I was thinking about something from another topic. I mentioned that a co-worker took me to see his wife dance. Of course I knew her long before she started dancing.
So, any stories about women you knew, not just a woman you had seen in the past, that ended up dancing?
I knew a few college students from sporting events. Knew then for a couple of years. On one SC visit, I found one of them dancing. I was not to mention her job to any others until she had decided to do so herself. All worked out well.
As a college prof, I occasionally encounter students dancing. Sometimes its awkward, but other times quite nice. I still get some fine LDs from a quiet, average-looking, former "A" student who is now a medical doctor and just dances for "fun." I've had a couple local strippers in classes at various times and they were generally pretty good students. Oddly enough, they never used dancer leverage to fish for better grades (it would not have worked anyhow). They seemed very determined to prove they had brains without falling back on their professional charms.
On my first trip to PP in Greenville after getting settled in at a table and looking around I saw a girl that I have known and worked with for a couple of years. This was quite an awkward situation for me and I attempted to keep her from noticing either myself or my wife. I later found out that she had spotted me shortly after I had entered the club. Since then we have given her a ride to and from work a couple of times. If she knows we are there she won't take her top off during her stage dance. So now if I hear her called to the stage I simply excuse myself to the restroom. This leaves her free to perform without feeling awkward around me. I really have no interest in seeing her topless anyway, so it works out for everyone involved. The plus side is getting certain inside information. She sat with us one night and pointed out all the girls that do otc. The "ho's" as she referred to them lol.
I had a friendly relationship (casually dated, but never became intimate) with a lovely gal who also danced. I saw her once at her club, and she said she felt "naked" suddenly since I was there. "You _are_ naked, Sweetheart." "Yes, but these other guys don't mean anything to me." I took that as my cue to exit, but that made me feel kind of nice.
I knew a dancer named Toni at my favorite club. Her brother came up from Tampa to visit her twice that I know of. She introduced me to him both times. She would dance on stage while he was there but would not do lap dances. She once had to pay him $20 to get lost for an hour so that we had privacy in her hotel room.
Other than two or three girls I knew from back before I ever went to strip clubs, the closest thing is my nephew's girlfriend, who I first met when they were both in high school. She became a Hooter's waitress. A frisky Hooter's waitress, as my cousin tells it. They soon broke up.
I never knew any ladies who went on to become dancers, but I did go to one of the clubs near me once and a former coworker was one of the ladies who the dancer pulled up on stage and stripped. I don't think it's the same thing, but it was nice all the same.
last commentWhy would you not wish to see her topless? Is she a fuglie, no breasts, see all there is to see, gay( :) ), etc...?
I can understand that weird feeling. I got it when a guy that worked for me took a few of us to see his wife dance.