For those of you who might have used this service, or another like it, what is your opinion of the women available there?
Note that I'm not interested in the level or detail of the service you got, but instead am curious about whether the girls were in fact "amateurs" supplementing their income, or if instead they were actually escorts and hookers just using it as another backpage or craigslist substitute.
I suspect it's a little of both. I registered at a couple of these sites, but I haven't devoted the time to really fill out my profile. Plus, there's always a monthly membership fee, and I can get pretty much the same at a local club. So far, no luck with the various sites, better luck in the clubs.
I've heard of the site, but never used it. have tried a few other, similar sites, and most of the "replies" are scams looking to get you to go to another site.....where you are (of course) charged yet more money to do precisely the same thing: look at the "profiles" of "hot women". my advice: save your money, hit Backpage and get a 'sure thing'.
SA appears to be the most legitimate of the various "Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby" sites. It has its fair share of thinly disguised escorts, but at least in the DC area, most are authentic amateurs - ranging from lots of students (college, grad school, even law school), to professional women (realtors, teachers, social workers, Capital Hill interns, etc.) to stay-at-home MILFs. In view of some recent discussions threads, SA amateurs are more likely to be intelligent, well-spoken, literate, and have natural breasts with few to no tattoos or piercings.
@joesparty: Has little to do with luck or opportunity.
@sanitago: I've never gotten a non-scam response, or one that didn't smell of LE, from Craigslist or backpage. Admittedly, I haven't done either much, being pretty happy with my strippers. Especially the current one. :)
@steve: Thanks for the detail; that's exactly the kind of opinion I was looking for.
The guy who asked me (and I choose not to inquire to closely as to why *I* was the one he asked) has more money than sense, and doesn't want a "pro". He also is afraid of disease, and doesn't want the "one night stand" kind of thing he thinks a stripper, escort or hooker would be. He wants the benefits of a steady girlfriend without the obligation.
last commentmy advice: save your money, hit Backpage and get a 'sure thing'.
At least, that's what I've heard.
@sanitago: I've never gotten a non-scam response, or one that didn't smell of LE, from Craigslist or backpage. Admittedly, I haven't done either much, being pretty happy with my strippers. Especially the current one. :)
@steve: Thanks for the detail; that's exactly the kind of opinion I was looking for.
The guy who asked me (and I choose not to inquire to closely as to why *I* was the one he asked) has more money than sense, and doesn't want a "pro". He also is afraid of disease, and doesn't want the "one night stand" kind of thing he thinks a stripper, escort or hooker would be. He wants the benefits of a steady girlfriend without the obligation.