
Comments by LeeH (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    feature dancers? what's the draw?
    minnow, read slower. * they CAN'T dance on the floor * i don't do VIP at that club I lucked out in having desired dancer with me when feature started that night. I'm too damn particular about what defines "desired". ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Thank you, jerks and assholes...
    gmd, I'm always the nice guy, too. Except for the ROBs, most dancers are nice back. What I didn't realize for quite a while was how much of an exception I am. Most of the dancers didn't dump on the jerks to me. But as I started settling on "regulars", they'd sometimes ask me to give a friend a dance and would usually stay there while I did. Invariably, the "guest" dancer and my regular would start talking (good) about me to each other. Often, they did it like I wasn't even there. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    feature dancers? what's the draw?
    Seriously, though, report back on what the BFD is.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    feature dancers? what's the draw?
    troop, you just burned out my retinas by even *suggesting* that.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Pool tables at strip clubs
    When Tiffany's closed, I followed one of the dancers to another club. It's REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY laid back. More like a lounge that happens to have naked women in it, than a SC. Which kinda makes sense, as half the dancers there aren't worth watching, IMHO. Their pool tables get used a lot. But no other club that I've been to has much activity on their pool tables, if they have them.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I like the Bartender
    So is Atlanta the only city where most of the bartenders are male? I keep reading down this thread and seeing "she" over and over. ;-) There are a couple guy bartenders that are just good guys to hang with. Butch, the main bartender at Main Stage is pretty cool. When there are very few dancers at MS (which happens a lot) he's good to shoot the shit with. And he does take care of me -- if there are few enough dancers there that night, he never charges me for my Cokes. Pink Pony usually has a girl working the showbar bar. And Tiffany's bartenders were all girls, and they were HAWT! I was disappointed that neither of them were dancers. Though one did dance some (behind the bar) now and then. Maybe even flip her skirt up.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex in public...
    Well, I was being silly, how. Your example is a real win for the terrorists. Our politicians are idiots.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Pool tables at strip clubs
    I always thought that a LD was *how* you got a feel of a girl. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex in public...
    samsung1: I have read that the "Mile High Club" has become even more rare than before because of all the new regulations and security from the 9/11 tragedy. That's a tragedy! When that happens, the terrorists win!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    is there such a thing as MS (masseuse shit) ?
    Wow, Dougster, so you can't read English, but you can read my mind?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    is there such a thing as MS (masseuse shit) ?
    LeeH: It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other Dougster: Pretty sad if your self-esteem is dependent on what a whore thinks of you. Even sadder when G understands English better than you. Dougster, your reading comprehension skills are shit. Not that we didn't know that already ...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    is there such a thing as MS (masseuse shit) ?
    Rod, you'll have to have a witty line to say to Woody, too. ;-) I have had similar experiences. Before G, my first "full" massage was by J. Every time I've been in there since, J always comes by to say "hi, baby". Usually it's in the middle of a TS, and I start getting visions of a threesome. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    is there such a thing as MS (masseuse shit) ?
    samsung, I appreciate the advice, and I do go over there -- in fact, that's how I chose the MP. But I'm missing the relevance of your advice to the topic at hand.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Extras(unexpected) freaked a dancer out?
    ph, there's a *chance* that her departure had no relation whatsoever to your "experience". In other words, maybe she didn't freak at what she just did, and maybe she wasn't running to the clinic. She may have checked her messages on her phone when she got back to the dressing room and saw something totally unrelated that needed to be addressed. I'd agree with georgmicrodong's advice on how to handle it. The next time you see her, casually feel her out (that's "out", not "up").
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    is there such a thing as MS (masseuse shit) ?
    SD, he invented the internet, not intercourse. That was Bill Clinton.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    is there such a thing as MS (masseuse shit) ?
    troop, I'm not asking you if it's for real. I'm asking *opinions* and/or if someone had a similar experience. As to "repeat business", I think it is pretty damn clear that she need not worry about that. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Are there any clubs that are just dancing anymore?
    There *are* no-contact clubs here and there. One here in Atlanta -- Boomers. The overall dancing quality is better there than at other clubs, but there *are* dancers at Boomers that are just as clueless about dancing as those in other clubs (i.e. as erotic as your granny's girdle). On the flip side, there are some dancers there that do fantastic pole work or just dance so damn seductively that they can nearly make you, er um, "arrive" just by watching them.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    shadowcat: My original ATF always dressed classy. Cocktail dresses. Mine didn't wear that normally, but she kept one in her locker for me and a couple of other old farts that liked a slow, burlesque-type strip in VIP.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What to wear and getting most for dance
    I always wear a casual button shirt and microfiber slacks. There's one dancer that won't allow me near her without those slacks. They're satiny smooth on the outside and inside. She can sit there and rub my leg for a looooooooong time. Both relaxing and arousing.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    1 on 1 OTC?
    Prim0, I'll add to the "do what makes you happy" sentiments. Hell, for me, there's not even a consistent standard as to what makes me happy. On one end: The first club I ever went to was a no-contact, no-how, nowhere club. But my fave there is breathtaking and (unlike 99% of strippers) actually knows how to dance seductively. A table dance at that club is literally that: the dancer gets up on a sturdy table and dances in front of you. And a VIP is just an extended, private table dance. But I really liked VIPs with my fave as she was so much fun to watch, even though that's all I could do. On the other end: Before it closed down, I went to Tiffany's now and then. Really hit it off with this one dancer on a slow night. We talked a good while, and she gave me a couple LDs. Then I decided to pull the trigger on VIP. Apparently we had hit it off really well, as the VIP ended with a free HJ. I only managed to get one more VIP from her before the club closed, but with her, I'd have been disappointed if it *didn't* include a HJ. Specific to your original question, once I started getting LDs at other clubs, I had considered what you described with that first dancer (since in addition to the privacy and lack of song count that you mentioned, she couldn't even do LDs in that club). About the time that I got up the guts to ask her, she was having a shitty week, and one of the things that she vented about was that a regular just disappeared on her when he asked for OTC and she turned him down. Her denial wasn't the sex, but her fear of the lack of security of OTC -- she's a fairly-responsible single mom with 2 kids whose father is a complete idiot. So I kept my mouth shut, and to this day, I wonder what a LD from her would be like.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Oh, one other thing. My ATF almost always wears a flower or ribbon in her hair. She's so damn cute anyway, but that just takes it to a whole new level. It also makes it easier to spot her across a crowded, dark club. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    6 - none of the above 7 - all of the above Really no specific criteria for me on whether I'm going to a LD from a dancer. Either (a) I just feel it or (b) I've just seen her give an awesome LD to a guy two tables away. A couple people mentioned personality. For me, that can be the tipping point if I'm on the fence. The value of face looks varies. I was just shooting the breeze with one dancer friend, C, on a slow night, and she was noting that there's a certain level of intimacy (for both parties) to looking a dancer in the eyes when she's dancing for you. I kept that in mind with the next few dancers (over a few trips to SCs) and found that it was true for me -- the ones that I wasn't close with, I didn't look in the eye much.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    This conversation seems to have wandered into "in general". For me, that varies from dancer to dancer. What does she look good in? I've seen dancers that look hot in everything from the top half of a business suit to a wife-beater. On the flip-side, the OP was about your fave. My ATF knows that I like to be teased. Sometimes, she'll wear a bustier, and she can unhook the front to where her nipple is just BARELY hidden, but there's still lots of exposed breast. So that's kinda cool. On the other end, she has an ass that could bring about peace in the Middle East and end world hunger. When it's encased in black lace, I forget to breathe.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "Waaa! They're all hookers except for me!" and other stripper BS
    There ARE dancers that draw the line tighter than others in their club, but *aren't* surprised that those others make more in VIP, and are content with what they do make. My ATF is like that, but she's so frickin' hawt that she makes plenty of money *and* could make a fully clothed guy, er um, "arrive" with just grindage while the guy in the next room is still waiting for his BJ to take effect. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tiffany's in Atlanta is back to female dancers -- new name, tho
    By "like that", I mean like the Vegas club.