
Regulars ... From SW POV

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)


  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    What a waste of time lol
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Glad to know y'all are so appreciated...
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I was thinking the same thing gsb.

    It’s somewhat interesting how often times PLs and dancers see things almost 180 degrees apart.

    Often times TUSCLers rave about their ATFs/faves and how they (ATF/fave) are always there for them waiting with open arms (and other things).

    But according to the SW thread; many dancers appear to see it a bit differently.

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    These broads sound junior varsity to me.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    These broads sound junior varsity to me.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    LOL! I'm sure who the biggers losers are these girls who have regulars they can barely stand, or the regulars who have favs who can barely stand them.
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
    Yoda is a fuckin faggot
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Are these women REALLY the rank & file of Dancers or are they our "Evil" reflections? LOL
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I'm just glad that my bartender likes me. That old soul is glad that I'm a regular.
  • inno123
    11 years ago
    Bear in mind that there are club regulars and there are dancer regulars. The club regular is the guy who is on a first name basis with the bartender, waitress, doorman, and manager. He gets good mileage because everybody knows that he is not law enforcement and not dangerous. The dancer regular is the one who has latched onto a dancer as if they have something special, and because of that expects lots from it.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Ungrateful sluts.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Is anyone really surprised by this? All the comments from the regular posters here about money hungry dancers, and giving phone numbers just so they can text you to come in, and being needy, and all the rest, and you express surprise?

    Alucard hit this one, the opinions in that thread *are* reflections of ones posted here. And the posters there are no more representative of dancers in general than are the regular posters here representative of club-goers in general.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    It's interesting that girls who deliver extras are underrepresented on Stripperweb. From my experience, extra-gals cultivate and keep regulars.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ The dancers Papi is posting about seem more interested in driving patron's away.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Ain't that the truth, Alucard!
  • Dolfan
    11 years ago
    I think I agree with Alucard & GMD. SW is no more representative of strippers than TUSCL is of clubbers. Like Neo, they must exist to balance us out...
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    You got me to read stripperweb. It's just a thread putting down cultivating regulars and some dancers agreeing with her. I saw a tv show where most strangers tend to be not confrontational and just agree with whatever question is asked if they aren't already strongly opposed. If another dancer started another thread about the benefits of cultivating regulars, I would expect to see most tend to agree rather than be confrontational. What people say is not the same thing as what they do.
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    I tend to agree that Stripperweb is the "evil reflection" (lol, great characterization) of here. That is, there is good discussion and info to be gleaned, but there is also a *lot* of posing just to impress the other readers, outright lies, etc. The trick is to separate the wheat from the chaff.

    The wheat: Regulars will demand more of her attention, both in the club and outside it. As I posted in the "do you have an ATF" thread, my model of SCing is: I see her as often as weekly during the slowest shifts and spend a good amount, but I also expect her to be with me the entire time (in fact, I expect her to be free when I walk in), we'll be texting in between visits, and we will be seeing each other OTC. They're absolutely right, having the steady predictable revenue stream you can get with regulars comes with an effort. And yes, I do feel a bit entitled.

    The chaff: Just like the guys talk about girls as bitches or whatever, these terms like "needy" etc are meant to impress each other. The ones who can't get regulars talk about how regulars suck to pump themselves up. The ones who do get regulars talk about how "needy" (instead of using less inflammatory terms) regulars are to raise their status in the herd.

    The girls are right, regulars take extra work. Some girls would rather just hustle. Hell, at every club I've been to, there's at least one or two girls whose specialty is to jump on guys as soon as they walk in the door, they are awesome at selling that first dance right away, but then they never get repeats, so they have to work during high-volume times. I also feel that girls who can cultivate regulars tend to be the most emotionally healthy girls, but that could be my own prejudice talking.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Subraman: "The ones who do get regulars talk about how 'needy' (instead of using less inflammatory terms) regulars are to raise their status in the herd."

    Or maybe it's just that regulars really are "needy".

    Subraman: " I also feel that girls who can cultivate regulars tend to be the most emotionally healthy girls, but that could be my own prejudice talking."

    I think it would be the opposite. "Emotionally healthy girl" = not a stripper to begin with, or not for very long. :-)
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    Doug: heh, good comments, should probably stop there but I can' resist commenting again:

    there's always ways to state things without being insulting. Frankly, "needy" probably doesn't describe me at all, but "entitled" probably does. In any case, if the purpose of the conversation is NOT to make yourself look good by insulting others, terms like "take extra work" convey the same idea. The SW girls use insulting terms exactly the same way guys do here, for the same reasons, and a lot of it is posing, IMO.

    :) on the "emotionally healthy" comment. But definitely there are shades of gray ... you can easily tell who is relatively healthiER!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Lots of the regulars here (not to name any names explicitly :-) ) seem to be attracted to the really messed up girls especially. You might say it is just because they provide OTC sex the most willingly or are wild in bed, and that is probably true, but I think said regulars are also, secretly or not, attracted to the drama they provide as well.

    As for whether it is the relatively mentally healthiER girls or the ones who are less who tend to cultivate regular, I'm still leaning to the notion that the healthiER ones are more repulsed by them. It's hard to say, though, since, as I said above they don't stick around long. Also, if my guess is true, it would be hard for regulars to know since their experience would be biased since they would interact mostly with girls who are not repulsed by regulars.

    Hard to know for sure in the end!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    " The trick is to separate the wheat from the chaff. "

    How much is "Wheat" & how much is the "Chaff"? Hmm...?
  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    Alucard: I thought I answered that question clearly and explicitly, I even divided my response into wheat and chaff sections :) Wheat = the fact that regulars take extra work and attention, in the club and outside it, and the revenue stream isn't always worth it. Chaff = girls who CAN'T get regulars making up insulting excuses as to why, girls who CAN get regulars using insulting terms to describe regulars just to pump themselves up.

    At the club I go to, when there's a stripper-client parting-of-the-ways, it's usually clients firing their regular strippers, but surprisingly high % of the time it's strippers firing their regular clients. Lends weight to the argument that regulars can come with baggage.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    As others have stated; many TUSCLers, even the ones that prefer the ATF/fave thing; will often complain about the pain in the ass they can sometimes/often be – e.g. their flakiness; lies; seemingly constant financial issues/emergencies; etc.

    If we (custies) are “needy”; same can be said for dancers; our neediness may be of the sexual kind and theirs the financial kind. We may be hitting them up for sex/attention; while they hit us up for the cash. Just 2 different sides of the same coin IMO.

    Any kind of “relationship” is not perfect, of course. If a man and woman who genuinely want to be w/ each other have issues and sometimes/often-times can’t stand each other; then not much more can be expected when the “relationship” is based on ulterior motives (we want them for their body/sex; they want us for our wallet).

    The dancer/custie “relationship” is not based on truth nor genuineness; so nothing truthful nor genuine should be expected out of it.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Any kind of “relationship” is not perfect"

    True. And usually VERY, very complex in its shadings.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Remember folks. You tusclers are not the regular...regular. apparently they deal with a lot of broke bitches. You guys are far from that and know what you want
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    What they are saying is consistent with my experience. If you want to have a stable custy-fav relationship, remember that you are JUST a custy to her, and it's extremely unlikely you will ever be more. If a stripper wants more money or gifts in exchange for her time than what you want to give, she's not evil she's negotiating.
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