
Comments by bigdude012 (page 2)

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    13 years ago
    ID expiring on my birthday, have not recieved the new one yet what do i do
    It does matter. An expired ID is not proof of age. I know this because my job requires me to id people on a regular basis. The state's reasoning for this is twofold. 1. it increases the likelyhood that the id is fake and 2. You could be the underage brother who is trying to use the ID to get in illegally. Now I'm not saying you are doing either one of these. Just don't be surprised if they don't let you in with an expired license. The paper should get you by however if the guard has never seen it before he'll be suspiscous.
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    13 years ago
    Ethnicities and extras
    Thanks for the posts. It's a shame my friend doesn't like black dancers. it's gonna make it a lot harder to give him a proper bachelor party
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are you giving her anything for Valentines day?
    my dick in her mouth
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    13 years ago
    What's the most ticked off you got a dancer?
    I had one dancer pester the hell out of me for vip after some lame air dances. After I took a black dancer to the vip ( I should've taken her to my hotel room)that dancer got really pissy. I should've told her "Hey it ain't like you were trying to grind me into next week"
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    13 years ago
    A sudden shift in the wind
    "Things that make you go buhhh" Thankfully I haven't had any mood killing experiences in my mongering.
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    13 years ago
    Wear a pink shirt to a club?
    I wear a red and black hawaian style shirt. It might look a little gaudy but it's made of silk so it's very comfortable.
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    13 years ago
    Ooh-ooh, that smell...
    I threw my club outfit in my suitcase, came home opened up the suitcase a day later and it reeked of sweat, cologne, perfume, and sex, ah such fond memories.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ooh-ooh, that smell...
    I threw my club outfit in my suitcase, came home opened up the suitcase a day later and it reeked of sweat, cologne, perfume, and sex, ah such fond memories.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Condoms - I hate em but I use em...
    I had an ultra thin break (there's a scary moment) so needless to say I will never use ultra thin again
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    13 years ago
    OK this is a little weird but how much is an acceptable tip for this
    If I would take them back for a dance but I'm just not in the mood (normally because the VIP drained me) I'll usually give them a 5 for their time.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer: When do you want me to work?
    Actually saw a dancer walking out of the club in scrubs once. I laughed and made a joke about how if anyone has a heart attack at least their prepared.
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    13 years ago
    (Warning, long post) How do you know if a dancer genuinely enjoyed your company
    Surefire way to tell if a dancer genuinely enjoyed your company.... Wait for it.... She gives you a blowjob without you paying for it. Now for what really happened to me... she sends the dirtier wilder dancers to you. In my case she liked me as a customer b/c I respected her limits. Then she sent the wilder dancers to me.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: I used to teach gym
    I've had a few female professors who would've looked good on the pole.
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    14 years ago
    New Year's- anyone thinking about going to an SC?
    I'm going home and doing nothing for new years. Besides if i end up working as hard on new years eve as I did on Christmas I won't feel like driving an hour to Richmond
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    14 years ago
    Sounds like a DJ post
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    14 years ago
    How do you get rid of a psycho BITCH
    Still ignoring her. She's started up the crazy shit again. I'm so gald I broke up with this chick. Phone number is going to be changed within the next few days.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How do you get rid of a psycho BITCH
    @Clubber I wouldn't dishonor the fine band of clubbers with this wench. On a more serious note: thank you for all the advice. I've been thinking about giving up on doing this "process", for lack of a better word, nicely but I see that being polite is impossible. If u happen to see a bug dude in a red & black flower shirt at a club in the near future feel free to join in on the celebration.
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    14 years ago
    How do you get rid of a psycho BITCH
    lol dw. believe me when I have the money the first thing I'm going to do is go to the club and hit up my 2 fav dancers. One I enjoy talking to as a friend (I have no delusions about dating her) THe other one well let's just say she might be a little worn out by the time I get done with her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Contact Lap Dances
    I live in VA and the best bang (no pun intended) for my dollar is Candy Bar. Do your selection carefully and you can have a very good night.
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    14 years ago
    Women's group says Hooters should not serve minors
    Back when I was 15 my uncle asked my cousin and I what restaraunt we wanted to go to. Just joking we said Hooters, well we ended up going. Now Let's face at 15 and not knowing better Hooter's was heaven. A third cousin of the female persuasion was less than pleasedwith our selection. She didn't know what a hooters was and didn't say a word to us for the entire occasion.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer asked me if I was ready for another dance. I replied: "what do u think?" She grabs my crotch starts stroking and says "oh yeah, richard (that's what she called it) is ready" We had a good time too.
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    14 years ago
    Too chubby to dance?
    If we're talking about the lady in the purple theny yes I would get an LD. personality and skill matter so much more than a little weight and in this case we're just talking about a little weight. or in short: I'd tap that
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lock the club doors and party
    $40 a dancer doesn't sound 2 bad for 40 minutes with a bj. 5 dancers total $200 bucks. From where I'm sitting this was a bargain.
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    14 years ago
    Rookie trying to become a strippers regular, how much need to spend to be releva
    bang69 has it right I only go the club once every couple of months however when I walk through that door dancers pay attention, and some nights its all I can do to walk out with my shirt and pants on LOL.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Tipping for their time/conversation
    I've done it, however it is usually because the dance before left me too tired to get another dance right off. I'm tip then say try back later usually this works out well.