Customerspeak-to-English Translations: What We Really Mean

chandlerBlue Ridge Foothills
You knew it was coming. Here's our counterpart to the Stripperspeak dialect:
Customerspeak: "Come and join me when you get off stage."
Translation: "Let's grope each other for free while I decide if I want to spend any money on you."
Customerspeak: "You have beautiful eyes"
Translation: "You have awesome hooters, but I'm not looking at them."
Customerspeak: "Maybe later."
Translation: "I think I can do better. Please leave now."
Any others?
last commentCustomerspeak: I see you are wearing a Cross.
Translation: Will your religious beliefs block my action?
Customerspeak: I just got here.
Translation: I'm too vain to admit that my old eyes need time to adjust to the dark.
Customerspeak: "Hi!"
Translation: "I'd like to have sex with you."
Customerspeak: How about a dance?
Translation: Fuck you're hot !! Don't you know I've been pursuing you for hours and I can't leave without finding what kind of grinder you are?
Customerspeak: How old are you?
Translation: I don't want to get caught with an underage dancer
Customerspeak: Are you sure you're 18?
Translation: I want to fulfill a fantasy, I just don't want to do 20 years in the pokie.
Customerspeak: What nights do you work?
Translation: You've intrigued me. I'm hoping we can do this again, then in a hotel after that.
Customerspeak: Do you do private parties?
Translation: I wanna fuck all night
Customerspeak: Have I seen you before?
Translation: I vaguely remember this amateur video I bought in a porn shop
Customerspeak: I'm trying to pace myself
Translation: Go away; I am waiting for a hotter dancer
Customerspeak: Were'nt you a waitress/shot girl/door girl for a while?
Translation: It's about time you showed us your tits.
Customerspeak: I really don't need another club T-shirt
Translation: Go away; I'm waiting for a hotter dancer
ccustomer: I'd like to get extras
translation: Im a cop
Very accurate, TUSCL-brother:
Customerspeak: "What other clubs have you danced at?"
Translation: "This tells me whether you PUT OUT or not!"
I often try to work my way around to asking, "What other cities have you danced in?" Then, if I get something informative, "Oh, Houston, hunh? Did you get a lot of money there? I've been to Treasures ..." hint hint.
I'll second that. It is a big part of the interview with dancers new to me.
I'll second TB & BG posts. Additionally, I leave the door open for dancer to elaborate on her past dancing experience. If she says- "I danced in (Tampa, COI, etc) but quit because I couldn't stand the contact" is a sign to "suddenly develop an eye problem"[ I can't see getting a dance with her], retreating to mens room for a quick rinse, thence returning to seek Stevies from another dancer as a "cure".
How has it right:
customer: "hi"
translation: "i'd like to fuck you"
customer: "how are you?"
translation: "i'd like to fuck you"
customer: "what's your name?"
translation: "i'd like to fuck you"
etc., you get the idea...
On the other hand...
customer: "hi"
translation: "Get lost bitch!"
customer: "how are you?"
translation: "God, you are sure a fuglie!"
customer: "what's your name?"
translation: "Just leave me the fuck alone!"
etc., you get the idea...
CustomerSpeak: "Nice weather."
Translation: "So, are you gonna give me FS, or what?"
CustomerSpeak: Do you like to play?
Translation: Do you give extras?
CustomerSpeak: I see, you've only been dancing a week. What were you doing before?
Translation: Were you a streetwalker?
this deserves a bump
Brilliant stuff!
I wasn't around here back then, but I think Dougster^^^ and Clubber^^^ nailed it.
Everything we say is directly related to one or the other. "Fuck?" or "Get lost!" I will qualify this statement as being our first "conversation" with a dancer. Future times, those are different.