Half finished dances

Breathe, breathe in the air
Had a dancer leave me about one minute into a dance as she was called to stage. She joined me at a table afterwards and chatted as if nothing happened and didn't suggest finishing it or starting again. Don't they just piss you off when they do that !
last commentAt least she did not try to charge you for that 1 minute dance
That depends. Did you already pay for the dance? If so, yes that would piss me off and I would ask her to complete the deed. If not, than just chalk it up to shit happens.
I hate it when they start the song and then want to take you back. By the time you get there, half the song is over. OR when you say since we started half way thru I should get half of the next and they act like the song just started. LOL (No the song just started) I believe its programmed. Do less work. I normally don't tip the ones that want to cheat you. (cute or not)
did she charge you for the dance? if she did you got screwed!!
londonguy, if you didn't pay there's no harm done but if you did pay it was up to you to tell her that she still had the rest of the dance to finish up with you.
Usually, this happens and then they want to take me to the VIP for a private dance and I never pay for the dance which was in the main room, so it ends up alright in the end.
Half a dance is not a dance
This is but one reason among others that regular visitors stick to dancers they are familiar with. I keep saying no thanks and maybe later to all other dancers I don't recognize most of the time because some dancers do this. Dancers I know better don't do this and expect repeat customers. If you already paid you got screwed. If you didn't pay for that one minute, I'd forget about it.
Several months ago I was with a girl in the club's VIP (a daytime charge of $35 for the VIP, plus dance charges) when she was called to the stage. She says, "Wait for me, I'll be back after my set." That part was OK with me, but when we settle up later she want me to pay for her time from when we went to VIP - including the time she was on stage! We had agreed to a "per hour" instead of per dance charge and her stage set took over 45 minutes (including main stage and two side stages, plus cleaning up after).
That was irritating! She eventually, did back off that claim. In fact, she apologized before I left. Still, I am not likely to ask her for another dance even though she was good!
In my experience, if a dancer is with a customer, other than just sitting and talking, they are left out of the rotation at that time. I've never had a dancer leave me in the middle of a dance or a series of dances.
dancers always have told me that the DJ will skip over them if they are doing VIP. that's one of the reasons that they tip-out to the shithead!!!
Yes I did pay for the dance and that is what pissed me off, she compounded it by not even giving it a second thought. I just got up and walked away from her, couldn't be bothered to tackle her about it.
Perhaps she'll learn from this when you don't give her any repeat business...more likely, she thinks she got one over on you and when you don't come back it's because you're cheap.
A dancer with decent looks could clean up if she just gave good customer service...why is it so difficult for them to understand that!?
Yes, that's the biggie. Did you pay for the dance? If you didn't, then you got a free minute. Technically, in that situation, you are at a gain. Some girls, you may get a lot for a minute. They make sure you get a great 3 minutes worth. But then again, some girls take their long ass time getting adjusted over the initial song, thinking that you are buying more anyway. But if you did pay, then you got screwed and you should of said something.
"Are you due on stage anytime, soon? OK, come back after you're finished."
a good half finished dance is when you cum in he mouth before she has a chance to fuck.
Never had that happen but would be steamed if I had paid for a full dance. How would you like to be banging a dancer in the upstairs VIP and hear the DJ calling her name to come dance while she is rushing you "are you going to come soon?" This happened to me and while I got off it was a bitch hearing the damn DJ call her name over and over from downstairs. It did take away from the session which was my fifth with her as the previous four had been great. Of course he had no idea where she was in the club or what she was doing. The whole thing pissed me off bc in the past there I could simply buy them off the floor for $20. Another girl I had been doin there is smart enough to let me know where she in the rotation (enough time for the extra) or else give me a chance to buy her off he floor. She no longer dances at the club but sees me otc weekly.
Another reason why its important to know where the dancer is in the dance rotation before you partake in her services. The more experienced smarter ones will keep you informed.