which club to work at?how to make that decision?

avatar for blondie2190
well let me just start by saying im totally new to this.i literally stepped foot in my first strip club last week.to be honest,i have always been interested in them.I think that the idea of getting to be yourself,getting to dance for a living instead of doing some mundane job you hate day after day would be a great choice.I have a great personality and I dont think im "bad" looking either.Im very outgoing,have a cheerleading background and love to dance so i figured why not?lol.my issue is the getting started part.Im still unsure of how to pick where to dance at first.I really dont have any clubs super close to home so i would have to travel a bit to get to work.I also need help in choosing a name as well,because im not dumb enough to use my real one.if anyone has insight into the ways of choosing "work" worthy clubs it would be a great help to me.any dancers on here that have experience in this work would be the best ones to help me out.i just wonder if anyone else out there has the same issue as me and how they overcame them.im sure im not the first one to be asking these questions and i certainly wont be the last,but i figure writing an article on dancers getting started would get my mind working.:)


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avatar for scatterbrain
13 years ago
You might want to check out- http://stripperweb.com/. A good place to compare notes with other dancers; even if they tend to be negative towards us guys. Honestly, we're not all as bad as they seem to think we are.

It would probably help to know what part of the country generally you live in. Based on your pics, you'll do just fine wherever you end up. Good luck to you.
avatar for blondie2190
13 years ago
Thank you:)I live in northeast ohio.not sure how many ppl on here have been to clubs here but if you have which ones are favorites?
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Visit the clubs in your area. IMO if you are this apprehensive about finding a club and name on your own, you may not have what it takes to be a successful dancer.
avatar for kuteechaser
13 years ago
Visit various clubs and see if you can imagine yoursef working there. Also,check TUSCL for reviews.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Ya u also need to ask yourself am I going to b an air dancer ?.....be a girl that gives heavy contact? Also need to thank about giving men hj ? Bj ? Fs ? For extra money ? These r some thangs u need to thank about 2
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Did you read Art's Rant juicebox69? I'm guessing you may not have read it.
avatar for sanitago
13 years ago
for a "working" name, your screen name here wouldn't be a bad one. as for how to decide on a club to work in, first off, are you going to let your family/friends know you're dancing in a strip club? if not, then finding one that's not too close to where you live might actually be a good idea. I know a dancer who drives about two hours one way to get to the club she works in, so a having to do a 'long commute' to a club isn't all that odd. beyond that, as others have said, check out some of the reviews here and then think of it as the person they'll be talking about. do you want to dance in a club where you're expect to let the guys do everything but roll on a condom and bend you over? or would you prefer one where you're expected to do a less "intimate" dance? it might not even be a bad idea to talk to some of the dancers about what the club is like (though not, of course, letting them know you're thinking of working there....too good a chance they'll bad-mouth the place to keep from having to compete with you). to be honest, from your pics, I wish you lived in northern Illinois, I know a club or three that could use someone who looks like you!
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
Try to find out what the average dancer is making at the clubs you want to work at. Keep in mind, a sizeable chunk of the money you make will be taken by the club as "fees". Factor in how much you will spend on gasoline commuting and maintenance costs to your vehicle. Working a mundane job might end up paying more money in the end.

I have seen tons of new strippers over the past year at my local club. Most end up quitting after a week or two. This line of work is not for everyone. Many figure out the degradation is not worth what they are making or they can't compete with the better established girls, who may or may not be giving sexual favors. Weigh the good and the bad. Yeah the money can be great and tax-free, but also keep in mind you have to deal with drunks, stalkers, and guys that want to grab, finger, and lick you during private dances.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
Read the book Candy Girl by Diablo Cody. She goes into pretty good detail about how she got started and chose the places she worked at. http://www.amazon.com/Candy-Gi…
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
go to the club. spend some time time there talk to the staff. go during day shift & night shift. pay close attention to fridays & saterdays
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
1)read the reviews for the clubs your are considering
2) Think long and hard about how far you are willing to go and if that's compatible with the club
3) Visit club... at least where I'm a reg, management will give you a tour and a run down of operations
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
I would also recommend stripperweb.com I have never been to an Ohio club, so I can't help you there. But between here and SW, you should find plenty of help. Good luck and have fun!
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
If you're really unsure, you can pick a club and try waitressing for a week. You'll find out soon enough if you're suited for that club.

And I think you really need to visit Stripperweb as others have said. They have a huge section on newbie dancer info. Quite frankly, the regular posters on TUSCL are not typical of most guys that go to clubs - so while interesting, this may not be the best source of intel.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
sanitago-"for a "working" name, your screen name here wouldn't be a bad one" Bizarrely enough, Sunday night I made a visit to my local strip club and bought dances from a dancer named Blondie.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Don't you have to work at a strip club to call yourself a stripper? I'm a rocket scientist by the way
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