My ex- is a stripper, therefore strip clubs have been ruined for me. Discuss.

avatar for snuff_me_out
I found out a few months ago that my ex- (one with whom I am extremely emptional for, though not romanticaly wanting) is a stripper at a club half way across my state. The club is/was well known for high mileage and I have not been able to stop thinking about her in there doing... things whenever I wish to visit a club. This is a problem.

I've gone to one club since I found this out and couldn't stop imagining the filth that I saw there (customers, not employees) feeling her up. I'm fairly good when I go to a club. I research, ask around, find out the limits and don't push the line unless I am explicity told I can. I know I'm not the exception, but aside from my fellows here, I feel we are few and far between. So yeah.

Discuss ex-'s that are strippers and dealing with SC's when you know this.


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avatar for tttclub
13 years ago
Not to sound cold here, but she's an ex. Who cares.
You haven't yet come to terms with the fact that the tits you're fondling might have a boyfriend? I suggest you learn to deal with it.
avatar for dudeanonymous
13 years ago
I'm confused. Is this your ex-girlfriend or ex-favorite stripper or what? If it's your ex-favorite stripper, well, from your reviews you seem to be a newbie. Stay around long enough and the emotional calluoses will develop. Emotional attachments in a SC will do that. If it's your ex-girlfriend, I say show up one night with lots of money in your pocket, ask her for a dance, and then ask her what her boundaries are.
If I found out my ex-wife was dancing, I'd drive multiple states to buy some dances and push her boundaries. We dont like each other, so I think it would be fun to put her in that spot.... I paid for it indirectly for years, lets just formalize it. lol Now otc would be another matter rofl.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
If she's your ex why do you give a fuck?
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I'm with most of the other guys. If she's your ex, forget about it. You are getting yours and she doesn't give a rip and she is getting hers, you should not care as well. Regardless of whether it is in a strip club or a new boyfriend, some dude is going to be putting his hands all over her. Get over it.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
If she is an ex, then it's time to move on to a new girl. She probably already has a new boyfriend. Simple as that in my opinion. Dancers will only let guys go as far as she wants unless she's desparate for money.
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
ATF 3, and I became emotionally involved. I knew, in the course of a day, at least half a dozen men had their lips on her nipples. I also knew that she was fastidious about cleaning herself.

I preferred sessions after her shifts because she was extremely horny, and ready to go. On those nights, we would extend the sessions.

So, snuff me out-best way to deal with it is have some mind altering sex with an extremely attractive stripper. Soon, you'll forget what's her name.
Move on!
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
So, some dudes have your ex. There's a leftover half-a-sandwich in your fridge, you be mad if they get that to?
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to conjure up images of what may or may not be happening. The dancers in front of your face are not her. And she's not them. Enjoy your time with THEM and what she's is doing or not doing is not relevant to you. If you assume the worst or even if you assume the best, nothing you do will change her behavior. Don't let her change yours, or then the terrorists win.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"couldn't stop imagining the filth that I saw there (customers, not employees) feeling her up."

You realize you're talking to the "filth" here, right?
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Why would you care if your ex is dancing at an SC? Unless she is so mentally deficient that she shouldn't make decisions affecting her life, then she has the right to do so and you have no say or role in that. Your problem is that you are clearly not done with her even though the divorce papers say you are. If you can work through your feelings about her on your own -do so. If not, get some help. The problem and solution are not so much about your ex nor the SC. The problem is in your head and heart and you will find many things in life (Including SCs :>) ) improve when you can finally move on. Good luck SNU - you sound like someone who takes relationships as seriously as they should be taken.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Now if your sister or mother is a stripper you have a problem
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