Comments by sanitago
article comment
5 years ago
I used to have a profile there. too many girls with severe cases of GPS eventually put me off it. if I'm expected to shell out 4-500/visit, I can find a ton of good looking pros who won't be half as demanding.
discussion comment
9 years ago
I had an account for roughly a year and for all the action I got, I should have saved the money and gone for a straight-up P4P arrangement. fifty dollars will get you nothing, and odds are, neither will a hundred. so if you think you're going to get on there and score something cheap, forget it.
discussion comment
9 years ago
New York
sorry, dude, but odds are those strippers aren't 'into' you, they're just playing up to you to score extra $$$ off you in the form of return visits. I've had strippers french me, play with my dick through my pants, stick their tits in my mouth and generally act like I was the only man left in the Universe. one recently asked me for my phone number so she could text me after she got off work so we could 'get together see where things go from there' gave her the number to my "fun phone" (a cheap phone bought for cash and kept in minutes the same way)...and never heard from her. didn't figure I would, but thought it didn't cost anything to play the long shot, so why not. as others have said, this is about the hustle: them hustling you. get used to it.
discussion comment
10 years ago
let's see:
asian: yes, several.
black: see above
white: see above
hispanic: at least two
indian (hindi/pakistani, whichever): one (so far)
discussion comment
11 years ago
okay, I'll ask: WTF does this have to do with strip clubs? or has this place suddenly become yet-another place for people to throw out the political 'opinions'?
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Compton, Illinois (closest town to The Candy Factory) has a grand total of 298 people in it, but it's actually about two miles from the club. as far as I know, none of the residents have been marching out in front of the club with torches and pitchforks, demanding it close. (guess I should keep my mouth shut so I don't give them any ideas!)
discussion comment
12 years ago
Austin, TX
I'm not sure how many are really addicted, and how many only use occasionally. I do know that of the few strippers who have told me they were in college, one's graduated and the other knew enough about the subject she said she was majoring in that I have trouble imagining how she could not be in college. you run into a lot of SS, but that don't mean everything they say is a lie.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
why do I fear this thread is going to turn into a giant pi**ing match? can we get back to what this place is *supposed* to be about, you know, strip clubs?
discussion comment
12 years ago
it sounds like those three judges are 'playing to the crowd' of moral monitors who still seem to be the loudest voices in politics. I hope she appeals the ruling and wins. total crap!
discussion comment
12 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
from what I have read, over in Germany, the have what's called "FKK" clubs (please don't ask for the translation of the abbreviation). they're a lot like the description of the "ideal" marriage of a SC and brothel. pay a door fee, go in, and there are women there (most of them either naked or nearly so) to choose from. you can approach any of them, talk, usually get some initial pussy play in, and if you think she might be worth the cost, you can go to a room and do whatever deed is available on the menu. costs are fixed and up-front, so haggling over price, and the women are usually a minimum of 6-7, with some truly hot 8-9+ available. now do I expect anything like that in the US? HELL NO! we've got too many people here who get their jollies by telling everyone else how to act, how to think, and what is (or isn't) "moral".
discussion comment
12 years ago
will SC's be more common and more "liberal" as far as dancers doing ITC/OTC arrangements in the club? my bet is no. there are still waaaay too many people out there who think SC's are 'dens of iniquity' that lead men to "sin", and they'll cheerfully "save" us from ourselves, no matter whether we think we need it or not.
discussion comment
12 years ago
what you're asking isn't going to be easy to find anywhere. most Illinois clubs these days will not let dancers do "extras" ITC, too many chances of getting caught by the cops and busted for "running a house of prostitution". if you're looking for a club near Chicago that allows plenty of "hands on", though, I can suggest a place. if you want more details, PM me and I'll give you the details.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
the feelings the dancers and the reporter writes about sound like everything I've ever heard from any dancer who's spoken to me about working in a club. is it better if we accept women working in clubs? probably. a lot of the women I've talked to make it clear they hide what they do from someone: their families, friends, people who might stalk them 'in real life'. do I think it's ever going to happen? no, because there's too much pressure in our society to make anything to do with sex and enjoying life into "sin". get rid of the stigma, and the people who have power because of that pressure lose their power, and they won't go away without a fight.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Trinity= 6
Lacey= 8.5
Layla= 7
Cami= 8
Mariah= 7
(to be honest, given the option, I'd cheerfully bang any and/or all of them!)
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
some people just can't keep their ##&% noses out of other people's business, can they?
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12 years ago
one woman I'd love to see either at the pole, or on *my* pole, Piper Perabo. damn, is she hot!
discussion comment
12 years ago
went to a club once where a porn star was the "special attraction". cover was double the usual, place was crowded (and got more so as the night went on). the porn star only did *one* show that not only wasn't as good the regular dancers gave, and if you weren't laying down at least a five for a 'rail tip', she wouldn't even look at you. on the up side, i did get a very good dance from one of the regular dancers (I think she was trying to show me what I wouldn't get), so not a complete waste of time/money.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Solo PL
yeah, recently, I was talking to one of the 'regular' dancers and she asked me what I thought a certain younger dancer. I told her she looked okay (do you want to tell a dancer you might be getting a dance from that another dancer looks better than her?). that's when she says "She's my daughter." with what almost might be pride.
still haven't figured that one out.
discussion comment
13 years ago
actually, she was offering to give me her number if I gave her some money. when I asked what her number was 'good for', her reply was "Anything.". when I pressed the point, and mentioned that I might be interested in a little OTC, she shied off and told me she wasn't interested in going 'that' far. basically, she was hoping I'd cough up the cash to keep her happy, something I knew then, and was wondering how many of the folks here had encountered.
as to the ATM fees, from that club, they aren't half bad, no where near as bad as the charges I'd have faced if I'd taken a cash advance against my credit card.
discussion comment
13 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Allred my be a headline-seeking attention-whore, but some of the cases she's taken on needed to be fought. the claim that an employer should be free to fire anyone for any reason is BS, and probably posted by someone who never saw an employer they were willing to s*ck.
discussion comment
13 years ago
New York
I stopped in a Wal-Marts a few days ago to pick up some batteries for my work flashlight (hey, they're cheaper there than anywhere else!) and was quite stunned. one woman walked past me in one of their shirts who could make a small fortune dancing in a club: 5'5" or so, long light brown hair, good face and incredible body. a chick I'd shell out serious $$$ to get 'up close and personal' with. headed back towards the back and walked past one bending over to get some stuff out of a box to put on a shelf. damn, was it hard not to stop and stare at that ass...and the rest of her was good to look at too! then I go up front and see this chick working check out: good-looking light-skinned black girl, maybe 5'10" with a chest that was either an incredible example of good luck in the gene pool, or a masterpiece of the plastic surgeon's art. and the kicker: all this was in a smallish town in the middle of no-where I was just passing through.
never sneer at the women who you might find in Wal-Marts!
discussion comment
13 years ago
a more practical suggestion: near the intersection of a couple of major interstates. traffic nearly 24/7, so if you've got a sign where it can be seen from both roads, you've got a huge potential customer base (to paraphrase the line: "What happens on the road, stays on the road!"). as long as there's an access road not to far from the interchange, it's not going to be a problem for any of those customers to take a break from their 'exhausting' drive and drop some cold, hard $$$$ in your till.
now *that* would be a potential goldmine!
discussion comment
13 years ago
geez, ain't it bad enough we get "sold" when we're in the clubs?
give us a BREAK!
discussion comment
13 years ago
"The two men could be sentenced from 10 years to life in prison."
hopefully the latter!
discussion comment
13 years ago
people would have to be fairly stupid to pay this club for the "privilege" of chatting with their strippers online. a quick google will return enough free porn to beat them hollow. like others have said, I go to a club so I can have some hot young thing setting naked on my lap doing her best to get me off.