
Questions from strippers....Where do you live? Occupation?

Let's say you meet a cool stripper that is chatting you up. You have no plans of seeing her again other than that day.

Do you have a go to answer for occupation and where do you live questions? Do you tell the truth or have a great white lie?


  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Yeah, pretty much you're obligated to give a factual answer. Depending upon the jurisdiction, penalties for "Lying to an entertainer" can be pretty significant. Special penalties apply to strippers because they're what's called a "protected class". Like some minorities.

    Just make sure you answer truthfully, and don't forget to bring any ID or documents you might need to verify the information you give her. I've seen them actually call the cops on customers who BS to the dancers. Staying in the slammer overnight just isn't worth a little white lie.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Nah, I'm just messin' with you.... :)

    I suppose if you want to bore the crap out of her, tell her your real occupation. Chances are she won't know what the fuck you're talking about, unless, say, you're a clerk at McDonalds or something.

    Personally, I never tell the truth. If you want to get them interested, and can pull it off, act mysterious, convince them you're a bad boy, you're in a rock band, out of work, maybe into drugs. They'll eat that shit up.

    Maybe even get one of those fake tattoos, the kind you wash off with soap, and put some on you. Some really mean, bad boy lookin' tattoos.

    Personally I'm more interested in the dancers and getting lap dances than sitting around and BS'ing long enough to ask about stuff like that. I just act all mysterious, and keep them guessing.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Since one doesn't know the future, I try to be as honest as possible. That way you don't have to remember lies that can haunt you at a later time. If I don't wish to give out details, I just say that.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    It depends first of all on whether this is a regular club or not. I don't lie to anyone at my favorite club, because too many of them know me there. If it's not one of my regular clubs, I sometimes give a truthful answer and sometimes don't. It usually depends on my familiarity with the area and sometimes on whether I have a hotel I am checked into for the night. I have learned that if they think you are an out-of-towner, the possibility of doing OTC goes up.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    And by the way, it pisses me off if a dancer starts asking me personal stuff. I'm there to relax and look at hot chicks and get some laps, and if she starts to ask me stuff that I have to think about and come up with answers to, fuck it, I'm not interested. It's an annoyance.

    I love the dancers who come over and sit down and start talking nasty to you. That's the kind of stuff that I'm looking for. Gets my mind focused on hot chicks and sex, not stuff I'm not interested in.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Clubber, Dan....

    How can a stripper possibly find out the truth about you, unless you decide to tell them? And why would you tell them? None of their fucking business, is it? I suppose if you're there every fucking day you might worry about telling them different lies, and maybe they'd actually remember what you said from day to day. But otherwise, who cares? And what makes you think they'll remember anyway?

    And why would you care if they thought you lied?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    This question has come up many times. I'm with Clubber. I give straight answers. After all it's just an ice breaker conversation. Secondly since I live 37 miles from my favorite club, I am always looking for ones that live closer to me. Which would make it much more convenient for arranging OTC.
  • fastscrs
    10 years ago
    I tell them I travel a lot for business (which is true), solving problems (which is true). I then add something like, "There's a guy in this city giving us some problems and I've been sent to take care of him.". Let the dancer draw from that what they may.
  • HungryGiraffe
    10 years ago
    I picked a town near where I live as the "consistent" lie to the question where do I live. When asked what kind of work I do, I just give info about the industry I work in. However, I always use my real first name, but don't disclose my last name. IMHO, dancers enjoy anonymity and should understand if a custie doesn't initially reveal identity details.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I pretty much agree with Jerikson. Lie, don't lie. What difference does it make? They don't really give a shit where you and your money comes from, as long as you come in and give it to them. The only reason they ask is because some guys believe they're "making a connection" when they talk about their boring selves, and that opens up their wallets.

    Usually, I just abruptly change the subject to something more on topic, like my dick and her body.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Who the hell cares? Its a friggin strip club, not a courtroom. Tell or not tell whatever you want it don't want to.
  • impala
    10 years ago
    I try to be as honest but as vague with what I tell strippers as I don't want them to catch me in a lie when they talk amounst themselves (and they do) or if I see them again in the future.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Always tell them I'm unemployed and looking for work. Especially when it's some stripper I may never see again.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I mix it up. Sometimes I'm honest, sometimes its vague but honest and other times its pretty detailed. When I lie, I try to be obvious about it either by delivery or by claiming to be shit I'm obviously not. Things like being a Jockey (I'm like 6'4" 250) or some other obvious bullshit. A lot of times I just don't answer and just change the subject. It depends on my mood and my first impression of the dancer.

    I don't really worry too much about lying and getting caught lying. In the rare cases I've lied to a dancer and then developed a "relationship" in which that sort of thing became relevant, I've just fessed up and told them. In every case they're been bullshit we both fed to each other early one before we got to know one another, and given the scenario it shouldn't surprise anyone that we both understood and moved on quickly.

    TL/DR - Do whatever floats your boat, its a very forgiving environment.
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    I always use my "stage name" because my actual first name is unusual and I want to keep my real and club lives separate. At my regular clubs I tell my real occupation but not where I work. At other clubs I often make up occupations, sometimes with elaborate back story -- I've been a tour guide, a commodities trader, and a professor, among other things -- and don't worry too much about keeping the story consistent from one visit to the next.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    I do "consistent lies" also.
    If asked where I live, I pick the closest big town next to where I live, so I can talk about it knowledgeably if asked.
    If asked what I do, I answer truthfully. If asked where I work, I pick the name of a different company in my industry, so I can talk about it knowledgeably. Always pick the same company.
    Like Mr Deuce, I always use the same "stage name".

    As a general rule, I don't care about being caught in a lie from most strippers. But you never know who will end up an ATF, and I'd rather just keep things fairly straight.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I tell them I cause trouble for a living.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Wearing my "Vagina inspector" T-shirt helps to eliminate what I do for a living. :)
  • sflguy123
    10 years ago
    Ugly stripper
    Live: Homeless
    Occupation: Tin Can Collector
    "Can I get some free dances"

    Hot stripper
    Live: You know that mansion a mile from here?
    Occupation: Managing my millions
    "Can I fuck you"
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    Who the fuck cares what you tell them. They don't. They're just trying to fill time so that they don't look like they're going straight to the "wanna dance?" routine.

    Given how many of them don't even remember you unless you're a regular, believe me, they're not going to remember anything you say.

    On the occasion where it might become relevant, as has been said before, it's a pretty forgiving environment given that they also feed you a stack of shit and half truths.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Answer truthfully. My DS only lied to me once, the day we met, because she was worried about her privacy. She later apologized. You never know where a relationship will go so don't lie if you can help it.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    A friend of mine met a girl in a bar and lied about his profession. Told her he was a doctor. By the end of the night, he was madly in love. They dated, and eventually he ended up asking her to marry him. But by the 3-4 date he finally had to admit the lie. It almost ended the relationship because of one stupid lie 5 minutes after they met.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I usually am truthful but vague.

    The dancer is just fishing for info on how much money you make.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Hey, why make up stories to tell strippers when you've got this board to tell them to?
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    Well, I don't give them the full briefing, but just saying the kind of work I do (not the name of the employer) and the general region I'm from. In any case they're sizing you up as to whether you have a good income stream and whether you are a potential regular or not.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Once in a great while I've been too tired to want to talk to them. They pick up on this real fast and they never forgive it.

    But the rest of the time I talk to them. I tell them everything they would want to know.

    When I was married, some of it was fake. But today it is the truth.

  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I cause lots anf lots of trouble. My grandma taught me well
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    A large percentage of dancers never heard of the town I live in. I figure most don't care unless they either already live there or visit. I see no reason to lie or waste time thinking of lies. I'm surprised when dancers remember my name. Two dancers at one club seem to remember my name even though they have danced for me in ages.

    Of course I might be easy to remember. I heard the cable company people still remembered my name 2 years after I dropped them.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    supposed to have been the dancers haven't danced for me in ages but still remember my name.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Possibly reasons other than chit chat someone might ask. She might be trying to get an idea of your disposable income and if you're staying at a hotel or live nearby.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I'm upfront with them. My working a loser job and living in a dead-end town hundreds of miles away tends to discourage any delusions of easy prosperity.
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    I always say I am semi-retired. Since I look about 35-40 this usually leads to "but you're so young!". I reply that retirement is not a function of age. If they follow that then they usually think I am loaded and hang around for the rest of the bullshit that I spin. I also always say I am on my way back from something,anything. This creates a sense of laissez -faire that seems to work.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I tell them I'm a stunt double for a porn star.
  • joewebber
    10 years ago
    hey guys! THEY DON'T CARE! NONE OF THEM CARE! within 90 seconds of sitting down with you (and asking if you want some company), they will ask the following 5 questions:
    1) how's your day/are you having a good day?
    2) What's your name?
    3) Where are you from?
    4) What do you do?
    5) do you come here often?

    Again, THEY DON'T CARE! these are the questions that are ingrained in them from doing this job. they ask them because after the 5th question, they'll make a comment about a drink or a song so that you can spend money on them.

    tell them the truth or lie through your teeth. they won't remember it most of the time.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    joewebber, don't be a downer dude....

    The guys here want to believe that the girls care for them, so let them believe. They actually think that the girls make a note of all of your personal shit and understand it and remember it and are really fucking interested. So let them believe that.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I do tell her who I am and what I do, I don't have to lie.

    My experience with CF and the other dancer I'm seeing right are two night-n-day examples.

    My CF is all about the con, hustle, extreme fun. She will lie all the time to anyone, even to me. It's part of her personality and I get it.

    My CF2 is all about not crossing the line and not knowing much about me and her not revealing much about herself.

    The common ground seems to be I am attracted to both of them and she is pretty much comfortable with me.

    Other than that, it is just like that, nothing too much to dig for.

    At the end of the day, I go home to my place and just leave it like that.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Alabegonz, You've really got something going, spending all your time with not just one girl, but with two. Seeing them and going places with them and always being on the phone with them. But you still insist on calling them CF's, instead of GF's. LOL!

  • ime
    10 years ago
    If you pay them they aren't girlfriends.
  • footballguy
    10 years ago
    I hate being asked what I do for work, I just give a generic answer. I don't lie and say I do some high paying job, I just think of a typical job and say I do that. I don't wanna talk about work when I'm at the club.

    But the question I hate more than anything is when they ask "so what brings you into the club today?" What do you think? I came here cause I wanted to have a couple beers while I looked at some naked girls, get some lap dances, and possobly go to the VIP room. Of course I don't give this answer, I usually just say I want to relax. Does any guy ever go to a SC for any reason other than seek g naked girls (in addition to to anything related to that)? Maybe next time I should just say "actually I came in just cause I really want to watch the game and have some food, then I'm gonna leave." Or better yet "actually I came in just to hear the DJ".
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Ken, Ken Shabby. I clean out public lavatries.
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