
Femists Rule our Country

layin low but staying high

Now a football team can’t arrange an outing for recruiting prospects that involves going to dinner with some cute cheerleaders. Where is the scandal here???? The cheerleaders weren’t giving them blowjobs (not that there would be anything wrong with that). They just went to dinner. And apparently they hired cops to watch things and keep any real fun from happening. But yet somehow this is a “scandal” that has to be reported to the NCAA. Just more politically correct feminist bullshit.

Strip clubs are being the only place in America where men don’t have to be feminized, pussified, emasculated, neutered wimps.


  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Make that Feminist Bitches
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Be careful with generalizing all feminists into one bitchy camp. I am about as feminist as they come, but as you can no doubt tell, I am also very sex industry friendly and I chase women as much (or more) than any man. I am also guilty of all of the objectifying and other crap that some of the more radical feminists demonize - but I still consider myself a feminist. There are all kinds of feminists - some good, some bad. My particular feminism is along the lines of equal pay for equal work....that sort of thing. So don't lump us all together under one nazi-like umbrella.

    And BTW - the report noted that "The U.S. Military Academy self reported" the violations. Where does it say that feminists or even women were involved? Or did you just assume that was the case?
  • ime
    10 years ago
    every "official" recruiting visit I went on had girls around, not hookers/strippers but just very nice girls who really wanted to support their school's football team
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Lopaw, I guess I don't really consider equality in things like pay to be feminism. Maybe it used to be, but even a lot of conservatives (including myself) would support that sort of basic equality in matters of basic fairness. Feminism as I was using it is the radical belief that is infiltrating our society which suggests that men and women must be identical in every respect. Thus, a 17 year old guy getting a blowjob from his high school teacher is a victim of sexual abuse in the exact same way that a twelve year old girl who is raped is a victim of sexual abuse. It is that sort of absurd radicalism that leads a college to believe that it has a disciplinary problem just because a dinner was arranged between some recruits and cheerleaders. Under this doctrine, men and women must be identical in every conceivable way, so cheerleaders cannot have a role as attractive women who might make young guys feel more comfortable with and positive about a school. In any way suggesting that cheerleaders might be pretty to look at and fun to be with is considered something that requires NCAA oversight.

    As for "self-reporting," the only reason that the school reported anything is because they know that in the current political environment there will be hell to pay if it becomes public that the school used cheerleaders as anything other than to motivate crowds to cheer. I don't see how one can deny the obvious fact that radical feminist philosophy is behind this sort of crap. Five to ten years ago this sort of "scandal" would have been a huge joke, but now the school has to say that they are treating the matter with the utmost seriousness. The only reason for such a shift in attitudes is that radical feminist views of men and women as identical in every possible respect has now become politically correct dogma.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Dude, just because you're intimidated by feminists doesn't mean they are responsible for everything you dislike in society. The story has nothing to do with feminists. Read what you posted:

    "The U.S. Military Academy self reported a recruiting violation to the NCAA that was revealed publicly Saturday in a report by The Gazette (Colorado Springs) that detailed the Army football team using alcohol, dinner dates with cheerleaders and female athletes and cash from boosters to lure high school football recruits to the program."

    Recruiting high school students using alcohol and cash is out of bounds without even getting into dates with girls.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    First off, you are talking about the higher "education" system in the US. Better it be called higher indoctrination system. It is a hotbed of liberal BS in the US! I certainly understand lopaw's objection and your explanation. She and I have had our disagreements, but so be it. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, although they should. :)

    Anyway, it isn't just this incident or any one event. The college environment, well the entire education system is suppose to be about learning, yet you are only allowed to learn what others see fit, and these days, it has little to do with the real world requires.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Feminists got what they want and no longer really exists im any consequential way. Early 90s was their last stand.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Fighting them now is kind of like going after communists. Just dates you.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    The NCAA rules are a total joke. The famous example is the "bagel" rule.

    Athletes can be served a plain bagel because it's a snack. But it was forbidden to serve it with a spread such as cream cheese or peanut butter. It then becomes a meal and that's a violation.

    This crazy rule was finally changed.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    The notion that college athletes aren't allowed to profit from their skills while in college, but the colleges themselves are allowed to profit in the millions or more, is the insane joke part.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Strip clubs are being (sic) the only place in America where men don’t have to be feminized, pussified, emasculated, neutered wimps."

    For now maybe, but that's only until the full effects of the economic boom hit
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Unless, of course, the ebola pandemic kills us all first! #ebola.strippers
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    48 Minutes Ago • "The notion that college athletes aren't allowed to profit from their skills while in college"

    George, but they do profit. They do. Ever hear of Ed Martin? Big Money Ed. He allowed plenty of athletes at the University of Michigan to profit from their skills. Cars, clothes, coats, and cash. Money he earned while organizing gambling games among the workers at Ford Motor Company. Poor, poor athletes.

  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Feminists rule Iceland.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Feminists keep getting rules put in place in college sports and work on different agendas and lies about not getting equal pay for equal work. While there is some difference in pay accountable due to men in general getting better starting pay through negotiation via women often taking the first offer. It's basically a myth that there is very much of a pay gap when you consider hours worked for hours paid. Women in general do not want to work the long hours that men tend to do on the job in the workplace. There are a few who are willing to do so but this accounts for much of the pay gap in my opinion.



  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    In the late 80's, my wife helped a friend in a concession stand at a university. As they would close, leftover pizza would get tossed into the garbage. She, at times would save a couple for players we saw after games. She was told to no longer do that. A violation, I assume. So garbage, I guess is illegal.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    I don't see a feminist role in this. I see a college football program terrified of being accused of improprieties. The terror is probably justified, look at how UNC has been dragged into the national spotlight.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    Pussy football league
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    Nevermind people with a caricature of "femists" in their mind -- this particular incident is at fuckin' West Point. Y'know, "Duty, Honor, Country"; "not lie cheat or steal or tolerate among us those who do"; etc. The standard is supposed to be somewhat more straight-edged than OSU's or UT's.
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