
Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp

Monday, March 22, 2010 3:56 AM
It seems to be a local trend in my area the last few weeks. More people are just watching the dancers on stage. Very few seem to tip anymore. I see dancers go up on stage and no one comes over to tip them on occasion during the entire song. I would understand if she was a fugly but these girls were not. I heard one dancer complaining last night when she mentioned I was the only one who seemed to be tipping her. There was a playboy centerfold in the club and she was very hot. I guess many dancers compared to her would not measure up. I could not remember her name but I remember she gave me a poster. Her name was on it. Her name was Kristy Morgan. I don't know much about her except I heard she was in Playboy and has a very pretty face and very nice tits. I found a pic online at [view link] My nose got a little bit closer in between her legs than I thought it would. :) I wonder if she was watching me tip dancers earlier. I enjoy it when dancers throw both of their legs up on my shoulders and get closer.


  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I should mention that she did not have any problem getting tips.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    Kristy that is since she was the feature entertainer.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    At kahoot's the stage has about 30 seats for tipping and they are usually filled on a saturday night. The stage is out in the open so all sides of the stage are available for tipping and 2 dancers on stage together is the norm for a saturday night. At Club X and Doll HOuse, they are in a less affluent area and only a couple tippers sit at the stage. The stages there also have less seating around the stages because they are up against the wall. I have heard great things about the stage tipping at Brad's Brass Flamingo...maybe that is one of the reasons it is top ranked tuscl club
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Its probably the recession.
    14 years ago
    Sam, make sure to wear a bib at Brad's! (Just kidding. I bet doing so though would get a guy kicked out in under 2 minutes; they'd point you to Detroit...)
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I hate it when I go to a club looking toss $1 around and all the seats by the stage are occupied with people who aren't even tipping. I have been to a few clubs like this.
  • Vegeta1on1
    14 years ago
    I have seen it many times at many places. I don't tip everyone, but I do tip the ones I like.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Back in the 1990's, was one of those guys who went to a strip club only 2-3 times a year with only fifty bucks to spend. I made every penny count, so I don't look down on guys also on a budget. I'm grateful that I can dress for success and go in with a wad. With that said, I've seen a lot of guys only on a budget recently.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    As long as I've gone to clubs, there have always been guys who just sit there and watch. There will always be guys who don't tip, even guys who sit at the stage who never tip. I don't get why people go to strip clubs and not tip and not buy lap dances or VIP's, unless it's a group of guys together. I have seen it where only one guy in a group tips, and I can see that. There's probably as many reasons as there are people.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I have seen it where only one guy in a group tips" I was at a club that had a 2 drink minimum. A dancer pointed out to me a group of 5 guys that came in and ordered, you guessed it, 2 beers - for the whole table, for the whole night. Man, that would suck. I really don't mind the non-tippers, since it makes me look good by comparison. For myself, though, I subscribe to the Ludacris theory: "If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home"
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Dancers will always complain about not making enough money from stage tips. Whiney dancers are a turn off. The economy is rocky and customers just don't have a lot of recreational money.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Payer11 often has to sit in the strip club and just watch since he does not make very much money.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I know Vanity in Columbus, OH gives you change with $2 bills... Also one thing that I notice now is more and more door girls are panhandling for tips. Also at Private Dancer in Columbus, OH the dancers will get off from doing stage dancing and come over and ask every customer for a $1 tip even if they already did tip while they were on stage. I don't like this panhandling but I just go along with everyone else so I don't get some bullshit talk about how dancers depend on tips for income, etc.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Any dancer expecting to clean up by stage dancing is kidding herself. It is only a way to show their wares. I try to tip every dancer at least once. Especially my favorites. But I sometimes get so involved in conversation with other dancers and buddies that I get lack. $20-30 is my usual expenditure. Plus a piece of candy.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I may be the cheapest SOB around. A nearby club has an attached restaurant, and offers a free buffet on weekday afternoons. There's also no cover charge on dayshift. Two weeks ago I went to the club, ate the buffet for free, drank water, and didn't tip a girl. Total spent? Zero. I didn't even put a buck in the buffet tip jar. Felt nice to get over on a club for once. LOL.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    At Cheetah's in Detroit last week, I stopped in around lunch time. As I was trying to eat, three dancers came and sat in my booth hinting that they wanted me to buy them lunch and drinks. I ate so fast I had a stomach ache as I bolted for the door.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    It does seem more common these days. Guys sitting at the stage or within spitting distance and not tipping without a girl practically twisting their arm.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Was at a club recently and there was this row of 5 guys together about 10 feet from the stage, all facing the stage, staring the whole time, and looking about as happy as Al Sharpton at a Klan rally. (And of course, not tipping -- hell, not even moving.) I went over to tip the dancer. We exchanged pleasantries and when I asked how she was, she said, "OK, just watching the show" and pointed to those guys.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    there is Columbus Gold strip club that used to offer a prime rib buffet on friday at noon. They also have a feature porn star working. There is no cover charge and drinks were 1/2 off. They no longer offer prime rib buffet but they do offer wings, fries, and popcorn "buffet". The drinks typically are $2.25 at noon. If I were to ask for an ice water I would at least be "generous" enough to tip $1 but strip clubs in columbus have got so cheap and stingy that many will say "they are not allowed" to serve ice water and have to sell you a bottle of water.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I do believe the economy is getting worse for many. On the other hand it could be in the last few weeks, people are cutting their spending more. I've seen pretty busy clubs but no one sits at the stage. It just seems odd when I'm the only one at the stage. The last time wasn't quite so bad, I sat down at the stage, then all of a sudden, first 5, then another 5 people sat down at the stage. Suddenly, I felt no urge to leave the stage since I was going to be lucky if the dancer got back to me. What is even worse is if no one tips the dancer, she keeps her clothes on. I didn't go to a strip club to watch bikini dancing. The worst though is when you tip a dancer on a song where she is typically topless or nude yet she does not show you anything you didn't already see. Apparently she doesn't care about anybody else tipping her is the vibe I get off of that reaction.
  • neoguy
    14 years ago
    I go to the SC to see and touch the women, not drink. Friends of mine meet me at the SC to drink and have no desire to tip the women. It works out i guess. Though it is funny, my very good friend will tip certain girls to just sit at the table and shut the fuck up"...lol. Cruel, but funny."
    14 years ago
    SD, at Pantheion last summer, I ordered some of their half-price appetizers. As soon as my mozzerella sticks arrived, a dancer I had rejected reached in and grabbed one. I was like, okay... I guess I could've raised a stink but since I had gotten them at half-price, I was feeling on the generous side and let it pass. Then she took another one, saying she hadn't eaten all day. Well, at least on the second one I received an explanation. Did I get a discounted dance offer in return? No.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    Aside from the traditional voyeuristic cheapskates who just don't tip, I think that the lack of tipping--which includes dancers, servers, shot girls, and bartenders--in SC's reflects a lack of courtesy rather than economic hardship. The groups of guys and many times, guys and girls, who come to SC's nowadays have no real respect for anyone who works in them. I watch them demand their drinks quickly, then take their change at the bar without leaving anything for the bartender, not tip a server that brings a tray full of drinks, and not bother to acknowledge or tip the girls who stop in front of them on stage. It is selfish and loutish behavior that seems typical of many people in all kinds of clubs. It's not only bad for the financial well-being of the staff, but bad for morale. It also forces those of us who try to tip consistently and generously to carry the load.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I tip for service. If I get the level of service I desire, then I tip, if not, or if I don't want the service in the first place, I don't. If a dancer gives me a show at the stage, or a dance, I'll tip an amount commensurate with the service. If a waitress brings me a drink, even a free one, I'll tip her. If the shot girl comes by and offers me a shot I don't want, I ain't gonna tip her. If a dancer comes begging and won't give me the time of day, forget it. It ain't the economy, or discourtesy, for me. It's the level of service and whether or not it provides me with any value.
  • LurkerX
    14 years ago
    Drinks are usually priced with .25 or .50 on the end as an inducement to leave something for the bartender or waitress, and I can go along with that game. I'll leave an extra quarter or two for a waitress who broke $20 into ones for me. It's not fun to sit in a lightly populated club with nobody tipping though. Girls get cranky making no money, and it's hard to remain inconspicuous and avoid sales pressure. Fri/Sat are better days to sit and drink, if you're just scoping out a place.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I tip everyone, and often I'm the only one in the joint tipping at all. I've had that fact brought to my attention many times from the grumpy dancers. I also wonder what goes through the heads of the assclowns who sit at the rail and don't tip at all. Or the cheapass sitting with his single beer all night long, not tipping anyone on stage.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I tried sitting like a rock in a club not tipping at all. It was not as much fun for me. I understand sitting there if there are a bunch of people keeping the dancers busy tipping them. I also understand not tipping dancers who are fuglies or you're just not into. When everyone in a club sits like a rock and no one tips the dancers on stage, it seems to put the dancers into a less agreeable mood. I forgot that some people think poorly of those working in strip clubs. I could take the case in point of the one drunk female customer who was with another girl and two guys one weekend. I was tipping the dancers. Apparently she thought that must have made me a perv asking me if I was. Then I saw what kind of manners she had when she gave me the finger with no provocation. I was wondering if she was trying to get some kind of reaction from me. It made me slightly angry but I tried to ignore those feelings while in the club. Her group immediately left after she did that. I also understand sitting like a rock if you've already spent a lot of money or don't have a lot of extra cash to spend. Tipping is usually optional in most clubs I visit. I tend to enjoy getting close to the dancers and can't do that from a table.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I remember one club had a sign. It said Tip ping is not a city in China.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    In my area, I believe the lack of tipping is more economic related. There is high unemployment in the area. Walmart was more desserted than usual tonight as well. I almost didn't visit myself. I did not buy too many groceries.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    At most of the clubs I visit regularly, people tip regularly, and sometimes the dancers are overwhelmed by the number of people tipping, so I don't always feel the need to tip. But I always make it a point to tip the ones I like, or perhaps all of them if I am not sober enough for the experience at some point.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    My former ATF (she quit 3+ years ago)once made $50 twice on the same day. A bunch of army guys from Ft Jackson were just out for some fun. Beer,etc.They did not buy any lap dances but they showered her with 1's. But this is rare. I was there.
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