50 Tips for Strip Club Managers

Seattle, Washington
The latest post from the Strip Club Hound. Posted Friday, December 26, 2014:
I concur, wholeheartedly, with his list.
The latest post from the Strip Club Hound. Posted Friday, December 26, 2014:
I concur, wholeheartedly, with his list.
last commentAbsolutely excellent. That guy should offer Strip Club Manager Training programs. Except the part where he thinks clubs should welcome and attract female guests. I dunno about you guys, but having women customers sucks for a number of reasons. Sorry Lopaw, but strip clubs are for guys, IMO. Otherwise, this guy's list is right on target.
Sorry, jerikson, but strip clubs are for people who appreciate strippers and want to partake of their offerings, regardless of gender. Just like some women customers don't really belong there, there are also plenty of male customers that shouldn't be there either, albeit for different reasons. Sorry you disagree, but you either have to accept it, or quit going to stripclubs if it bothers you that much.
Nice list, btw.
Like Club_Goer, I agree 100%.
"Sorry, jerikson, but strip clubs are for people who appreciate strippers and want to partake of their offerings, regardless of gender."
Well, maybe, but as you are keenly aware a lot of clubs don't admit women, so while it seems like it's a reasonable and fair idea, in practice there are legitimate reasons why clubs historically don't allow women. And I, and other guys, can add a long list of reasons why men might not want to have women in the club.
Personally, if women decide that they want to go somewhere that's for women only, I respect that and I won't go there. If men want to have a "men's club" or something like that, then fine, I think women should respect that.
Luckily for me at least the times I've seen women, single or otherwise, in a strip club in my career can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Hell, I can't even remember when I've seen a woman, especially a single woman. So I guess in general it's not an issue.
BTW, any news on your case? I'm curious how it turned out
jerikson, we have been round & round with this already. Until the day comes that there are lesbian stripclubs that cater specifically to women, i will have to make due with regular stripclubs. I don't give a flying fuck if some random guys feel threatened by my being in the club - that's their problem. And as long as I am spending $$$ and being a nice polite PL,I'm sure the club doesn't mind me there either. AAMOF I get some pretty nice royal treatment at many of the clubs i visit, so that ought to tell you something. The only reason that some places continue to deny entrance to women is because they have never been called on it. Simple as that. But that is neither here nor there. The reality is that female stripclub customers aren't going away, so you'd best get used to it, or like I suggested, stop going if it bothers you that much.
Women sc customers are becoming more and more common. I saw several today, and I saw more power to them.
"I don't give a flying fuck if some random guys feel threatened by my being in the club - that's their problem."
Yeah, I kinda figured that's what you're thinking. I guess respect is a one way street with some folks. Respect my needs, but fuck off if you think I'll respect yours. Awesome.
I agree with Jackslash, female sc customers are becoming more and more common, I'm definitely seeing it.
"I agree with Jackslash, female sc customers are becoming more and more common, I'm definitely seeing it
So either lesbians, after many, many decades, are finally realizing that the strip club experience is what they really want and have been missing in their lives, or, more likely, there's a Facebook fad going around (or something similar) where young girls think it's cool and awesome to go goofing around at a strip club. To be replaced by a different fad next year.
Back to the Hound's list: @ Lopaw, I know you've commented about the availability of accessible ladies' rooms in strip clubs. Did you notice Hound's #22?
He left out the most important thing affecting strip clubs today, the independent contractor issue. Either treat the dancers like employees by paying them the minimum wage or treat them like contractors and let them set their own hours, etc. You can't have it both ways.
Rule 51 - don't call a dancer up on stage that is dancing for a customer. Rule 52 - Play a lot of Chris Brown. Rule 53 - when a customer tips you $20, let the dancer work. Rule 54 - Turn the lights down. Rule 55 - say 'hello, how was your day? anything I can get you sir?' to a customer walking in within 10 minutes (touch those tables) Rule 56 - introduce regulars to the gals. I could go on. Although I like the rule about no ghetto songs...
"Either treat the dancers like employees by paying them the minimum wage..."
I'm trying to imagine how that would work... what incentive would they have to do their job? As it is now, in too many clubs the dancers will sit on their asses texting, or BSíng in the dressing room instead of making money. So if instead you pay them minimum wage, won't they be even more likely to sit on their asses instead of work? And since managers in clubs are generally less than competent, what are the chances they will get on the girls to get out there and get dances?
@jerikson- your pity party is becoming tiresome. Let it go. Life's too short to be as tightly wound as you appear to be.
@Club_Goer- yeah I did notice the restroom thing. I can tell you that I have seen and been exposed to some god awful ladies rooms at some clubs- they would probably rival the men's room in their nastiness.
Lopaw, While I have you "on the line," The Hound has stated that he's a former strip club manager. Everyone who has read his blog for a while has figured out that he's from L.A. I'm of the opinion that the Hound was the manager of a club you know, The Jet Strip. Do you think you ever met him? (However, I can't discern when he may have had that job.)
Keep going to your clubs lopaw. I would give you a free dance any day over a paying dance with that loser Jerikson
Great list from the SC Hound. Good stuff there. As for women customers in SCs I usually see them with men/dates. One time I saw a group of women on their own at Bourbon Street Circus. They were having fun and were tipping liberally.
And @Lopaw, I'd go clubbing with you anytime, anywhere.
Stripper sez: "I would give you a free dance any day over a paying dance with that loser Jerikson..."
Hmmm...let's see...what did I say in disagreement with the stripper to get her to hate me? Oh yeah, I challenged the idea that customers should just tip and buy drinks for strippers because the strippers expect you to...okay, now I get it. I'm a loser cuz I don't give them what they want. Got it.
And as far as Lopaw goes, when you run out of arguments, attack the person...tiresome, tightly wound...
Decent list.
#30? Who posts on Twitter except 15 year girls gat are Justin Bieber fans. Forget that one.
I don't agree with #6. Letting the dancers entirely pick the music is like letting the inmates runs the asylum. Some consideration should be given to what the customer's tastes are.
I wish the clubs in Winnipeg would abide by #40. Sometimes it can be almost a 30 MINUTES before another dancer appears on stage. I also like #38 and wholeheartedly agree with #20! There've been times I've left clubs because those bathrooms looked like war zones and were completely unusable.
Didn't bother to read. I am sure I've heard them all here sometime during my 14+ years on TUSCL.
That said, the list is worthless, since in general, strip club managers don't give a damn what customers think!
Lol at number 5. This confirms the strip hound definitely isn't black. Yes, rappers use that word, but not the 1930s version
Jerkoffson on her usual tirade with the same old bullshit.Pity party is right. Boy you really get pissy when its that time of the month, eh jerkoffson?
I don't agree with number seven where he says a good song length is 3 minutes. I think 3 minutes is short. I think 4 minutes is a good song length. I wholeheartedly agree with number one.
@Diva1975- you bet I will! And thanks for your generous offer...I would gladly take you up on that!
@Corvus- thanks for your always kind words. Although I am usually a solo flyer, I would love to hit a club or two with you someday.
@Club_Goer- I'm not sure who SCHound is, tho there is much thought that he was indeed affiliated with the Jet Strip. Whoever he is, he seems very pro-woman customer, so maybe I have met him and left him with a good impression ;)
I don' t think that I would disagree with any of them.
As a customer, I agree with most of the suggestions... I might quibble with a few here and there. But I also agree with Che, that what customers want isn't necessarily the right business advice. I had an acquaintance who was partial owner in a club, and when I questioned him about some policy or other that I felt was ridiculous, it was eye-opening to hear him explain the reasons why. That said, some stupid policies are just stupid, but some policies that customers question really have some good reasons behind them, that I'd never have thought of.
I don't understand at all why a male customer would be threatened by the presence of women. Whether lesbian or a bachelorette party or someone's girlfriend or whatever, women don't affect my strip club experience negatively, and some of my fave experiences have been watching civilian girls getting dragged on stage and molested. I've also enjoyed some classic girlfriend meltdowns, which is always fun to watch
@Subraman- the whiners like jerkoffson comprise the vast minority of SC goers- they are the lonely, bitter, resentful old men who are easily threatened by everything and everyone, especially those that get more pussy than they do...which is everyone. They warrent pity more than anything else.
Geez, you guys call me tightly wound, but seems to me that Che is suffering from some sort of long term constipation or something...damn dude, lighten up !!! The guy had some very good suggestions, and you ream him a new asshole because he's "bloviating" his ideas and isn't, apparently, a manager at this particular time in real life. Fuck, give him a break. Most of us think his ideas are pretty good.
And as far as pushing back on the idea of women in men's strip clubs, fine. If I'm the only one who thinks it's not the best idea, then it's fine with me. Like I said, in all my years of clubbing I haven't seen more than a handful of women, so it's pretty much a non-issue cuz women and lesbians in particular don't seem to give a shit about going to men's strip clubs. Doesn't bother me at all. I'm not tightly wound about the issue, I'm merely suggesting my opinion. But as with most fucking 6 year olds, when you disagree with them they decide to hate you.
Overall I agree with SCH's list except for #27. IMO, dance prices should be a fixed but reasonable amount. I hate looking like a cheep ass by waiting for the once per hour 2-for-1 special because the normal dance price is excessive.
"But as with most fucking 6 year olds, when you disagree with them they decide to hate you. "
Coming from the whiniest 6 year old of them all.
Excellent list from the Hound. I agree with every single one. Some of them might not be realistic given current labor laws, but still a good list.
I know this sounds strange but I'm kinda glad to have jerikson back at least temporarily. We sometimes need the voice of a stripper web dancer on here who is a bitch about almost everything. It keeps things interesting.
Not that it matters what any of us think on the subject but I usually like women at the club especially the ones like Lopaw who are there to enjoy the dancers with the rest of us. But even if a woman is only there to glare jealously at her boyfriend or husband, it's fun to watch them squirm.
"I think 4 minutes is a good song length"
Yeah man, that's a lot better, I like that when I'm with this dancer who I am seeing for two years now. She is just with me and I need songs that play 4 minutes or longer.
#17 is OK by me as long as the less attractive ones stay in the dressing room and the good-looking ones are walking around.
I'll add to lapdanceking's:
#52-About women in the club, if they aren't dancers or waitresses, get rid of them! And I'm including female bartenders. I'd rather deal with male bartenders.
#53-Another thing is they should let some of their employees know that it isn't all about them and they are there to provide a service to customers and stop using the strip club excuse as to why they act like a**holes to customers.
hehehheh... tha whole first block of tips would please our own Papi_Chulo, who has been tormented by DJs who think it's their show. (#1 I like myself, I detest having to YELL at a woman whose company I'm trying to enjoy)
These are all pretty sensible policies, the clubs I have liked most have a lot of them in place. It's no revelation -- but at the same time so many places fail even the most basic ones.
I like the ones that are aimed at "make your online presence provide useful information or else don't have one". Really, something as basic as an accurate indication of are you open or not today, and at what times; and what are your regular dates and hours? That should be consistent enough to appear on a seldom-updated page if you put the effort towards fulfilling that schedule.
Also that if someone IS tipping and spending, be very hesitant to apply the hard sell to try to wring him out (this of course has its converse in customer etiquette: DO tip; DO cover the drinks minimum; don't waste dancers' time if not interested).
Me, no prob with the female customers as long as the scene is strictly genderblind as to how the dancer and customer behave (and really, policies about no unescorted females are likely to be struck down by a court sooner or later). Though meltdowny girlfriends should not be dragged in: everyone of either gender should be at the SC because they WANT to be there, not because there's a point they're trying to prove. And most definitely not opposed to female staff, if they can wait tables they can bartend, host VIP or run the register.
Hey "dr_lee" I got a better idea.....let's keep the hot women waitresses, bartenders & customers and get rid of YOU. Yeah.....that works!
I agree with cflock.
I liked the Hound's list a lot, especially the rules against music so loud you can't talk to the girls and DJs you can't understand.
As for women patronizing SCs, I like it just fine. I really enjoy seeing women get turned on, and watching a civilian female getting felt up or semi-disrobed by a stripper is a nice diversion. In Atlanta I came really close to getting a lap dance from a drunk and horny civilian at a crowded bar at Follies (I was stopped by a bouncer), and at Cheetah's (super crowded after a Braves game) I actually did; both were perfect strangers and the action was initiated by them, not me, due to the fact that I just happened to be standing next to them (and no money was exchanged). Fun times.
On the other hand, last night I saw a guy come in to the SC in full drag -- heels, dress, falsies, wig, the whole nine yards. He was a big six-footer who was built more like a linebacker than a stripper. He was having a good time and hung out with a table of dancers most of the evening. He wasn't bothering anyone, and there were no problems, but to be honest with you, I liked seeing the women customers at the edge of the stage a lot more than I liked seeing him. Kinda creepy, if you ask me.
Not sure why people hate on the bathroom attendant. Any place I have been to with a bathroom attendant always has clean bathrooms. The ones that don't have attendants usually have piss and paper towels and shit all over the floor. The bathroom attendant does more than hand you a towel, he keeps the place clean. If you are too cheap/broke/racist to tip him a dollar, then don't tip.
Jerkoffson I wonder if you only visit strip clubs in the afternoon or something. I see female customers in strip clubs all the time. I have for years. I see couples and sometimes groups of females. I usually only have time to visit on the weekend or late in the evening. Usually just the weekend. I see so many females, I've gotten used to it and I think it seems strange if I only see male customers.
Talking about a female customer dancing for you in a club, one girl was going to do exactly that one time but got stopped by a bouncer saying she had to work there. Oops I thought she did. I didn't even realize I was talking to a female customer. She was probably a stripper at a different club. Fooled me. I have run into some bitchy and rude female customers on a few occassions. Maybe 1% of the time.
The list was good.
Anyone who doesn't like lesbians should definitely stay out of strip clubs. One of the hardest things about being a stripper is that there are a lot of jerks who will harass you and look down on you for being a stripper. Lesbians get harassed and looked down on by jerks for being homosexual anyway.so it isn't much of a reason to not dance for them. That's why a higher percentage of strippers are lesbians than of women in general.
Naytch88, ideally if a strip club does have a bathroom attendant, the bathroom should be clean, but that isn't always the case. In one now-defunct club in Winnipeg, all that bathroom troll did was hang out next to his tip jar, handing out mints or offering sprays of cologne. The bathroom itself had to be one of the nastiest I had ever seen; nuts, the toilets weren't even usable, it was so neglected by him.
Not to nitpick the guy's list -- it was good, but not allowing a dancer to re-use a name for 5 years seems excessive. The intent is good, but just needs to be 6 months to a year.
I went to a club, where the dancers could freelance without a schedule, and there were at least 4 "Ambers" on the same shift. I figured it out.
If a dancer causes 1000 or more LDKs during her career at a club, her stripper name should be permanently retired and inscribed on a wall plaque.