Leaving your drink while you take a leak

avatar for londonguy
One time when I was in a club over there last time I just bought a bottle from the bar and then needed a leak. Left my full bottle on table and returned to find my bottle gone. The barman said I should have put a napkin over the top to signify to the waitress that it wasn't finished. I wasn't happy as it would have been obvious the bottle wasn't finished with.

Is it common practice to do this over there? I don't like taking a bottle into the toilets for hygenie reasons.


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avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
If the club is busy, I'll do the napkin thing or just let her know I'm coming back if there's nothing within reach to use. A lot of waitresses will give it a couple of minutes before they clear a table just in case or ask around.
avatar for brewerfan
15 years ago
I personally bring my bottle of beer to the bathroom and just have it sit on the bathroom sink. I am not grossed out about the hygeine thing. You're in strip club for crying out loud. The girls rub their boobs in your face after rubbing it in dozens of others. And the singles that you get at the bar, who knows where that came from.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I have read about it in reviews so you are not the only one LG
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Yeah, happened to me recently. A couple tables over some half full glasses had been sitting there for a good half hour. Figures I would get the efficient waitress!
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I take my drink with me.
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
I take my beer to the bathroom with me. I figure something nasty crawling up the side of a cold beer and getting to the rim are the least of my hygiene worries in a SC.

Ideally, I take my bathroom breaks between finishing one beer and ordering another.
avatar for racejeff
15 years ago
I've had the bottle disappear while going to the stage to tip a dancer at my old haunt. Most of the clubs here don't have servers assigned to individual tables like restaurants do so you'll hav3-5 servers wandering the floor not really knowing if you are there and at busy times they may be hurting for tables here. Plus we've had clubs section off bottle service areas to get the high bottle sales incomes and appeal to the ego guys wanting to flash there money further cutting available table space.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
You could always bring your drink with you when you go take a leak.
avatar for bhunter5252
15 years ago
I never leave a drink in a club. If I leave it, I am finished. If I have to go to the head, I do not drink out of it when I get back so I finish it before I go.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Actually, last time I was at Splendor, a waitress tried to take my nearly full drink. I pulled it from her hand and gave her a dirty look.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
I've had the partial beer disappear before, but I've never had a problem having it replaced by the bartender. I leave mine on the bar (my usual place of residence) as a "place marker" if nothing else.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Placing a napkin over your drink is a universal practice that works well for me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Dudester: had the same thing happen to me last night. I left my 3/4 full drink at my table, about 10 feet away from the stage, to tip a dancer. As I was turning around, I saw the *waitress who served me the drink* pick it up off the table. I walked up to her, grabbed it off her tray, and sat back down.

Every waitress but her got my business after that, even to the point on one occasion that she asked if I needed a new one, I said no, then *immediately* asked the girl behind her for a new one. I could see it pissed her off.

I made sure to take it with me every time I went to the stage after that.

In general, though, I've been leaving it at the table for short trips, and taking it with me to the restroom. I may start the napkin thing, though, after last night.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
I use the napkin as well. As far as i know this has always been the universal signal to let a bartender or waitress know that you are still working on a drink.

I generally don't think that bartenders and waitresses are being devious when they clear a drink from an empty seat - a lot of guys tend to bolt suddenly from these clubs for various reasons. A napkin works every time for me.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
this sounds like the waitresses in Vegas, trolling for tips.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
What irritated me about this one is that she isn't new, and she served me the drink. She could have turned her head and seen me at the stage. As well, I left my eyeglasses at the table, with the drink between the temples.

'Course, this is the same waitress that will assume that any and all change from any transaction is her tip. I should have learned to just avoid her completely by now.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I'm never alone @ the club, so I'll just ask whichever dancer is sitting with me to watch the drink. Unless it's the "drink Hooverer". Then I take it with me. LOL
avatar for troop
15 years ago
i've had bartenders or servers grab my glass/bottle when i left the bar or table so i often take my beverage with me during a visit to the john. if i do leave it i make it a point to tell them to leave it alone because i will be back.
avatar for Prim0
15 years ago
My biggest worry about leaving a drink out while I'm away is that someone might spike it with who know's what. The drink goes with me wherever I go.
avatar for uscue13
15 years ago
I take my drink with me whenever I go anywhere, except up to the stage to tip. If I'm sitting at the bar and it's not busy, I might leave it there and come back. One time I did that and the bartender threw it away (half bottle). When I came back I asked what happened to my drink. She said she thought I was done. I said no and she gave me another one gratis. That was a good day.
avatar for EarlTee
15 years ago
The napkin thing works unless the air conditioner or some passer-by interferes. When my drink disappears prematurely, I just accept my fate. $50 over a lifetime is a low tax to pay.
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
I've had it happen several times. On the flipside there's one barkeeper that takes very good care of me. I left a mostly empty glass of Coke on the bar when I went to take a leak. Came back and she had put a fresh, full glass there. That nice surprise nullified 20 disappearing drinks.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
This was a new one on me: The other night the guy sitting next to me at the bar asked a dancer to "keep his seat warm" while he went to the men's room. It was pretty crowded at the time, and I guess he didn't want someone to take his seat or his drink. Anyway, she sat in his seat until he got back and then he tipped her a couple bucks.

It worked out all around. The girl was gorgeous, we stuck up a conversation, and after she collected her tip we headed to the back for some nice dances.
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