
Fuck Buddy Websites ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Saturday, April 28, 2012 8:26 PM
Has anyone tried these kind of websites? They claim it is for hooking up w/ women who are just looking to fuck. Anyone have any opinions on this?


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Good looking women do not have to resort to this kind of site to get laid.
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    i agree with shadow no telling who you will meet
  • SnakePlissken
    12 years ago
    I have used online dating in the past and it can be useful if you use it correctly. Fuck buddy websites are all scams, the trick is to find a normal dating website and then find a chick you can have a fuck buddy relationship with. I think the best site is OkCupid because, in addition to having a lot of members, they have a question feature that uses many multiple choice questions to match you up with others. I answered honestly and as a result a lot of my strong matches were girls who also seemed to have high sex drives. Since you can read public answers to these question it is easy to sift out the prudes and the girls who are looking for husbands. I had a fuck buddy relationship with one girl I met off of OkCupid for a while, and I'm currently dating a cute little 20 year old nympho I met through there as well. I had never had luck with Plenty of Fish because that website seems to have nothing but girls with 3 sentence profiles who list their interests as "reading, movies, fun" with no insight into their personality at all. [view link] is also full of girls looking for husbands, so that's a terrible option too.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Depends on the website. If it advertises itself as a place to find "fuckbuddies" it's worthless. Normal dating signs... They're there, not always obvious, but there.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Depends on the website. If it advertises itself as a place to find "fuckbuddies" it's worthless. Normal dating signs... They're there, not always obvious, but there.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I use [view link] It helps me find Bogarts near Detroit where I find a fuck buddy 100% of the time.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    But aren't they looking to fuck someone named Buddy?
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "I have used online dating in the past and it can be useful if you use it correctly." You have unfair advantages, Snake - you're young, reasonably non-hideous looking, and as a Naval officer, physically fit. Not exactly the demographics of most of the crowd on this board!
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "You have unfair advantages, Snake - you're young, reasonably non-hideous looking, and as a Naval officer, physically fit." Steve: Thanks for ruining my weekend. I thought all 20 year olds wanted me. Little did I realize being fat, old, bald, and out of shape was a disadvantage. Damn.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "But aren't they looking to fuck someone named Buddy?" Not a whole lot choices. There was Buddy Ebsen as Uncle Jed. Rich, but a liitle old. Buddy the dog in the Clinton Whitehouse. One of two bitches to reside there. Buddy Rich the jazz drama. Probably smoke too much reefer to be good in the sack. Gilligan. "Liittle Buddy". A possibility but I preferred Mary Anne. The best choice would be Kristy McNichol who played Buddy in the 70's TV drama "Famiky". But she went lesbian on us. Like i said not a lot of choices
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    drama = drummer Another auto correct error
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    You forgot Buddy Holly. Other than being dead he would be quite a catch.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Buddy Hackett would be fun. :)
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Don't forget Buddy Rogers, the original "Nature Boy".
  • SnakePlissken
    12 years ago
    I just remembered a great fuck buddy website: [view link]!
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Some of those websites are scams for hackers. Once they get your info, you are in a real mess.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I agree with motorhead, Google Bogarts or H8 or HS8 in Detroit, The Rising Sun in Madison WI, or CT's Adult Superstore in Gary. Most sites are scams.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    They are just another way of separating people from their money. I'll cite Amateur Match. They have several " specialty " sites where they use fake profiles to chat with you a few times to suck you into a paid membership. As shadowcat notes, " Good looking women do not have to resort to this kind of site to get laid. " If it wasn't for their live feeds with some attractive women getting naked giving some teaser shows, I'd say it was a total waste of my time and money getting involved when I did have a paid membership for a few months.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Not interested. Would be a waste of my money IMO.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I think it's a scam if supposedly pretty girls are suddenly contacting me attempting to have sex with me when I don't have any pic or hardly any info posted on the site. I noticed that doesn't happen on the free sites only on certain less trust worthy sites.
  • raj3157
    11 years ago
    You can try it now; [view link]
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "You can try it now; [view link]" You are a damned SPAMMER!!!
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Steve I'm all but a naval officer but OKcupid and pod never worked for me
  • madgracy
    11 years ago
    It depends. Look for some advices here [view link] No sites mentioned, but some general good practice on how to get sex online and avoid fake profiles and similar things, or in other words how to find real woman that want sex. Also [view link] and [view link] gave some good "results" for me :) Point is that women want sex same as we do, just we need to pay attention on way we are trying to find such woman.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Has anyone tried [view link]? Its primarily focused on married people to help facilitate affairs. I saw articles and news features about that site because the conservatives were outraged that a website would openly promote such a thing.
  • madgracy
    11 years ago
    Yes ashleymadison is not bad, also suggested by [view link] crew. On AM, I had few success but lot failures (arranged dates with girl who send me their pictures from 20 years ago with 200 libs less:) )
  • madgracy
    11 years ago
    Found one more that provides some very interesting 'directions' [view link], hope this helps too...
  • madgracy
    11 years ago
    forgot to say that both CraigsList and Back Page can be useful, but you nee to have a loooot of patience, and to be prepared on partners who are 'hiding' some facts like age or weight...
  • madgracy
    11 years ago
    Another fresh and "tested" is: [view link] local (mostly house wifes) who are looking for some fun during day time.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Have you tried it??
  • madgracy
    10 years ago
    Yes, and I am there for past 3-4 months, was 'lucky' 5-6 times until now:) Nut sure exactly how much times, since that is not only site that I am using, for past 2 years I am following <a href="[view link] adult dating sites</a>"list" where people vote/rate their success rate on different "hookup" sites...
  • madgracy
    10 years ago
    ok,forgot url of "list" that I mentioned: [view link] hope this will be helpful for you...
  • Super_Mane
    10 years ago
    I agree with snake 100%....I'm going to need to try. OkCupid now.....I've had all my luck on plenty of fish ...im a fat bold and old myself... and I'm fucking young and old for free... its s good supplement to my sex life
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    As it happens they had a segment for the website [view link] on The View today. Not a fuck buddy website more of a sugar daddy site but it just happened. Papi one of the girls on the segment goes to The U but I don't think she'd be ur type. She was white and smallish.
  • Super_Mane
    10 years ago
    Lol...I watched that on the view today as well...jenny is soooo fucking sexy
  • fun12times12
    10 years ago
    The owners of Ashley Madison was on Sean Hannity's radio show this afternoon. Was flipping through channels and heard a talk about affairs so I had to listen. Was very interesting. I didn't realize Ashley is a man, and also said they profit hundreds of millions per year. Wish I had that idea.
  • madgracy
    10 years ago
    In mean time I "limted" myself to those 2: [view link] and [view link] and for now I am extremely satisfied, and I hope that they will stay good without fake profiles and other things...
  • madgracy
    9 years ago
    Here some more I become meber in past few months (that work) those where are not so good I will not list: [view link] (mostly are 30+ and 40+ there) and [view link] ...
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Okcupid is great, but it leans young, urban and liberal. Back in the day I tried adult friend finder. I ended up hooking up with a couple married women, one was a swinger, the other in an open relationship. These days it's mostly about tinder, but it's a buyers market for women.
  • madgracy
    9 years ago
    You say "buyers market for women" and that is mostly truth. But... There are plenty of new, less known sites where you can find different "rates" when it comes to male:female ratio. One of good sources is [view link] where they track on some way and update list of those sites who are not (so much) "polluted" with male profiles.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Freaked me out for a minute to see a discussion where Alucard was posting.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    You have to be careful to find the honest ones. Like the one I saw that said you could be fuck buddies with Beyonce. That's one you can trust, because Beyonce would not want to ruin her image by being associated with a scam website. Besides Beyonce being your fuck buddy, a Nigerian guy will deposit $25,000,000 in your bank account as long as you promise to give him half of it back. Best site on the net!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    25 million? The best offer I had was 15 million. :( I got another email saying this guy was holding a check for me in the amount of 1.5 million. I did not respond. They will want my name, and bank account info. Plus I am getting strange emails from supposed random girls saying they saw me somewhere and want to hook up. Yeah right. My information was stolen twice, once by a south carolina hack and then by another and possibly by a third. However the Kmart hacker must have destroyed any evidence that I ever made a purchase by credit card. I thought I did but it never showed up on any statements. A hacker could destroy evidence of hacking someone's information I guess by blocking a single charge from going through. I can't remember if I used a card or not.
  • madgracy
    7 years ago
    Those strange emails fro random girls as you said are a scam, got few of those and it was funny to me to exchange few messages, sooner or later they ask for money for a ticket, for this or that, so that is pure scam, trust me.
  • Dlee305
    7 years ago
    Swinger sites would be best but there are levels to it.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    I recently watched a documentary ab Ashley Maddison on Netflix. Apparently, most of the members were male, and the females were bots. The members agreed to this in the fine print since the the site was for entertainment purposes only, but ofcourse the guys thought they were talking to real women. I suspect any paid hook up site would use similar tactics.
  • madgracy
    7 years ago
    Sow that documentary... Maybe that situation is on AM sites, but I am not surre that all oter doing stuffs like that.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    Some good advice on here ... I have heard from a LOT of younger female friends that they are VERY disappointed with the "kind of guys" that they met and then fucked at OK Cupid. This suggests to me that OK Cupid may indeed be the best choice among dating sites for one-night-stand type hook-ups, since the girls are fucking the men and not having relationships with them. Of course, the stats could bear out differently, but at least it isn't a direct contradiction ... yet ...
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I helped a guy set up a site like that in the late 90s. It was 99.44% men. I had access to the messaging system and some of them started hitting each other up. The site owner tried to hire one of his female neighbors to string the guys along, but she put it off too long and he ended up figuring that wishful thinking and teh ghey was enough to keep things going.
  • madgracy
    7 years ago
    If it is not secret what site you are talking about, is still live, I am just curious...?
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