents.
Mileage is going way up. It used to be that high mileage meant getting a serious contact in your grind. Now it means having sex.
So now essentially being expected to be prostitutes dancers are considering alternatives. Those that think that they can make it just on the visuals and performance are thinking that web-cams are the way to go. And then the ones who are OK with the sex with random men are thinking that web-based escorting is the better choice. And the customers are thinking the same thing too.
Now, as it so happens I am advising a new club owner. What am I suggesting? First, cut out a lot of the BS that makes dancing at a club more hassle than being a webcam girl or an escort. That includes lineups, rigid stage schedules, and a tipout system that can have them leaving with almost no net. Then also have one or more webcam rooms with the club name prominently shown and a full set of all the props and let the dancers go there and make money during slow times. Have a miniscule fee so the girls can feel that they can get in on the webcam business without having to turn their private home into a public space.