Expertise or Enthusiasm?

avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.

Does sufficient enthusiasm make up for a lack of skill? Does sufficient skill make make up for a lack of enthusiasm?

Obviously, both at the same time is the ideal (well, for me anyway), but for me, it takes a lot of skill to make up for a complete lack of enthusiasm, but even a lot of enthusiasm won't offset a lack of skill.


last comment
avatar for wallanon
14 yrs ago


Most of the time I'd take enthusiasm over the mechanical cowgirl, though, since it doesn't take that much to work a teachable moment into a set of dances.

avatar for bigdude012
14 yrs ago

enthusiam. If a dancer is enthusiastic enough she'll be able to figure out what "skills" she needs to make you happy

avatar for harrydave
14 yrs ago

I have had far worse dances from girls with little expertise and lots of enthusiasm. Now, a teachable girl is another thing.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

enthusiasm is faked too easily by strippers..I would would take the skillful one

avatar for shadowcat
14 yrs ago

IMO you can't have one without the other.

avatar for Alucard
14 yrs ago

I agree with shadowcat.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

Ditto, sc and Alucard

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

Does a Cheerleader jumping up & down in front of you cause an ejaculation?

If so, then I guess you know your answer. If not, I guess you need more stimulation.

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

Enthusiasm is great but expertise in getting me off is a gals trump card for my money otc.

avatar for dallas702
14 yrs ago

A few years ago I bought a dance from a newbie who was absolutely thrilled to be asked. Enthusiasm through the roof, wanted to please, willing to listen, and not too "limited" in what she would allow. But - DAMN - She had NO IDEA what she was doing! Before I could stop her she bounced - hard - on my equipment which afterward was no longer willing to be hard.

Ehthusiasm counts, but without at least a little skill/experience it can be a painful experience!

avatar for DandyDan
14 yrs ago

As far as I'm concerned, dancers need both, but I prefer enthusiasm over expertise, all things considered.

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago

No and no!

avatar for wallanon
14 yrs ago

Somewhere in there the customer shoulders some of the burden for the experience. If you pick a dancer that's hopeless in either direction, that's kind of a self-inflicted problem. When I think about what I'd call the worst dances I've ever had, though, it's always the ROBs. And some of them had some clear talent while they were trying to work the upsell, but the experience was a total fail. Enthusiasm with the ultra ROBs is just crazy talk.

The worst newbie dancer with spirit and no skills I can remember was a gal that had no awareness of how to position herself. Her first lap dance. Ever. Charity dance since she'd just sat with me for over a half hour and I wanted to leave. Sexy as hell, but kept settling in too low for about a song and a half. Basically ground on my nuts, which feels about as good as it sounds. Since subtlety wasn't working, I finally reached around and let my fingers rest right above her button. That got her to pause, then I pushed in to get her to slide up and got where I needed to be. Heard the quick breath with a moan underneath to let me know the stripper had been properly configured. Then I spent I the next two minutes thinking about how sore I was going to be (very) while she got herself off.

avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago

"Does a Cheerleader jumping up & down in front of you cause an ejaculation?"

You betcha!!

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago

This is such a complicated equation for having just two parts (enthusiasm and expertise). I'm not sure what the graph of the equation would look like but I'm probably ok if they have plenty of both and would choose enthusiasm...I love to see them keep trying harder if they don't get it right the first time.

avatar for LeeH
14 yrs ago

There HAS to be enthusiasm. If I want to see a girl who looks bored out of her skull or like she doesn't give a shit, I'll go find my ex-wife.

Skill doesn't really stand alone in my book, but is paired with appearance. Ya know how sometimes it's said of us guys that "it's not the size of the boat, but the motion in the ocean"? Same thing with dancers. She can have all the skill in the world, but if she's not exploiting her best assets, she may not be as appealing as a girl who has less skill but knows how to use what her momma gave her.

Now, a dancer who has enthusiasm, uses what skill she has well, AND is trying to improve her skill -- that's the trifecta! My ATF doesn't think she can stage dance well, but she's working on it. Frankly, I hope she's wrong, b/c if she gets much better, I'm gonna have a coronary.

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