
Describe a dancer to one of your buddies so that he can cash in on a treasure.

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 7:44 PM
Is there any point in telling him her hair color? I've seen some that change color more often than some guys change their underwear and others that wear wigs, extensions, etc.


  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Well he probably knows that. Work name is more stable than hair color, just make sure he knows that much.
  • silkypants
    11 years ago
    Dick sucking lips. Ass you could rest a beer on. She looks just like Taylor Swift. Now these are three different girls.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    No. I don't share.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    very large tits, older dancer, blonde, yes I would use hair color, certain dancer's rarely change their hair, club name is the most useful, however I doubt I would give any information because everyone has different tastes in dancers.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    I'm with lopaw on this one, unless you wish to get back at your buddy for some sin. In that case, tell all about the HOT ROB! :)
  • JGoose
    11 years ago
    No! I'm a selfish bastard!
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I think they are capable of making their own decisions and to a certain degree, the friends I have gone to strip clubs with have different tastes in women, so I don't bother sharing.
  • roccoballs
    11 years ago
    I've got 2 different buddies I go to this one strip club with, and sometimes I go by myself. There's one girl there that most would consider in the top 2 or 3 girls working at this club. Very pretty, great tits, and friendly - always a good attitude. I have put in the time in my infrequent visits to get to know her, now it's to the point where I always get a hug when I walk in. She can always count on me for a few LDs each visit. BUT... It's an unwritten rule, but spoken...by me... that my buddies cannot get lapdances from her when I'm at the club with them. Both guys respect the rule, but neither one likes it, and they've told me so, because she is so hot... And those tits! If they went to the club alone, hey, she's fair game. But neither one is likely to go alone. Am I being unreasonable to call "dibs" on her. I told them they could call "dibs" on another girl and I'd respect that...
  • ididthisonce
    11 years ago
    I saw an escort ad once where her temporary moniker was signed "currently a redhead". LMAO
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    This topic got turned around. I wasn't asking if you share. I was asking what is the best way to describe a dancer. Hair color not being the best. As for sharing, I am constantly swapping intel with 20+ guys and it works good for us.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Height, ethnicity, boob type/size, hair color, personality. And of course you can just use her name as long as you're not describing extras in detail.
  • ididthisonce
    11 years ago
    Sorry Shadow. Most of us obviously suffer from various levels of ADD, especially when there is a blood flow change from the big head to the little head. FYI - For the record, I used to share info but I later found out my so called friends were identifying me to the dancers which created undesired drama on the back channels. This experience is supposed to be fun, currently leaving my thoughts to reviews only but willing to share past experiences / situations with anyone that appears asks a sincere / legit question and needing an objective answer. This venue has been informative for me as well. I also like the humor that is generated from this board. A.D.D. Kicking IN - You must have a national police scanner to get all of these 2 AMers! Cool! HA!
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Why would any experienced strip club goer think that the same dancer does the same things for everyone, or than anyone else's experience would be as good or as bad as yours?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    @skibum609 Good point. I always get high mileage from my faves and others don't get much at all sometimes, and I've tried some girls noted for mileage and had a boring dance as she just wasn't into me for whatever reason.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I agree with lopaw. When I've found a treasure, I'm not about to share the treasure map with others. Let them find their own favorites.
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    Stage name is the most constant thing. Most will not change it until they change clubs, and they usually are unique to each club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I go mostly to black dives – and as most may or may not know – hair is a BIG thing for black women. Since many black women wear wigs or extensions; they can really change their look when they change their wig/extensions. I’ve had black dancers that have danced for me in the past come up to me and I have not recognized then b/c they will look so different with a different wig/extensions – although for some reason I will often recognize/remember them when they get naked (I’m not kidding).
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