I read in a review a guy saying that clapping after a dancer performs is a "Midwest thing". I've seen this but not very often. Anybody go to clubs where the girls get ovations after their stage set?
i'm in the midwest. it's a rare occurance imo, maybe if a girl does something exceptional on stage a few might applaud or maybe a couple of drunk fans might applaud for a fave but no such thing as a full house applause from my experience.
The DJ at one club has this fake applause that he plays sometimes. The feature dancers at Cols Gold try to get everyone to start clapping, they are annoying.
I've really only seen this as the night rolls on and everybody is getting drunk and having a good time, hooting and hollering. I agree that you see it less and less as time goes on: common courtesy is old-fashioned concept.
At my favorite club, Fantasia in Huntsville,Al. the DJ always bangs on his table and hollers for people to clap. Very few if any customers respond to his rantings, but he still does it after every song. I can't figure out why they just don't stop it. In the beginning it was a little annoying, but now I pretty much tune it out. Kind of comical in a way.
It's not a lack of common courtesy, as sinclair bemoans. Clappng is a hangover from the days of burlesque, when the girls on stage actually had talents. Today's strippers either don't have talent, or don't know how to display it. As today's strip clubs are basically bordellos in disguise, the only item being displayed and sold, is sex.
In the days of openly operating bordellos in America, burlesque joints had musicians, comedians, and real dancing talent. At the same time, some bordellos had displays of talent. Some prostitutes entertained their clients by singing, or doing the can can with other dancers, or humerous skits.
I'd refer you to my article here about the history of strip joints, but it seems to have disappeared.
Gotta agree with Dudester. Only 1 in 20 dancers has real dancing talent. The vast majority are what I refer to as "shoe models", and some like to spin around the pole a bit, or get down doggie style and shake their booty. And that's about it. At Hiliter in Phoenix there is one day girl who is a yoga instructor. She is ripped, and does a variety of balancing and strength moves. I have clapped for her.
like some others have said, the club I frequent has a DJ who always asks the customers to "give it up" for whatever dancer is on stage. sometimes they do, usually they don't.
I think both the lack of talent among dancers and the dearth of courtesy among patrons are both at play here. Granted, most girls don't like the stage and give us little to applaud. Occasionally a girl will rock it and get a bit of recognition, but its rare. One thing is for sure--being ordered by the DJ to "make some noise" rarely does the trick, even for feature dancers, who often amp up their show or give away product to the loudest crowd/patron.
claping is not a misdwest thing. I mainly go to wis. clubs and any ill. clubs and the dj always asks for a hand for the dancer, and there is usually some half hearted claping, but only to satisfy the dj.
There are a couple of clubs in Southern California where the DJ ask for people to clap after each stripper performs. The patrons rarely do, unless the stripper actually does something unique.
Clapping happens in the Toronto area, as a courtesy thing. There is a girl up there working her ass off to get your attention, the least you can do is acknowledge her.
londonguy- The Midwest is all the states from Ohio in the east to Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas in the west, and between Kansas, Missouri and the Ohio River on the south and Canada to the north.
I live in the Midwest and I hear clapping all the time, but usually, it's prompted by the DJ. If there is no DJ, you never hear clapping in a club unless there is something exceptional happening, usually a girl-on-girl thing.
londonguy: Where the "mid-west" is depends on who you talk to. For some, anything outside of NYC, Washington DC, LA, and San Fransisco, is "mid-west" or "flyover" country. :)
Assuming the stripper makes some kind of effort to entertain her audience, I think it would be rude not to show appreciation by applauding. I mean, consider what kind of job she's doing. That in itself deserves to be recognized.
True enough TT, but applause don't pay da' bills. If they get decent tips, the trip to to the stage is worth it, whether we clap or not. When you get up from your table and walk to the stage to give her money, you are accomplishing the same thing as applause, except it has tangible value. When it comes down to it, the highest expression of appreciation towards the performers in a SC is CA$H!!!
"Anybody go to clubs where the girls get ovations after their stage set?"
I dunno about a standing-O, but I always try to clap after a dancer's stage show if I liked her routine.
"Where does the midwest start and finish?"
The Midwest consists of 12 states in the north-central USA: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio & Wisconsin. I'd consider ND, SD, NE, and KS to be in the Great Plains, but to each his own I guess...
My experience is that if women come without a guy (e.g. girls' night out) or are very drunk, they're nuts. Also very jealous of them, as they get away with a lot of groping that a guy could never do (outside VIP).
If the come without a guy AND they are very drunk, they can be more entertaining/arousing than the dancers.
last commentWhen I like a dancer's stage show I do a thing where I make eye contact with her and then do a golf clap. Always gets them to come around.
And this is of course completely different from getting the "clap," which was what I thought this thread was about at first, lol.
It's not a lack of common courtesy, as sinclair bemoans. Clappng is a hangover from the days of burlesque, when the girls on stage actually had talents. Today's strippers either don't have talent, or don't know how to display it. As today's strip clubs are basically bordellos in disguise, the only item being displayed and sold, is sex.
In the days of openly operating bordellos in America, burlesque joints had musicians, comedians, and real dancing talent. At the same time, some bordellos had displays of talent. Some prostitutes entertained their clients by singing, or doing the can can with other dancers, or humerous skits.
I'd refer you to my article here about the history of strip joints, but it seems to have disappeared.
The Midwest is all the states from Ohio in the east to Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas in the west, and between Kansas, Missouri and the Ohio River on the south and Canada to the north.
I live in the Midwest and I hear clapping all the time, but usually, it's prompted by the DJ. If there is no DJ, you never hear clapping in a club unless there is something exceptional happening, usually a girl-on-girl thing.
Try walking out of a lap dance area and just clapping instead of giving her the cash. You'll find out real quick, the difference. :)
Down here in the South, we hoop and holler. ;-)
You made me think of something. Have you ever seen females in a SC? They go crazy!
I dunno about a standing-O, but I always try to clap after a dancer's stage show if I liked her routine.
"Where does the midwest start and finish?"
The Midwest consists of 12 states in the north-central USA: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio & Wisconsin. I'd consider ND, SD, NE, and KS to be in the Great Plains, but to each his own I guess...
My experience is that if women come without a guy (e.g. girls' night out) or are very drunk, they're nuts. Also very jealous of them, as they get away with a lot of groping that a guy could never do (outside VIP).
If the come without a guy AND they are very drunk, they can be more entertaining/arousing than the dancers.