
Comments by tttclub (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you use fluffers?
    Is 2am'd in urban dictionary yet?
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Todays 2AMer brought to you by Laval, Quebec.
    With every passing 2am'er that is not in Detroit, it makes us look better. Who am I kidding, Detroit is still the 2am'er capital of North America.
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    13 years ago
    Somewhere in the 20's.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shots fired into crowd outside Gastonia[NC] strip club.
    Technically it was 2am in Greenland and Brazil.
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    13 years ago
    Say It Ain't So!!!
    I had a stripper sit down with me and was shocked that one of her regulars just did the same thing to her. Confessed to her that he was really married, didn't have a job, blah, blah, blah. I said to her..."so?" She asked me what I meant as if the concept was completely foreign to her. I then told her how much she makes up, told her some of her inconsistencies in her stories, like how she says she's 22 yet graduated high school in 2003. She then asked why I still see her if I knew she lied to me. My response was simple. "I like the way you look at me when my dick is in your mouth."
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    13 years ago
    Spearmint Rhino
    Agreed. Your best bet at this place is to walk in, check out the amazing array of eye candy for 5 minutes, then leave. After the initial awe of the never ending view of near flawless ass, reality sets in. Extremely expensive, terrible lap dances, and the biggest hustle factor of the 30 or so clubs I've been to in this country. The word overrated does not begin to explain it. Unfortunately my last visit there a few years ago was before I found TUSCL. Would have saved a lot of money.
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    13 years ago
    Cheetah's 8 mile is now Ace of Spades
    Shoulda changed the name to 2AM'd.
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    13 years ago
    Double standards
    Agree 100% with Dougster and vm.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dancer Defends Booty Bus
    Seeing that strippers face on an HD screen doesn't help the cause either.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    stripper vehicals
    Funny topic. On my last visit, as I was leaving, a stripper was picking her car up from the valet. It was a Lime Green Geo Tracker, which alone is bad enough. The funny part was, it had not ONE but TWO of those small spare tire "donuts." Never in my life have I seen two on the same car at once. And one headlight was out, as if the double doughnut and lime green color didn't make it a cop magnet as is.
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    13 years ago
    Getting the Stripper Smell Off
    For "smells" Purell hand sanitizer works quite well actually, if you don't have time or the place for the shower before heading home to the significant other. With glitter though, you're basically fucked. That shit gets stuck in the most obscure places on clothing, hair, etc. I've actually turned down a guaranteed score because of it. You think those whores would learn.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Detroit stripper bus shut down.
    I've been tailgating Eastern Market for years, and it's down there every game. Funny how the politicians pretend they are "shocked and surprised" that it's there. It's parked right in the middle of Eastern Market, cops are always hanging around it, it definitely wasn't hiding, or trying to. In all honesty, compared to all the strip club/brothels in the area, if the city had any clue, it would realize this thing is about as tame as it gets when it comes to "strip clubs." It's also a brilliant fucking idea, if only they could have gotten the proper permits. Seriously, the girls will hang outside the bus sometimes, but they have as much clothes on as the unofficial Lions cheerleaders that march through the market. I've been on there once, it's 3 or 4 strippers, ranging from a 4 to a 7 on looks, giving decent lap dances, but absolutely no mileage, which I would expect being on a bus with 10,000 people right outside in the vicinity. Channel 4 once again trying to turn a NON story into something more than it is. There's about 23,000 problems in the city of Detroit, and this ranks about 22,999. Another case of the local news grabbing ratings making a mountain out of a molehill.
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    13 years ago
    My ex- is a stripper, therefore strip clubs have been ruined for me. Discuss.
    Not to sound cold here, but she's an ex. Who cares.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Or, take 5 seconds and mark your spots on the map with a pen, pencil, or crayon.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It was 3AM. Guess what?
    Nothing good ever happens at 3am.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another strip club shooting. This one in Canada.
    Nothing good can happen at 3:30 in the morning.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    And yet another one.
    I think shootings in general are up all over the place. And while I'm sure all of us TUSCLers are fine upstanding citizens, strip clubs are in pretty shitty locations in most cities. There are multiple shootings in Detroit every day. They only make the news when they are in a place where a white person might go, which are strip clubs, and anywhere near Ford Field, Comerica Park, or a casino. I would bet the percentage of shootings at or near a strip club have gone up in the same proportions as shootings in general. DISCLAIMER:....That is my un-scientific, baseless opinion that is backed by no data whatsoever.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    3 strikes and you're out!!
    I'm pretty much a "2 in a row" strikes your out. 2 straight bad experiences, they don't get a 3rd. If the first is bad, but the second is good, I'll chalk it up to the staff on hand that night (meaning the girls.) 2 in a row, and it's probably never going to be better for me. It's an imperfect science, but hey, so is everything. Like GMD said, the turnaround in these places is so fast, a club can often change greatly in a few months. But if a club is just plain run bad, I chalk it up to ownership, and they just don't get my business.
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    13 years ago
    OTC Sweetie Needs A Booty Call From Me ??
    $35k = 1750 $20 lap dances. Just a little perspective for us "poor" guys.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Rude Customers
    I treat everyone with respect until they prove they don't deserve it. The exception is when you get a dance and the girl whispers into your ear to "treat me like the whore that I am." At that point, I believe treating her with respect would be disrespecting her wishes. That makes sense right?
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    13 years ago
    Prim0 has the answer. If it only worked that way.
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    13 years ago
    Flynt Worries Murdoch Will ‘Take All of Us Down With Him'
    I might be in the minority (although probably not on this site) when I say Larry Flynt might be the greatest American that ever lived.
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    13 years ago
    Do you guys like girl on girl shows?
    Anyone that has been to Flight Club in Inkster has seen the "car show." In my opinion, 2 hot girls faking lesbian sex is about as lame as it gets. But that's just me, I really don't get excited watching dancers on stage to begin with. I get excited when they sit next to me, "shake my hand," and whisper in my ear what their talents are. And then even more excited when I get quoted a price below what I expect. Sad that the bargain sometimes is better than the act. Ah, the life of a PL.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Confrontations with ROBs and Management
    Remembering the first song is a really good idea. I had it happen to me once, the bouncer was being a dick about it, and we went to the dj. She tried to charge me for 10 when I got 6. I was actually off 1, it was 7 by the dj count. Regardless, I paid 7 and went on my way. The dances were great, and I made sure to let the girl know how much potential business she lost, as I showed her my roll of $$ before I left. I told her "trying to rip me off of $100 probably cost her $1000 long run, but that's what u get for being a stupid whore." I haven't been back to that club (Coliseum) since. There are so many clubs in Detroit, I don't give businesses to the places that are haven's for ROB's. Sure, one or two dancers wont make me leave a club, but when the bouncer sides with the drunk whore, and management, then they won't get another dime from me. Certain places in Detroit just don't get it in my opinion. Coliseum, Tycoons, BT's. In those places, rip offs have become a culture, not an exception.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just another day for Detroit.
    It does give Detroit strip clubs a bad name. The thing is, that place is in the bowels of hell. It's a miracle this doesn't happen there every week. If you stick to 8 mile, or the "suburbs" this shit doesn't happen. Not counting Cheetah's of course. If you walk into a strip club and you don't feel safe, you probably aren't. There are plenty of safe choices for every budget in the area (PH or FC for high end, Bogarts or H8's for low budget, etc.)