Do you find young strippers (18-23) are more willing to go "Extra miliage" in a

avatar for asianlover1028
compared to the middle-age or veteran strippers?
I'd love to hear people who usually go for extras at clubs.
Do they find more young girls who are more willing to do HJ, BJ, FS than women who're probably in their late-20s and up?


last comment
avatar for asianlover1028
13 years ago
opps.. misspelled i mean "extra mileage"
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
yes but they are also the types that upsell and want higher prices.
avatar for southtx_007
13 years ago
I usually think this to since I am at the top of that range 23 but my last visit a lot of older women came up too me and I was offered more compared to the younger ones, plus they were better looking
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
You kind of beat me to the punch. I was going to start a topic on the same subject.

My experience has been that "older" (27 to 40) Dancers have been very willing to do extras & do them better. My last 2 ATFs both were in their very late 30s. They both were very, very exceptional in their sexual skills. The younger Dancers(18-23)that I have experienced in the last few years have been a bit reluctant & not quite so skilled. Maybe it was my bad luck in picking the wrong Dancers.

Perhaps it is TOO much of an age gap with the "baby" Dancers. I have NO problem being with the more "mature" Dancers. In the end I guess it cums down to personal preference and Luck.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
IME, younger dancers can outsell older dancers on straight-up dances, so the older ones are more likely to offer extracurricular activity to stay competitive.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
There are three groups of dancers who give high mileage dances.

1. Those who like you and want more of your money.

2. Those who only want more of your money.

3. Those who are in love with you (you lucky dog).

I don't think age makes that much of a difference in this underworld.
avatar for asianlover1028
13 years ago
hmm... interesting... I fully understand the concept that older women would do "extras" to compete with younger strippers. However, I think the younger ones are certainly worth more and they could make a lot more doing extras than others.. they probably get offered to do them in every other lap dance, really!
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I had a fav once, she was in her early 30's and of course very sexy and experienced. She had a saying that always made me laugh, but I suppose on the world of dancers it makes perfect sense.

"Dancers are on one of two teams; varsity or junior varsity. Older dancers are on varsity, younger dancers are on junior varsity. Which team would you rather play with?"

Me, I usually had a higher score on the varsity team.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Alucard - at my age there is always a huge age gap. :)

To celecbrate my 70th birthday last month, I took a 20 yo & her best friend, a 29 yo to VIP. They were both equally skilled.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Dancers are on one of two teams; varsity or junior varsity. Older dancers are on varsity, younger dancers are on junior varsity. Which team would you rather play with?"

"Me, I usually had a higher score on the varsity team."

Makes PERFECT sense to me!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"To celecbrate my 70th birthday last month, I took a 20 yo & her best friend, a 29 yo to VIP. They were both equally skilled"

I guess you pick them better than I do shadowcat. I bow to your Experience! LOL
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I've found very few young dancers who have ever done extras, at least in the clubs where extras happen. I did know of one girl at my favorite club who was 21 when I knew her and was very fond of BJTC, but she was the exception. It is my experience that girls in that age group choose to work non-extras clubs so they don't have to worry about having to do extras.
avatar for xxxrated
13 years ago
Actually,it depends on what club you go to. If you go to a classic topless strip club then the answer is yes. If you go to a gentlemens club the answer is no. Speaking from experience, younger strippers will definitely give you a nice and dirty experience but, it has to be the right club. Avoid the Rhino, Instead go to the raunchy spots like the Playpen......topless clubs in the rougher L.A. neighborhoods.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I have found that young dancers (18 - 23) think VIP is only for extras and don't want to waste time on traditional lap dances. Typically they are down on their knees and unzipping me before I can tell them what I want.
avatar for nelson
13 years ago
I feel the most important aspect to attaining extras is to develop a trusting relationship with your ATF. This includes being a good respectful guy (with a lot of cash). The stripper will want to make you a regular, thus taking good care of you both ITC and OTC. This may require a few visits, drinks and possibly meals to develop a connection.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I feel the most important aspect to attaining extras is to develop a trusting relationship with your ATF. This includes being a good respectful guy (with a lot of cash). The stripper will want to make you a regular, thus taking good care of you both ITC and OTC. This may require a few visits, drinks and possibly meals to develop a connection"

My two older ATFs & I were fortunate to develop a pretty instant chemistry & got into the extras right away. Of course, over subsequent visits I cultivated & nurtured the relationship.

"I have found that young dancers (18 - 23) think VIP is only for extras and don't want to waste time on traditional lap dances. Typically they are down on their knees and unzipping me before I can tell them what I want"

I'd love to meet an 18 year old like that!! LMFAO
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
I haven't found much correlation. Just when I think of a fabulous younger dancer, an older one also comes to mind. But for my VIP money, I find the older 30yo+ dancers to be way more confident and enjoyable.
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
I have found both to be equally as willing for ITC stuff. However, older dancers seem to make better ATFs. I have had more success OTC with older dancers, which really surprises me, now that I think about it.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
I don't think age matters much by itself, but I have found the extremely good looking ones to more willing to do high mileage than the more average ones. Since younger age does help them fall into the extremely good looking category, I would say, yes, it does make them somewhat more likely.

avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
pabloantonio, I agree with everything you said....but IMHO #3 is extremely rare
avatar for sanitago
13 years ago
my personal experience is that the younger dancers are more likely to NOT offer 'extras', as they can make pleny of money just giving a "regulation" LD. it's the older women who are often more 'relaxed' about what you can and can't do during a dance. YMMV.
avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
Quote from Shadowcat: To celebrate my 70th birthday last month, I took a 20 yo & her best friend, a 29 yo to VIP. They were both equally skilled.

Gotta love Shadowcat. Must be something about strip clubs that contributes to longevity. Aging golfers talk about shooting their age (a 70 year old shoots a score of 70 or better). We need a similar concept for strip clubs.

How many legal aged dancers does it take to accumulate enough years to match your age? Shadowcat now needs three or more dancers to accumulate enough years to match his age!

avatar for Electronman
13 years ago
Quote from Shadowcat: To celebrate my 70th birthday last month, I took a 20 yo & her best friend, a 29 yo to VIP. They were both equally skilled.

Gotta love Shadowcat. Must be something about strip clubs that contributes to longevity. Aging golfers talk about shooting their age (a 70 year old shoots a score of 70 or better). We need a similar concept for strip clubs.

How many legal aged dancers does it take to accumulate enough years to match your age? Shadowcat now needs three or more dancers to accumulate enough years to match his age!

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
"I feel the most important aspect to attaining extras is to develop a trusting relationship with your ATF. This includes being a good respectful guy (with a lot of cash). The stripper will want to make you a regular, thus taking good care of you both ITC and OTC. This may require a few visits, drinks and possibly meals to develop a connection."

While I tend to agree with the "respectful" and "cash" aspects, I don't think it takes a lot of time, money or attention to develop the kind of "relationship" in which I'm interested. The "cash" part pretty much covers it. If you're looking for more than getting your knob polished, all of that might apply, but that's not why I'm there. I realize that might sound a little weird coming from a guy who has been boinking the same dancer for a year and a half now, and who took almost six months to agree to the first time, but IME, she's the exception (maybe; I'm still not *entirely* convinced, but it no longer matters). A "lucky for me" exception, but an exception nonetheless.

I'm also not convinced there's any direct relationship between age and willingness to engage in extra activity. I've had both younger and older girls offer to skip work and go to a hotel before I even walk in the club, and I've had both younger and older girls not even give me the time of day after they've watched me spend money.

I'm pretty shallow, so all else being equal, I'm going to gravitate towards the younger ones. True, older women tend to have an edge in the experience and skill department, but I haven't noticed that it's *that* much different, and to be honest, I'm shallow enough that the tighter bodies of the younger ones balance that out to a fair degree.

If you're looking for more in a dancer relationship that getting your nut, then yeah, maybe it takes more work, time and energy, but from my own experience, either they'll sex you or they won't, and it age hasn't seemed to make much difference in determining who will or won't.
avatar for Cheo_D
13 years ago
Count me in for another one who has not noticed a clear pattern either way. I don't seek out extras but I've received many an offer and the demographic of the lady offering is all over the place, and seems to vary by location and club type as well.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
No younger does not mean hornier
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
But doesn't Rick_TheIdiot_Dugan's system say you are not supposed to waste your time on the younger ones, but target the older ones instead? Could it be Rick knows nothing after all?
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
In my experience, I've had 4 dancers take the little guy out for some fresh air and other things. One was a young 20-25, the others were somewhere between 35-45. That group includes my ATF and my fave at my current club. I do buy dances with the younger girls, but in most cases the mileage just isn't there. My results are a little less than what many of you get... I club in Illinois, and not the E St Louis area.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Younger means they have higher expectations
avatar for FinalLap
13 years ago
My observation over the past several years (the recession) is that older, experienced dancers are willing to do more in VIP because they have to, just to maintain their income. But their enthusiasm may be half-hearted.

On the other hand, younger dancers generally do more on the regular couches than the older dancers. I think that's just "life." They're comfortable doing what they routinely do with their guys--so they do it with their customers. But when you go into VIP with a younger dancer, you may get the same dance you would have gotten out in the club. Or, she'll be asking for more money for each move up the Touch Scale. And that drives me crazy. Tell me up front what it costs. Don't change the deal!
avatar for deejaymedstu
13 years ago
I agree with most of these comments. The older ones are more willing to do extras. However, if they dig you, you can have them. Also, why not just go to Tijuana and get a girl there for $60 or so if you just want some 69 or have a fantasy or fetish? Just show them interest, strike up a conversation, and let them do the touching. When they have that certain sign in their eyes and practically drag you to a private area, you know you will be satisfied.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
IMHO, age isn't so much a factor as the location of the club and the club itself. I have better mileage at nude clubs vs. topless, and the raunchier the neighborhood, the raunchier the dances.
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