Comments by sanitago (page 2)
discussion comment
13 years ago
Up and In
some of the dancers will get a bit 'frisky' and show a nipple every once in a while, but once they get off stage, the costume goes back on and stays there until you pay to get it off.
discussion comment
13 years ago
I once went to my favorite club not knowing there was a "VIP" dancer visiting that weekend. I can't remember her name, but she was definitely hot! problem was, she did a set on stage and was in the dressing area all the rest of the time, never did one lap/private dance.
discussion comment
13 years ago
don't know about the chick who wears the glasses as a prop, but watched the other videos with a fair amount of interest. damn, if I could get 'up close and personal' with that one Asian chick, I'd be on a plane tomorrow!
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
definitely sounds like some 'attention wh*re' trying to use her kid to get her face in front of the cameras.
seriously sick $#$&, if you ask me.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Art, I'm shocked you don't like the Guiness they serve here in North America. after all, it's brewed by Labatt's in your native Canada! ;)
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I think that the article is correct: this is aimed at strip clubs *precisely* because no legislator is going to stand up and say it's wrong. they'd be handing their opponents (real or potential) the perfect campaign ad teaser: "Congreeman/Senator _________ supported strip clubs and their patrons over the needs of battered women!". not something any politician is ever going to do. too bad, because the whole reasoning behind this tax blows, big time.
discussion comment
13 years ago
my personal experience is that the younger dancers are more likely to NOT offer 'extras', as they can make pleny of money just giving a "regulation" LD. it's the older women who are often more 'relaxed' about what you can and can't do during a dance. YMMV.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
hopefully for Callista Newt didn't have a chance to talk to either of the strippers....;-)
discussion comment
13 years ago
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
depends. some of the dancers know my real name, one or two my real first name, the rest, well, they know what I feel like telling them.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
don't know why they'd support Paul, he's as much in bed with the "Moral Majority" types as the rest of his party is. no way in hell they'd vote for him if they thought he'd legalize prostitution, so it wouldn't happen even if he won the nomination AND the election (two classic long-shots).
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
new definition makes sense: if a person, no matter what their sex, is forced to have sex, it's rape.
so what's the problem?
discussion comment
13 years ago
make sure it doesn't freeze and drop off before you get the chance to head for Hawaii, art. and remember, when you get there, make sure you warm everything up the "right" way!
Merry Christmas.
discussion comment
13 years ago
.....or that all strippers have fake tits. had many dances, but so far, no fake titties shoved in my face.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
far from the worst woman I've seen stripping, at least face-wise. as for hooking, I guess it all depends on her body (and what she's willing to do, of course!), doesn't it?
discussion comment
13 years ago
New York
someone recommended, and I'd second that recommendation. if you're new, expect no one to trust you right out of the gate, as cops (aka LEO, Uncle, etc.) sometimes trawl looking for idiots to give them pointers to providers. most of the info is legit, and if you're wondering whether or not to trust something, the best option is to see if the person's a regular (they're listed as a "senior" member) or not. most of the seniors are straight shooters, so something from one of them should be given some weight. others ("regular" members) can be anything from an FNG to a customer with an axe to grind to a provider posting a positive review of herself in hopes of drumming up some business. doesn't cost anything to access (TER is one of the biggest rip-offs I have ever run into!), so give it a look-see.
discussion comment
13 years ago
blondie works, so why not use that?
discussion comment
13 years ago
for a "working" name, your screen name here wouldn't be a bad one. as for how to decide on a club to work in, first off, are you going to let your family/friends know you're dancing in a strip club? if not, then finding one that's not too close to where you live might actually be a good idea. I know a dancer who drives about two hours one way to get to the club she works in, so a having to do a 'long commute' to a club isn't all that odd. beyond that, as others have said, check out some of the reviews here and then think of it as the person they'll be talking about. do you want to dance in a club where you're expect to let the guys do everything but roll on a condom and bend you over? or would you prefer one where you're expected to do a less "intimate" dance? it might not even be a bad idea to talk to some of the dancers about what the club is like (though not, of course, letting them know you're thinking of working there....too good a chance they'll bad-mouth the place to keep from having to compete with you). to be honest, from your pics, I wish you lived in northern Illinois, I know a club or three that could use someone who looks like you!
discussion comment
13 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
I've heard of the site, but never used it. have tried a few other, similar sites, and most of the "replies" are scams looking to get you to go to another site.....where you are (of course) charged yet more money to do precisely the same thing: look at the "profiles" of "hot women".
my advice: save your money, hit Backpage and get a 'sure thing'.
discussion comment
13 years ago
if they're closed, someone should tell their web site, it keep sending me notices of special events they're holding. last one was just two days ago.
discussion comment
13 years ago
did I ever have a stripper complain that she felt I didn't "love" her anymore? no, but i did have one send me an email, b*tching me out because I sat down and talked to another stripper. told her to get lost.
discussion comment
13 years ago
don't doubt that there will be many a delegate visiting the local "save" those 'poor unfortunate' women, of course. [snicker!]
discussion comment
13 years ago
every once in a while I'll post on stripclublist, but if you think there's too much drama here sometimes, it ain't nothing compared to that place!
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
rule #1: even in Nevada, never give the cops a reason to mess with you!
discussion comment
13 years ago
"Some of the numbers that get bantied around are just ridiculous. A popular figure is that there 300,000 underaged women working, against their will, as prostitutes in the US or about 0.1% of the population. In a city the size of New York that would mean 20,000."
did the researchers get a good enough sampling to make an accurate projection of how many underage prostitutes there, or alternatively, are they sure they contacted *all* of them. either case could cause the number of victims of this crime to climb. also, consider that this is just one large city. so 3,000 times the number of large (and maybe not-so-large) cities could easily add up to to a total not too far from 300,000.
however many kids are involved, it's a thing none of us should just shrug about and turn our backs on.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Atlanta suburb
"You can get into a strip club". maybe you can in Michigan, but here, if a club sells booze, the rules are the same as any other bar: you have to be 21 to enter.