
As Strip Clubbers we are often called WhoreMongers - What Say Ye?

Friday, October 15, 2010 12:14 AM
Would Bill (Mormon Polygamist) from the TV Show "Big Love" with his three wives call us whoremongers? While we enjoy multiple partners like Bill does we don't try to excuse it with some religious or political dogma. I believe the only main difference we have from Bill is we rent the women we enjoy as opposed to his ownership (mariage or sealing) which can be expensive. That we are somehow inferior to Bill IMO is an absurdity. Both Bill and Koby (guy with 3 wives going on 4 from the reality show Sister Wives) impregnate their multiple sex partners at will (encouraged by their religion) while we try to avoid it(for the most part LOL). I would also contend we are more of a sharing fraternity (of women - strippers and providers) than one taking many off the market to be with one man. Bill and Koby use the power of money and religionist dogma to practice their hobby. At least we don't try to manufacture a religion to empower our whoremongering.


  • bang69
    14 years ago
    We are not WhoreMongers. People like Bill don't under stand us. He is the WhoreMonger.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    This is the main reason I don't bother logging into stripperweb too often. I know I would get banned too easily.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Before I was kicked off SW, I was repeatedly attacked as a WhoeMonger there or called a PL.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    ^ LOL sam, wrong thread? i bet you'd like an edit feature right about now ;) anyway, i never heard of those tv programs but it sounds like their whoremongering is tax-exempt.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    ahh.. maybe i'm the one that needs an edit function here, lol
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Not only is their whoremongering tax exempt but if they are regarded as a Profhet their religion empowers them over believers to take a mans wife away from him to become the profhets wife (incorporated into his harem). The rationale of this absurdity is the women are convinced to go with the Prophet bc he is supposedly more spiritually advanced and the husbands have to concede to this (to maintain church membership) by giving up their wife. On the HBO series Big Love this was practiced by Bills father in law at their main compound as he was regarded as a Prophet by the believers there. Another example of their religionsist dogma empowering them to expoit their fellow believers to experience sex enjoyment with under age girls and wives stolen from husbands.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Guys, see the movie "Follow the Prophet". Unlike your typical Hollywood movie, it's not slick, but it is a true story and gritty in it's details. Shows like Big Love are glamourizing polygamy, but the real truth is pretty ugly. Actually polygamous Mormon husbands are as amoral as sex traffickers. Women are a commodity, and not beings, they don't have rights. Sometimes women and girls are traded in return for favors. We pay the women and they set the limits. Women and girls in polygamous relationships aren't allowed to think no, let alone say it. Oh, and the other part-polygamous husbands are alpha males. They chase or kill off their male offspring, or any rival males. That's how they can have three or eighteen wives.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Sure whoremonger whatever
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Whoremonger, that's me.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I guess if they are stealing men's wives either the men wanted a divorce already, or 2. they are a pussy, or 3, they haven't gotten around to assassinating the guy who stole their wife. You think the guy would have a militia of guys hunting him down already if he was really stealing guy's wives and/or several agents ready to nail the guy on several charges and put him away for life. Since he is still alive, the question remains is he really stealing someone's wife? I can see where someone stealing someone's wife would push someone else over the edge. Maybe the truth is while he's living it up, he has a militia of assassins training to fight him. They may be studying torture methods to prolong his agony. I'm not sure why I have this overwhelming desire to kill the guy after only reading a story. I never even heard about him before. Of course I have no plans to kill anyone. I have enjoyed doing that in my dreams but I would never cross that line.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Good point Dudester. I definitely believe that once Mormon Polygamy is unmasked its pretty ugly. Joseph Smith was killed by an angry mob of men primarily pissed off bc he had taken their wives and daughters to be in his own little harem. B Young then fled with the followers to Utah and caried on where ol Joe left off and had something like 55 wives, Alpha Male at its finest. The rest is history you can go research the accounts yourself. I had a manager in company HQ above me who I am convinced was a mormon polygamist based on what a friend had told me about his home after a visit. I really had no prob with this but he was such a self serving pompass little SOB. I met his wife at a company function and she had to have been under age when she had their 34 year old son. I guess she was the head wife LOL. Had I ever expressed anything about my strip clubbing or that I was keeping one as a mistress I am sure I would have been fired, etc. I am sure he made twice what I made or more but probably needed every dime to support his family. I am sure he smugly saw himself as an alpha male and looked down on the rest of us. He had railroaded numerous older workers out in favor of younger mostly foreigners he had transferred in to establish his "legacy." I remember on one occasion how much I would have loved to tell him of a SC DJ I know who had 23 kids with 23 different women mostly strippers and hookers (and did not marry one of them).
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I just got back from Utah on business. I hated it; good luck finding a legit peel joint on the Wasatch Front. All the Mormons look down on you if you are not a LDS drone. Lots of the Mormons look inbred. My boss is a bishop in the Mormon church. He hates me and has been trying to fire me, unsuccessfully, for the last few months. It is not because of my job performance. He just hates anyone that drinks alot of beers and Dr. Peppers and frequently cusses. I am "unclean". Fuck Joseph Smith.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Not having much of an education, I have learned by reading and; in particular, I find English fascinating. Take the word "monger" for instance. Its meaning for centuries was - merchant or trader as in ironmonger, cheesemonger, fishmonger, etc. It is only in recent times that the word has taken on its current meaning; and when did you last hear the word used in any other context than the one under discussion in this thread? Well, whoremonger or not, I will continue my pursuits in this hobby. To paraphrase the wise philosopher, georgmicrodong, "I am what I am".
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    In a recent thread about strip club owner Rick Snowden, he was described thusly: "A very genteel, erudite whoremonger." I'ld take that.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    The fantasy of mulitple wives is all of the sex....the reality is all of the extra bitching! One wife is enough. I also like the saying that we aren't paying the women for sex, we're paying them to leave us alone afterward.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Would Bill (Mormon Polygamist) from the TV Show 'Big Love' with his three wives call us whoremongers? While we enjoy multiple partners like Bill does we don't try to excuse it with some religious or political dogma." Ummmmmm, does that fictional character pay his women to sleep with him? If not, then he's obviously not a "whoremonger". To your bigger question, not all dancers in strip clubs accept money for sexual favors, which would not make them whores per se.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Art: Laying it on kinda thick, aren't you? :)
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Bill does not directly pay his women to sleep with him but buys each one a house and a car not to mention other things. He is more of a owner vs a lessor. While his money provides much of the power base for his multiple wives, the religious dogma of his faith empowers the process. On the TV show "Sister Wives" the women have been brought up in Polygamy hence brainwashed into accepting (if not preferring) that lifestyle. Life is good if your a Mormon Alpha Male like Kody. I have never advocated all dancers sell sex but they do sell other things like lappers and company at ones table. I do view all dancers as sex workers so as to what degree they engage in sex work, its a moot issue to me.
  • manuela
    14 years ago
    Instead of calling names people should respect choises of other people. After all; what's in a name as long as everybody is happy with the things they are doing? You know wohm and what you are by yourselve. I don't mind to be called a whore as long as I have a happy life. XXXManuela
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    manuela pretty much sums up my thoughts, although in more words. Who gives a damn what others think?
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "what's in a name" From HBO’s great new series, “Boardwalk Empire”: Enoch “Nucky” Thompson: A rose by any other name. Thug: What's that supposed to mean? Nucky: Read a fucking book.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Bill does not directly pay his women to sleep with him but buys each one a house and a car not to mention other things." Never bought your wife or gf something eh? "I have never advocated all dancers sell sex but they do sell other things like lappers and company at ones table" ...which is not sex.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Like Bill I have rotated 3 women for sex (strippers) and probably not had to shell out the money he has in buying his wives houses and cars. Unlike him I am more of a lessor without any claims to ownership like he does (marriage to 3 wives) nor the hassles of constant drama from such a household. If you strip away Bill's religious smokescreen, strip clubbers essentially do the same thing he does - enjoy multiple women.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Like Bill I have rotated 3 women for sex (strippers) and probably not had to shell out the money he has in buying his wives houses and cars." You do realize that you're talking about a purely fictional character, don't you?? "If you strip away Bill's religious smokescreen, strip clubbers essentially do the same thing he does - enjoy multiple women." I dunno about you, but I haven't married or lived with all of the dancers that I've ever met in a strip club. You're really, really going nowhere with this silly set of arguments "player"...
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    "I have never advocated all dancers sell sex but they do sell other things like lappers and company at ones table" ...which is not sex. Depends on the state laws...I think lappers are considered "sex" or within some category of it here in OHIO. We're not allowed to do anything. Sigh.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Depends on the state laws...I think lappers are considered 'sex' or within some category of it here in OHIO." Those OH laws are crazy.
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