
Comments by LeeH (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Two strip clubs directly next door to each other
    Here in Atlanta on Fulton Industrial Blvd there are 3 within a stone's throw of each other. Two full-blown SCs (one right behind the other) and a bikini bar across the street. I have no damn idea what they were thinking.
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    14 years ago
    How to get rid of a dancer or how to tick off a dancer
    I always try not to be rude, even to the ROBs. I also try not to lie. And I've only had to resort to being sorta rude twice, even with those restrictions. If I got to the club within the last 15 minutes and a dancer approaches (that I'm not interested in), I'll tell her that I just got there and want to chill for a bit. If you really are waiting on someone, simply saying that will work 99% of the time. "Not right now, thank you, though" works most of the time. If I have *any* interest, I might add a "Maybe later" I always ask their name, though. It (1) shows that I'm not a Dougster and (2) gives them hope that maybe later I will be interested. And even if that's not the case, 90% of them will have forgotten me in a half hour anyway, so they don't come back. But at the same time, we've parted amicably.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers' sexual orientation
    T is the kind of girl that I have a hard time saying 'no' to. One night, she suggested something a bit different for VIP. Two girls for 15 minutes instead of 1 girl for 30. Now, when the dancer is passing up an extra 15 min worth of VIP money just to eat some pussy, I think it's safe to say she's bi.
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    14 years ago
    Club buddies
    I have a fave who's currently pregnant, so she switched to waitressing at the club once she started showing. I still go to see her at times, and she'll ask if I'm going to get any dances that night. If I am, she'll ask me for a few names of dancers that I'm attracted to and then recommend one based on my list.
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    14 years ago
    Making small talk with strippers....
    I agree with troop. Topic doesn't matter, but she's gotta get the ball rolling, at least the first time. If she can't be bothered with starting a conversation, she probably can't be bothered with giving any good mileage either. And on the plus side, sometimes you meet someone that you like to talk to, even if the conversation does vary a lot. I'm still trying to figure out how the conversation between C and I the other night went from British comedy to rimming without missing a beat.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Girl died last week ....
    There was a dancer who I'd seen a few times on stage at Mardi Gras here in Atlanta -- stage name Eliza, real name Lexis. We finally hooked up and had a lot of fun, in every aspect. The next time I was at the club, I was hanging with 2 other dancers that I've known for a while when Eliza came by and gave me a hug. She acknowledged that I was with others and asked if I wanted her to stop by later. I was kinda half-hearted in my response, because I was pretty sure I was going to spend all of my time (and money) that night on the two that I was already with. (And such was the case) The *next* time that I was at the club, I wanted to be sure to tell Eliza that I wasn't blowing her off before. I asked for her at the door, and the girl there told me that she had been killed in a traffic accident the previous night. Even though it was an accident (so I know my semi-blow-off didn't affect it), I still felt like shit. It's forever colored the way that I treat dancers now - kinda like mmdv's "Recognize ..." comment.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mood Killers
    Another mood killer: Slow day/night at the club. You find a dancer you liKe. You're hanging out, edging toward room negotiations, and her friend, drunk off her ass, plops down uninvited, and won't catch anything less subtle than "WILL YOU PLEASE GO THE F*** AWAY?!"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mood Killers
    My first ATF now works for a PI firm. Hopefully no one ever hires them to find out if I go to SCs.
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    14 years ago
    Mood Killers
    Plugging VIP *during* a dance. I understand the idea of "strike while the iron is hot" but if she's any good, the iron won't have cooled off 10 seconds after the dance is over.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Weirdest songs in a SC and annoying stripper moves
    Some dancers work better with the slow ballads. I was at a club a couple weeks ago and told a dancer that I wanted a dance or two, but to wait til she heard a song she liked. Five booty-shakin' songs later, she went and kicked the DJ in the shin.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A glittery faux pas (or "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”)
    Well, here's a new one (for me, anyway). Went to see that same dancer last night for the first time in months. She was very happy to see me. She was also more than a little snockered. After the first LD, I made her promise not to leave TOO big of a hickey, and she promised, and lived up to her word. Only thing was, the damage was already done in that first dance -- my neck looks like I barely survived a vampire attack. 25 years ago, that'd be a badge of honor. Not so much now. And a lot harder to get rid of than a bit of glitter.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Calling to see if a dancer is working
    And just to walk the walk, I just called one of the honest clubs, and C is there. See you guys later.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    My ATF will (unfortunately) be semi-retiring at age 23. She'll probably only dance once a week to get her fix of getting naked. She just got a day job that provides even more money than dancing (which tells you how insane SC patrons are in Atlanta).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is it better to go with a friend to a club to keep from losing your personal ite
    Clubber, a cab ride from any club around here back to my place would be at least $40. For that price, the cabbie had better be very damn cute and give me at least one LD.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Weirdest songs in a SC and annoying stripper moves
    On the OP, weirdest I've ever heard is Elvis' "In the Ghetto". Now this really was a "Oh? They were playing music?" moment. But afterward, when she was off my lap, i realized it and thought "WTF?!" Annoying moves? On stage, sudden drop with the 8" f***-me heels hitting the floor loudly. Is there a loud-bang fetish community out there? Maybe gang-bangers who get a woody when they think they hear gunfire?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Weirdest songs in a SC and annoying stripper moves
    troop: unless it's a song i really like, i normally tune it out because i'm not there for the music. If a dancer says something about the song, and I was at least halfway entranced by her dancing, my fave line is "Oh? They were playing music?" Never fails to get a smile, often a laugh and a 'thank you'.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Strip Game movie
    Only a rapper could make SCs boring.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it a discussion, an article or a blog?
    Wasn't aware that there were blogs, but from the descriptions here, maybe ignorance is bliss. I've always seen discussions as wanting feedback, whereas articles, if you don't get feedback, no biggie. Put another way, articles seem to me more about providing information, not starting a conversation.
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    14 years ago
    A glittery faux pas (or "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”)
    Come to think of it, she had just finished a dance when I gave her my jacket. She just put it on instead of whatever top she had been wearing. When she gave it back, we talked for another 10 minutes. I don't care if you ARE in a SC -- it's never a bad thing to stand there talking to a topless woman.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A glittery faux pas (or "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”)
    lopaw: The heavy perfume/body spray applications seem to have toned down too. We love for 'em to smell good, but I don't want to continue smelling them hours later and then drag that smell home! Sometimes it doesn't have to be heavy. Was with a fave on a cold, winter night. We were just talking and she got cold (in lingerie, imagine that). So I gave her my jacket. She wore it for about an hour. Her perfume wasn't heavy (even in VIP, it's just a nice scent), but wrap a jacket around it for an hour .... Oh, and I didn't mind. Made for a very nice drive home.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Calling to see if a dancer is working
    There are six clubs around here that I like to go to. Of them, four are honest if I call and ask if a particular dancer is on. If someone I like is at Club A and no one I like is at Club B, which one do you think I'm more likely to go to? The one where I'm almost guaranteed to have a good time or the one where it's a crap-shoot? I *do* have a few dancers' phone numbers, and I use them sometimes. But sometimes I decide to go clubbing after the shift starts. And it could be 2 hours or more before the dancer would see my "you working tonight?" message if she is working. The thing that I don't get is the clubs that BS me. They're both places where (if they hadn't lied before) I'd probably go regardless of who was there and drop some serious buckage. But they'd rather have my cover and a Coke and then have me walk out and drop the bucks at another club.
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    14 years ago
    Are Reviews Still Moderated?
    I did one a few days ago and it was a reasonable wait time. I think you just got lucky.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another 2 for 1 special...
    Diamond Club here in Atlanta does 2-for-1 VIP rooms, but it's pay for 15 minutes ($35), get another 15 free. That's much more reasonable than 60+60. Of course, that's just the room. The dancer isn't 2 for 1 (dammit).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stretch Marks and Cellulite
    I'd rather see that than some stupid bustier that NEVER comes off. Never understood that mentality -- you'll show me your pussy close-up, but you're ashamed of your tummy?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is it better to go with a friend to a club to keep from losing your personal ite
    Can't imagine going to a SC with a friend. What if I'm having a blast while he's bored shitless? Or much worse, what if it's the other way around? I have some friends that I'd take a bullet for. But there's nobody that I'd sit there nursing a drink for, while he's in a hour-long VIP. ;-)