
Comments by LeeH (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    YMMV ... Is it possible that I am partly the reason my mileage varies?
    gator: ...they don't change mileage unless our behavior is completely unacceptable. I'd come close to agreeing with this. I'd say that mileage doesn't vary *significantly* unless your behavior is very bad *OR* very good. I get free extras in VIP from this one dancer just because I made such a good first impression. While I don't kid myself that I'm the "only one", she'd have to be crazy not to be charging most guys for the same stuff. And she's not crazy. gator: I don't think Dougster would say this. No, he wouldn't. But that was waaaaay less cynical than your first statement.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Clubber, yeah, I'm with you on the "younger are mostly airheads" (although my ATF is the exception that proves the rule - she's all of 22). And that's probably a good part of my attraction to older dancers. I don't want to have to say "Oh, will you please shut up, give me my LD, and then go the hell away!!"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    taking notes?
    txtittyfan, tell us what you really think. - I'm not *worried* about offending a dancer, though I'd *prefer* not to offend any human being. Stop channeling Dougster. - If I've met her *once* and had a great time, I want to remember her name, and I'm not a fool if I don't. Most of the clubs here are honest about who's on that night if you call ahead. You get a straight answer when you call and ask "Is Stephanie on tonight?". Not so much when you ask "Is the big-titted brunette who looks like this girl I went to college with, on tonight?"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    taking notes?
    gator, not AT the club -- later. I was asking if I have Alzheimer's. I already *know* that I'm a geek, but I try not to show it at the club. minnow, funny intro ;-) minnow and Kohl, thanks, I feel better now ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What a lot of people call "upscale" is just tight-ass, unless you're willing to drop 4 figures. So I wouldn't ever rate an "upscale" club as "high", as you mentioned. That said, it depends on a few things: Clubs: * In general, I'd agree with you on the clean/safe thing. I wouldn't go for something less than that just to go. * However, I *did* follow two dancers from one club (that shut down) to another that's in a pretty shitty part of town. Thankfully, the first club is back again as is one of the dancers, and soon the other one. Dancers: * What attracts me to a dancer is so all-over-the-map, that I'm probably the worst judge on TUSCL for rating dancers (though in my reviews, I try to look through the average guy's eyes). * For example, being an old fart, I'm (at least initially) drawn to older dancers. I'm sure that, for a lot of guys, the age factor alone would cost the girl a point or three in rating.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    YMMV ... Is it possible that I am partly the reason my mileage varies?
    gator, you channeling Dougster today? ;-) dallas, it's possible that your attitude can affect your mileage to some degree. I think it's just a variation on what I have observed about LDs -- the more the dancer likes the song, the better the dance is, and it's a win-win. In the same way, if the dancer enjoys dancing for you, that can show in different (and often fun) ways.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Paying for dances before versus after the dance
    gmd: "the clubs I go to most. Most of them have stepped prices" I wish PP did that. As I said, I never do VIP there, but often get several dances at a time. I once dropped as much on dances from one dancer as if I had taken her to VIP (not all at once, but over the course of the night).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Maybe LE reads this site and maybe it doesn't. Either way, do you actually want to arm these guys with info? I'd rather them say "Shit -- I'm not getting any worthwhile info from TUSCL. Maybe I'll go solve some real crimes."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Paying for dances before versus after the dance
    Have to echo gator - I get anywhere from 1 to 6 dances at a time. 1 if she sucks (not in THAT sense), 6 if she's good and I'm at Pink Pony (where I never do VIP). Plus I usually tip *something* and what that something winds up being is being calculated in my head(s) as the dances are occurring. Now VIP, I can understand, especially if it's your first time with that dancer. That's some major buckage.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Even Dougster's right *sometimes*
    Re: subject line Mark Twain observed that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. That's 2 seconds out of every 86,400. One day Dougster will get up to that 0.0023% mark.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Decision is a bitch , i'm trying to decide betwen to Favs , both used to work a
    My heart bleeds. At least you can see them at separate clubs. Two of my faves were BFFs, only "forever" got shortened. They were in the same club, but are currently at diff clubs, but will be back in the same club soon. That's gonna be a really fun day.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Paying for pics of a stripper?
    Flipside: A dancer wanted to send me pix now and then via phone just to f*ck with my head (e.g. sitting in a meeting, my phone vibrates, I look down to see her naked breasts). Sadly, I had given her my Google Voice number (for slight anonymity's sake) and GV doesn't do MMS.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Musing on Music in Clubs
    My experience is that most DJs are deaf and can't read CD labels either.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Expertise or Enthusiasm?
    There HAS to be enthusiasm. If I want to see a girl who looks bored out of her skull or like she doesn't give a shit, I'll go find my ex-wife. Skill doesn't really stand alone in my book, but is paired with appearance. Ya know how sometimes it's said of us guys that "it's not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean"? Same thing with dancers. She can have all the skill in the world, but if she's not exploiting her best assets, she may not be as appealing as a girl who has less skill but knows how to use what her momma gave her. Now, a dancer who has enthusiasm, uses what skill she has well, AND is trying to improve her skill -- that's the trifecta! My ATF doesn't think she can stage dance well, but she's working on it. Frankly, I hope she's wrong, b/c if she gets much better, I'm gonna have a coronary.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    You ever feel bad about a new dancer looking sad and rejected because you quickl
    To me, it depends on the dancer's approach. I was in one club for 30 seconds when a shot girl plopped herself down in my lap and told me that I looked like I needed a shot and a massage. I told her no thanks, that I had just gotten there and wanted to chill. She kept pushing it and finally remarked that I looked bored. I said that maybe that was because I had told her "no" 3 times and she was still there. She said "wow" and got up and walked away. I didn't feel one bit of guilt over her. On the flip side, if a dancer is nice about it, but I'm just not interested (or at least, not then), I'll turn her down nicely, but ask her name. This generally makes her feel better, that maybe I'll look her up later. And even if I don't, she'll have forgotten soon anyway.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A Strange Review...
    "Adult Super Center" ?? That's the best name they could come up with? What do you get there? A 50-gallon tub of KY and 10 gross of condoms, all for $5 ?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Clubber, sorry for delay in replying. My experience is that if women come without a guy (e.g. girls' night out) or are very drunk, they're nuts. Also very jealous of them, as they get away with a lot of groping that a guy could never do (outside VIP). If the come without a guy AND they are very drunk, they can be more entertaining/arousing than the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strippers in civies
    A few diff experiences of dancers in civvies: 1. Though I usually go to clubs after dark, one summer evening, I went at about 7:30 to my first ATF's club to see her dance one more time before she retired (she needed a steadier income). The club ROB was coming in late and arrived about 15 seconds before me. OMG, sunlight is not kind to her, and she dresses sluttier in civvies than on stage. 2. First time in one club that wasn't very busy (and on a weeknight), I was the only (or maybe one of two) customer for the last 45 minutes. So some dancers were hanging it up early. I had gotten a couple LDs from D earlier in the night, but she was one of the girls that quit early. I was getting a dance from T when D came out of the dressing room. She came over to tell T something. Without her distracting lingerie and f*ck-me heels on, I realized that she was a dead ringer for a girl I had major hots for in early college. The next time I was there, I got a VIP from her -- boy, were there a lot of different thoughts running through my head that night!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strippers in civies
    Rod8432: I saw an escort one time who I never saw personally... Yeah, yeah, sure you didn't. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dude looks like a lady
    Gee, Maryah, why the long face? ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Leaving your drink while you take a leak
    I've had it happen several times. On the flipside there's one barkeeper that takes very good care of me. I left a mostly empty glass of Coke on the bar when I went to take a leak. Came back and she had put a fresh, full glass there. That nice surprise nullified 20 disappearing drinks.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    I've heard of GETTING the clap at a SC. Down here in the South, we hoop and holler. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What Makes Her Your ATF?
    Bottom line is that she makes me feel good. Now how you define "feel good" varies wildly. ATF #1: Great chemistry. She was closer to my old fart age, so our interests and references were closer. She had a rocking body and was a great dancer too, but that didn't play into ATF status as much. ATF #2: Great chemistry, DESPITE the fact that she's half my age. Some of the nice stuff that she said wasn't SS (there was no value in it being SS) but even when she lapses into SS, it's so well-crafted that I don't give a damn. On the physical end, I often forget to breathe when she's dancing on stage. As far as VIP, you know how the Stones said "you can make a dead man cum"? As to others who have vied for the title: T: The first night that I met her, she hung out with me (including a lot of surreptitious stick shifting) for the last hour til closing, even after she knew I was tapped out. C: Starts affecting a British accent when she gets nervous or drunk. Cute as hell, too. (She has an awesome body, yet I sometimes catch myself looking at her face as she dances nude in front of me.) I: Her mere presence can "center" me. She's the one dancer that I don't feel weird about giving money just for her time (ordinarily, I've gotta buy a dance or three). P: Free HJs in VIP, just because I'm not an asshole. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    feature dancers? what's the draw?
    and you just let her sit there? dude, i just lost a lot of respect for you -- about 48" worth! ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex in public...
    Clubber, oh I know. But the other dumb@sses that support it aren't theoretically supposed to represent us. So, IMHO, politicians are dumb@ss-er.