Dude looks like a lady
Cols Gold recently updated their website and now the "girls" they have are their current regular strippers. One stripper I have met before and who has pictures on their website, I was wondering if you guys think she is a trannie?
And MisterGay writes like a homo.
http://columbusgold.com/maryah.html is a link to her four pictures.
She is also manly in person. Oh well, I am just going to take bathroom break or go up to the bar if I am ever there and she is on stage.
If you think the prices are a rip off at cols gold, vanity next door is even worse.
Kahoots is 5 minutes away and is much better than Cols gold and vanity.
[ignore]Posted: 08/07/10
"Rule is if it has a dick it's a man."
Gator...so you'd be ok if it just USED to have a dick?! That's very civilized of you. LOL
As for Maryah...it looks like she should be a good looking woman...but something is just off.