
Do you pray for strippers? And I don't mean to find them :).

Atlanta suburb
Judge Blocks Public Records Request for Stripper Info, Temporarily Thwarting Man Who Wanted to Pray for Them by Name
Dreamgirls at Fox's/FacebookDreamgirls at Fox's/Facebook
Last week I wrote about strip club employees in Tacoma, Washington, suing to block the county from releasing their private information to someone who filed a public records request for it. Strippers in Tacoma are required to register for "entertainer's licenses," which are then kept on file with the county and subject to such requests.

This Thursday, a federal judge in Tacoma issued a temporary injunction to block the release of these licenses, which include dancers stage and legal names, dates of birth, and photos. District Court Judge Ronald Leighton said that releasing the licenses of DreamGirls at Fox's dancers and managers could bring them "irreparable harm."

According to The News Tribune, the man who requested the info, David Van Vleet, said his request was for "the public good" and he had merely wanted to "pray for those dancers by name." From the Tribune:

Van Vleet said he is a civil engineer, a parent and a Pierce County citizen who frequently files public records requests. He lists an Auburn post office box as his address.

Standing at a lectern, he argued his case to Leighton for 20 minutes. The judge asked him if he understood why the women didn’t want him to have their license information. Van Vleet said he did, but that he is protected by the same Constitution they are.

Leighton also asked Van Vleet why he wanted the information. Besides being curious and praying for the workers, Van Vleet said he was entitled to the licenses under the state’s Public Records Act.

(...) He said the workers should have known their licenses could be disclosed under state law.

A good reason to change the law and/or do away with occupational licensing of strippers altogether, no?

This isn't the last we'll here about this situation, however, as the judge's ruling only temporarily bars the records request. According to the Tribune, the judge had concerns about the breadth of Fox’s request. A final decision will be issued December 15.


  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Seems if he really wanted to pray for them, he should already be doing so. God would already know their names and wouldn't need a public records request.

    Couldn't this same sort of thing happen in Georgia (or is it just Atlanta) where strippers must also register. I've talked to several dancers who didn't want to work in Atlanta because of that requirement, and I can't blame them.
  • Diva1975
    10 years ago
    That is one sick fuck. I vehemently agree with JohnSmith69: if this man truly wanted to pray for these women, God surely has their names on file. Wow.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    The city of Atlanta does have a license requirement that costs $300/yr and candidates must pass a back ground check. Club Wax gets around this by being a bikini only club. DeKalb county north of Atlanta also has the same $300/yr law. However 5 clubs in the county have been annexed by small cities and the clubs now go by their laws. as of Jan1 Follies is part of Chamblee and the annual license requirement is $25 but the last time I talked to my bouncer friend the city is not enforcing that is right now hiring any dancer with or without a license. Which begs the question of why Salem needed Pistol's help to get a job there. I tipped Salem on stage today. She is a cutie.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    Ya I don't trust this guy. I pray for dancers when they ask me to and a lot of times I don't know their real name but God knows who they are. This guy could be some wacko creepy bastard. I hope he doesn't get their info !
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Why do I have feeling this chowderhead will post those names and photos all over town and even online, alleging that these strippers are some sort of sexual deviants that run out of town or thrown in jail or something along those lines?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    I have prayed for strippers by name, but that's because I already knew their names.

    This creep is going to use the information to harass dancers or worse. Their privacy needs to be protected.

    A couple years ago something similar was tried with getting info on people with concealed pistol permits. ( I think it was in NY state.) The courts finally ruled against this freedom of information request because of privacy and other reasons. You don't want to let criminals know who and who is not armed.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    No. Prayer is a waste of time.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    No, I don't pray for strippers. Or anybody else. Even if one believes in God, prayer is pointless. Everything that happens is part of God's plan, right? So what makes you think The Plan doesn't include the very thing you're trying to prevent or avert with prayer, or that the thing you're paying *for* goes against The Plan?

    You should trust that God knows what he's doing and not try to change his mind with your petty little requests. After all, you don't know everything like He does.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Of course I do. Usually $10-$20 per dance, up to $100 for extras. Hey, they ain't doin' it for free. Oh -- PRAY you ask? Never mind...
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    GMD, I was taught God has a plan for us, but since we have free will, it's up to us to follow it. God is not forcing anyone.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    Like praying to make it rain?
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Omg. God had a plan. It's called the universe and it's been implemented. Everything else is up to us. I'm no liberal, but the bible thumping based decision making has got to fckn stop already. How is that even an argument. " I want to pray for them" How about something more effective like sponsoring the local nursing school.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Eat Pray Love

    I vote for eat. Pass the Bacon
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    God is omniscient, therefore He knows all about your free will, and has the knowledge to factor it into His Plan.

    So He's already decided the outcome of the thing about which you're praying. Why would He change His mind when that outcome is part of the Plan that His perfect and omniscient mind conceived?
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    ^Damn, this God character must be bored out of his mind.
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    The debate on Agustinian vs. Arminian theology is fascinating but far smarter men have gone over it for 1600 years without resolving it. I'll leave it to the pros.

    Do I pray for strippers? I pray that the stripper remains in good physical and mental shape, gets home safely to whatever dear ones she has, avoids scumbag boyfriends/managers/pimps and communicable diseases, gets to the end the month in the black, and can keep pretending to like me and getting naked and bumping and grinding on me -- until it's time to move along in life and that she then does so on her own terms and knowing what's next.

    Like the other guys said: You do not need a list of names to pray for them. God knows all his/her children.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    He meant to say "prey on them" not "pray for them".
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