Comments by SnakePlissken (page 2)
discussion comment
13 years ago
As long as there are no lap dances in DC, the scene will remain dead.
Baltimore might get an uptick in activity though, seeing as they're not that far away.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I just remembered a great fuck buddy website:!
discussion comment
13 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
I have used online dating in the past and it can be useful if you use it correctly.
Fuck buddy websites are all scams, the trick is to find a normal dating website and then find a chick you can have a fuck buddy relationship with.
I think the best site is OkCupid because, in addition to having a lot of members, they have a question feature that uses many multiple choice questions to match you up with others.
I answered honestly and as a result a lot of my strong matches were girls who also seemed to have high sex drives. Since you can read public answers to these question it is easy to sift out the prudes and the girls who are looking for husbands.
I had a fuck buddy relationship with one girl I met off of OkCupid for a while, and I'm currently dating a cute little 20 year old nympho I met through there as well.
I had never had luck with Plenty of Fish because that website seems to have nothing but girls with 3 sentence profiles who list their interests as "reading, movies, fun" with no insight into their personality at all. is also full of girls looking for husbands, so that's a terrible option too.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I told people that shit like this was going to happen when they were all getting teary eyed about the Egyptian revolution.
Like I told people when the Islamists swept the elections, we have a year, perhaps two if we're lucky, before we see the founding of the Islamic Republic of Egypt.
discussion comment
13 years ago
I would only promise drugs in the club. Don't actually take them there with you or have them in your car. Otherwise the 4th Amendment can't help you at all.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
discussion comment
13 years ago
I'd name it "XXXtras"
discussion comment
13 years ago
She shouldn't have been fired, she's an adult who can work where she pleases.
Also bear in mind that stigmatization of the producers of erotic services (including strip clubs) also stigmatizes the consumers of such products.
(That means us, just in case that wasn't clear)
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I don't look at porn out of curiosity. I just seem to happen upon it frequently.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
You're really only an addict if whatever you are addicted to starts to adversely impact other areas of your life.
And that would only apply to PL's who are getting ripped off.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I am so glad I speak fluent German.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
I've been quite surprised to run into two different girls personally and hear about more anecdotally that prefer for the guy to pull out and cum on their stomachs. The girl I'm seeing now loves that and this girl I used to hook up with liked that and facials a whole lot because they "made her feel dirtier".
discussion comment
13 years ago
"forced into work as a masseuse after her husband leaves her"
Did this premise remind anyone of Breaking Bad just a little?
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
If I were him I would done the hit myself with something clean like a .38 revolver and had a dancer corroborate my alibi by saying she was at my house that night or something. Then after her statement has been taken, have her "overdose" on meth so you won't have to worry about future blackmail or a savvy DA poking holes in her story.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Which will nag at your thoughts more?
A. Your bank account being $900 or $1400 less than before
B. The regret of having not banged Priya Rai?
That is a question only you can answer.
Personally, I would definitely consider it if it were one of my favorites and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. However, this is your choice.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tell us londonguy, we'll just google them.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
You don't pay for pussy. You pay for the bitch to leave.
discussion comment
13 years ago
There will be many more I'm betting.
If Zimmerman gets off without a murder conviction it is going to be the Rodney King riots all over again.
discussion comment
13 years ago
"This show promotes of a number of psychiatric disorders and symptoms as if they are normal such as fetishes and sadomasochism"
I do not believe either of those things are included in the DSM-IV. Especially not in the levels of severity that are promoted by that show (i.e. mild and under control)
"One study found that 35% of strippers have Multiple Personality Disorder
I really doubt that. DID is still a controversial diagnosis, and I think even the general population prevalence of 1% is an overestimation. Are strippers really 35 times more likely to have this?
"Among strippers, eating disorders are rampant."
Would be true of all women in professions where their beauty is important.
"Sometimes customers tip the strippers with cocaine. Cocaine addiction is common."
This article's vague anecdotal evidence is quite compelling.
"Despite the fact that it is illegal to touch a stripper"
In all 50 states under all circumstances? Of course not. Just shows what a bunch of liars the author of this "study" are.
"because these are survivors of abuse, some of the strippers claim to feel better about themselves by stripping, This level of denial is typical of untreated survivors and addicts."
I have noticed this in many propaganda writings. Those who you claim to care for that disagree with you are obviously suffering from some sort of false consciousness.
This article just makes a bunch of vague claims that "this can lead to that" and "this encourages that" etc.
"We are experiencing a sexual holocaust"
Shameless exploitation of the deaths of 12 million people to further a totally unrelated crusade.
"We are the most sexually violent nation on earth."
Ridiculous statement. We're worse than the Congo, Sierra Leone, and Pakistan? This is a bold faced lie.
"Males who have committed acquaintance rape are more likely to be frequent readers of sex magazines like Playboy and Hustler."
Flipping cause and effect to support their argument.
"In fact, when Oklahoma City closed down 150 porn shops, they had a 26% reduction in rapes. "
I looked and cannot find this fact anywhere else.
"I have not treated one case of sexual violence that did not include pornography."
Again flipping cause and effect.
discussion comment
13 years ago
I'm happy with all the responses. If there are two things guys like to talk about it's hot women and cars, combine the two and look what you get.
@motorhead I think you're right about options C, D, and E. I bet a lot of strippers, except ones from affluent urban and suburban areas, wouldn't even know what a Porsche, Audi, Lexus, or Jaguar was. They'd probably think "nice car", but not be terribly impressed.
I think you guys are right about the Mustang and Escalade being the best options if you want to attract dumb strippers who know nothing about cars. However, I think the best option of both of those would be the Escalade since most strippers strip to hip hop music, and what cars do rappers always go on about? Escalades.
@Alucard. You are definitely correct. A man's vehicle should make him happy, not something he drives with the sole purpose of impressing others. If it impresses members of the fairer sex, then so be it, but that shouldn't be your goal.
A friend of mine was trying to tell me that I should buy a Lotus Evora instead of the Porsche 911 I yearn for someday, because it will pick up more chicks. However, the Lotus Evora just doesn't seem like it would fit my personality and sense of style, so I told him I'm standing by my crush for Porsche.
discussion comment
13 years ago
If only there was a website you could visit to see the ratings and reviews of strip clubs in Atlanta.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Props to that kid for having the balls to pull a stunt like this.
Hopefully they will have a party of their own in lieu of prom.
discussion comment
13 years ago
New York
" they had a sign on the front door. "No husbands or boy friends". "
I wonder how many delusional PL's the "no boyfriends" part kept out.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Never ever use your card at a strip club.
In all seriousness though, my friend. In New York there are a lot of nice bars to pick up chicks at if that's your thing. I was in New York a few times over the past several months and there is so much non-SC stuff to do and plenty of women there I didn't feel the need to visit a strip club.