
Paying for pics of a stripper?

avatar for samsung1

Been trying to arrange OTC with a local stripper. I asked her to send pics and she replied with price quotes. I can understand her wanting to protect her privacy and not just give out pics to every SC customer...but this has red flags and feels like a ROB tactic. Price was $20 or $50 for nude...worth the investment or time to catch the next bus?


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avatar for Jourdan
14 yrs ago

ok ill give you my perspective, but keep in mind i am a dancer who has never done OTC escorting (i have on occasion met regulars for dinner and even done private dances OTC, but i have never done hj/bj/fs ITC or OTC) so my perspective is different than yours

things you need to consider:

  1. think of what you can do with the picture. you already mentioned privacy. with said pic, especially if it is nude, you have ammo. however, if this really was a concern i dont think 20-50$ would solve it...

  2. think of what her other jobs may be. aside from a stripper and possibly an escort, she also might be a model and/or a cam girl. if she is a model who typically charges for photos, does it make her an ROB to also charge you for a photo? i would say no, it makes her a business woman. same thing if she is a cam girl... typically cam girls try to do minimal for free to get guys to spend money on things that shouldnt be for free.... i.e. nudity.

so i would say no, shes not an ROB, just doing business vs. freebies. then again, maybe if you are a valued regular she might throw in a free pic as an incentive to keep you her customer. so you should probably factor in whether you have been a consistent reg vs. if this is after one meeting ITC. if its after one meeting, why shouldnt she charge you? if you have spent a lot of money on her ITC over several occasions, then maybe you can question it a bit more.

either way, a pic, especially nude, is probably a service in her mind. i can see why she would charge and do not at all think this makes her a ROB. it probably does indicate that she is opposed to freebies though...

avatar for txtittyfan
14 yrs ago

Why do you feel entitled to receive free pictures? The stripper knows she can probably get you to pay. After all, you are her PL.

avatar for how
14 yrs ago

I wouldn't pay for pix, but I wouldn't say you should or shouldn't. Suit yourself. Also, I don't blame her for asking. She's making it clear there is nothing "special" about her interactions with you, relative to anyone else. That would have me "catching the next bus," but we are all different.

avatar for shadowcat
14 yrs ago

sam, I am puzzled. Are you trying to arrange an OTC experience with a stripper unseen? This sounds more like something an escort would do. I have pictures of 5 strippers on my profile page. I did not ask for them. They were given to me just like phone numbers or email addresses. Last month, one who is computer illiterate, wanted to give me one by cell phone but I have a cheap phone that does not have that capability.

avatar for rickdugan
14 yrs ago

shadow, good post, I was confused by that myself.

Sam, if she is a local stripper why do you need the pics? I would never pay for a pic from a girl - don't really see the point.

avatar for troop
14 yrs ago

sam, i say get on the bus..

avatar for harrydave
14 yrs ago

Take the bus. In my experience, OTC only happens when you have been with a girl, looked her in the eye, asked her to go OTC for sex, and she has said, unambiguously, "Yes". Every other scenario, involving various forms of ambiguity, is a fools errand.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

Or, submit a counteroffer: $10 and $20.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

samsung1, I get the impression that this one is a ROB,Jourdan's post up above is valid, but from what you and I have discussed earlier on this, and thinking about the pics you sent me. I get a bad vibe. PM me if you wish, I'll tell you why.

avatar for samsung1
14 yrs ago

She worked at a local strip club but she took time off work because she had a baby. We exchanged email/numbers but never did OTC together. Now, I want to see her after her baby, and not try to remember what she looked like before she was pregnant. But I am taking advice from troop and others, no pics then no money.

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago


If you do get pics...we all want to see them!

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

If those prices for just 1 pic she sounds like ROB. Ones I have done otc and taken pics of vary (prices to take pic) - I would say $20 for 10 would be average. Some will do nude, others bikini. My current fav (no pics posted, she mite be pissed seeing them on this site) does pics for free both nude and bikini. I have pics of gals I have done otc - Jessica, Shelly, Maggie (no longer doing). My current one has about 500 pics of her on her FB page many I have saved to flash drive along with photos I have taken of her at otc sessions. She has also sent me pics via mms which are also free, usually bikini photos. FB can be a rich source of pics and info on them. I would not be surprised if some of these gals use FB to recruit clients. Tread lightly though, you dont want hubby or BF reading your comments on how you have enjoyed them!

avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago


Seems like a slippery slope. First you're paying for nude pictures, next thing you know you're paying for sex...oh, wait, ah, never mind.

avatar for sauternes
14 yrs ago

I had a dancer at a local club send me a free picture recently. But she's trying to recruit me for a FS OTC session at $800/hour ... At that rate the pic better be free, but I'm still "catching the next bus."

avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago

I see pasties!

avatar for LeeH
14 yrs ago

Flipside: A dancer wanted to send me pix now and then via phone just to f*ck with my head (e.g. sitting in a meeting, my phone vibrates, I look down to see her naked breasts). Sadly, I had given her my Google Voice number (for slight anonymity's sake) and GV doesn't do MMS.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

re: "$800/hour": Tell her you've got $27 ready to go (ie claim you're a two-minute man.)

avatar for Player11
14 yrs ago

The strippers / whores I know on FB do not publicize their profession or activities. My fav is on FB with lots of sexy pics and interestingly her hubby is a friend. I have been doing her about 2yr itc and otc. One of her FB friends, another stripper who she has done 3 somes with is married and also done lots of work otc. She is married too. These gals control their men, keeeping their whoring a secret.

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

Why would you want to mess with her at all. Leave that shit alone until she goes back dancing.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago

While I agree with those who don't think she's necessarily a ROB for wanting to be paid for a picture, I don't think she's thought it through. That kind of price is for a studio quality print, suitable for display, not a quick phone picture just to have a reference.

avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago

Sam - do what I do, wait till they pass out, then snap a quick shot with your iPhone camera:


avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago


There are many fish in the pond. Throw this one back, unless you are determined, then buyer beware.

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