
A sudden shift in the wind

Monday, January 31, 2011 12:57 AM
Met a hot little asian stripper and mentioned that I was going to a local bar after the club. She said she was finished for the day and asked if she could tag along. OK. So we're driving to go shoot some pool and have a few drinks when she asked to stop at a drug store to pick up something she needed. Not a problem. We went in and she bought a home pregnancy test. Kind of ruined the whole mood.<p>Any mood killing experiences?


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Yep. A girls sits down next to me, starts chatting me up, and I'm starting to think it might go somewhere genital, when suddenly she reaches down and starts picking at a spot on her leg, exclaiming, "Damn ingrown hairs. They itch." OK, I'm done.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    During a UHM LD I noticed the dancer had a nicotine patch on. I asked her how the quitting smoking was going, and she replied "It sucks. But I guess I gotta since I'm pregnant". Yecch. Pushed her off of me and got the hell outta there.
  • Thickasabrick
    13 years ago
    The private dance is just getting started and she's bending over to give a close up view when the string from the tampon starts swaying between her legs.....
  • bigdude012
    13 years ago
    "Things that make you go buhhh" Thankfully I haven't had any mood killing experiences in my mongering.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Only thing I recall to wreck my mood was some odor coming from her nether regions when she bent over to show me her rear...yeah...that kinda kills any mood.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I've on a few occasions have either seen, mentioned, and/or plucked out (w/permission) bits of toilet paper stuck in the girl's butt crack or pussy. Whenever I see that during a lapdance, it does throw off my erotic focus a bit, so rather than just leave it there if I truly want to enjoy girl and get extra dances, I'll usually say something in a good natured way. I've never had a problem - they're cool. After all, we all gotta hit the head a time or two during the evening, and we all have on occasion trailed a little toilet paper evidence.
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    I once went home from a club with two black eyes. When I plucked the stray TP from her crack, it surprised her so much that she hit me in the face with her elbow. The second? It happened when I figured she wanted it put back.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Well, look at the bright side. If she is already pregnant then you can't get her pregnant again. Could be a blessing in disguise. ;)
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    Thick...I thought they all cut the string now.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Well, anytime the bouncer or management sticks their head into the VIP area, that kinda kills the mood.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    magicrat, they are supposed to tuck it in.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    The time she just HAD to show me her cyst... I think I left the club.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    I've on a few occasions have either seen, mentioned, and/or plucked out (w/permission) bits of toilet paper stuck in the girl's butt crack or pussy. ^^ i've plucked lint or whatever off some shaved beavers a few times, just did it though, never asked permission ;)
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