Comments by Electronman (page 85)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    They need to change the name
    Climax, Michigan is only a short distance away from Colon, MI. My experience with a colonoscopy suggests these two towns should be much further apart but others may disagree.
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    13 years ago
    Best Stage Show I Have Ever Seen
    It depends on your criteria for "best." I've seen some amazing dancers--some graceful, some teasers, some sultry, some dramatic etc. But if "downright nasty" is the criterion, then nothing beats the shaving cream show in the Hong Kong Club, Tijuana, MX. The set up is two girls on a marble topped stage with mounds of shaving cream. The stage has a splash rail to keep most of the shaving cream on stage on off the customers sitting around the waist high stage and runway. They get naked, play in the shaving cream, finger and lick each other. Then for some of the dancers the fun starts-- the dildos come out for the girls to use on each other and then they go around the tip rail allowing customers to test drive the dildos, your choice of holes, for a dollar tip.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just to piss off you Ohio boys or who needs Detroit.
    Great story. This kind of fun in a SC is great, no matter where the location. If you'd been in Detroit, most, if not all, of the dancers would have provided similar services and the VIP rooms would have been private. Costs would be similar or slightly higher. I don't make it to Atlanta very often but good to know there are some options for good times in the SC scene. Thanks for the reviews.
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    13 years ago
    tuscl Club Ratings vs. Your Own Club Ratings
    I always notice the number of clubs that a reviewer has written about. If they've only reviewed one club, even if they posted 10 reviews about that club, I pay very little attention to their ratings-- after all they have no comparisons. Even a Yugo (or a Pinto, or a Corvair-- you can add any low end car to this example) might be rated as a great little car if you have no comparisons. I do however read the commentary-- on very rare occasion, a neophyte reviewer includes some interesting descriptions about the quality of lap dances.
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    13 years ago
    Lost interest in low mileage LDs
    I really enjoy the look and smell of great pastries at a bakery----- but, if the pastries aren't available for consumption, I won't visit that bakery very often, especially if more satisfying bakeries are nearby. Said another way, one whets the appetite (the eye candy), the other sates the appetite (the extras). Fortunately, I live close enough to Detroit to sate the appetite on occasion.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Uncommon but certainly not unprecedented in some of the higher mileage clubs in Detroit. Covered, of course.
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    14 years ago
    My favorite, from a Detroit area peeler--- "I don't have a gag reflex, want me to prove it?"
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    14 years ago
    Any other SC's like Henry the 8th Southgate?
    I know of other clubs inside the U.S. (e.g., Hawaii Theater in City of Industry, CA) and outside the U.S. (e.g, Hong Kong and Adelitas, Tijuana) that can rival Henry VIII for easy to negotiate extras. I don't know of any other metro areas in the U.S. that can rival the Detroit Metro Area (includes Inkster and Lincoln Park, etc.) for the quantity and quality of "extras-friendly" SCs. Legalize prostitution? Now, there's an idea I could get behind!
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    14 years ago
    Dancer approaches me while sitting at the bar at the Flight Club (Detroit): "I don't have a gag reflex. Want me to prove it?"
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    14 years ago
    favorite suburban Detroit clubs?
    Don't be lazy. Read the reviews here on TUSCL and on Lots of helpful information on what to expect and how to negotiate. Here is my short list: Hustler-- Very private VIP rooms, good but somewhat variable talent and most (not all) of the dancers provide extras. Flight Club-- same as Hustler but has more "add on expenses" (higher valet and drink prices) than Hustler Landing Strip-- variable talent but reasonably private VIP but not as nice as Hustler and FC Bogarts-- neighborhood bar atmosphere, OK dancers with a few gems, all about the extras Henry VIII-- a step down from Bogarts in the neighborhood bar and quality of dancers. All about the extras. Be willing to negotiate and don't just say yes to any price that is quoted. Have fun!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Indianapolis recommendations?
    Thanks for the recommendations. I've visited BBF and HH one time each but that was about three years ago. I didn't see enough privacy at HH for ITC extras (maybe I missed something unless its like the "romper room" at Bogarts in Inkster, MI) but I had offers of OTC. I sampled a couple of lap dances at BBF but didn't check out their more private VIP area. I'll give both a visit on my upcoming trip to Indy but save enough $ for a return trip to the Detroit clubs. Thanks again!
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    14 years ago
    Business Travelers Favorite Cities
    Detroit tops my list, followed by Tampa (Pasco County). I'd also include "South San Diego" (aka, Tijuana if you can tolerate a bit of risk) and "North San Diego" (City of Industry), just not San Diego proper! Haven't sampled Houston or East St. Louis. Thus far, not impressed with Indy in spite of the rave reviews that Brad's gets-- too tame.
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    14 years ago
    Friendly advice?
    Handing out business cards to dancers at a strip club has got to be bad advice and a breach of professional ethics unless you're a cosmetic surgeon. Most professions have a code of ethics that warn against multiple relations---- when one type of relationship with a person (e.g., getting dances or extras in a SC) compromises your ability to discharge the obligations of a professional role (e.g, providing legal, medical services). Huh-- may be the first time I've ever used "ethics" and "strip club: in the same sentence!
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    14 years ago
    HM Clubs
    Haven't sampled Houston, El Paso or South Florida but here are my rankings: 1. Detroit: lots of clubs with excellent mileage. Penthouse is my current favorite, mostly attractive Caucasian dancers 2. City of Industry, CA 3. Tijuana 4. Niagara Falls, Canada 5. Pasco County, FL (just north of Tampa)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What is your favorite strip club and why?
    Can't beat the Penthouse Club in Detroit for a combination of hot dancers, private VIP area, high mileage laps and extras. Once enforced, I suspect that the recently passed city ordinance regulating strip club lap dances will drop this place off my list but, for now, this place is still great. Honorable mention in the high mileage category goes to two other Detroit area clubs, BTs and Bogarts (for a unique, non-private lap dance experience) and to Hawaii Theater (City of Industry, CA). In the eye candy (and little more) category, Mons Venus and Brads Brass Flamingo deserve mention.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    A few thoughts--- if you're getting extras from a dancer it might be naive to assume that she's providing those special services only to you. Will recommending a dancer result in her being so busy that you can't arrange a repeat performance--- not in the clubs that I frequent but it might mean that she makes enough money to stay in the business and maybe even some of the other dancers will notice the increased demand for her services and offer similar services. Will sharing discrete information increase the risk of management of LE intervention? I really don't know but Ive never heard of such an occurrence. Nevertheless, that's a good argument for not including too many specifics in a review. Will it result in "stripper inflation"--- probably not if the reviewers share some information about prices paid for particular services (while still being discreet about including too much detail). Remember, information is power and when it comes to bargaining for a service, it really helps to know what the going rate is. It is not unusual for a dancer to offer an outrageous quote for a service (kind of like a car salesman offering to sell an auto for full list price). Knowing something about the going rate can help with more effective bargaining and, in the process, keep some check on the prices. Finally, I find it helpful to know which clubs are noted for extras and what price range to expect. If extras are relatively rare in a particular SC, then it does help to have some recommended dancers, but without explicit details. In exchange for these scouting reports, I'm typically willing to reciprocate with similar "intel." That seems, to me, to be the basis for sharing reviews on TUSCL and other similar discussion boards (e.g.,
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    Steve 229-- "here come the sluts" counts in my book as the perfect scouting report. Researching which dancers provide what type and quality of lap dance is great fun and, of course YMMV so it may be impossible to short circuit the research phase, but it can be expensive and time consuming. Here's an idea for a strip club entrepreneur, sell a "scouting report" for the dancers in a particular club for five dollars, kind of like a consumers report review-- I can imagine what dimensions could be included on the "consumers report review of strippers."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    After reading reviews that are so vague as to be useless (something like, "had a few lapdances at Club xxxx and had a great time") I strongly prefer more specificity in a review. I don't routinely specify names, services and costs in the same review but I routinely specific at least one of the above. After all, the goal of club reviews is share useful information among the customers-- the readers of TUSCL and other review sites. Some dancers like to have their names mentioned favorably in reviews (good for business and they're using stage names, not real names). I've never heard of a dancer getting into trouble (with management of LE) based on a review from an unknown person (after all the reviewers are using screen names) and of unknown veracity. It seems to me like we should offer enough specifics to help the reader determine if the club/dancer is worth spending his/her hard earned money on.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    Thanks for the replies. Let me be a bit more specific. During a lap dance it becomes pretty clear what a dancer's limits are-- by that I mean what, if anything, is on the menu. If the dancer's limits are a bit more restrictive than my interests, I'll often say (as I'm paying and its obvious that I'm not going to buy another lap dance from this particular stripper) something like, "that was wonderful but I was hoping for something a bit wilder, like (insert here a "HJ, BJ or FS"). Can you recommend another dancer who might provide that service?" On very rare occasion, I'll get a recommendation (something like, check out xxxx she has a reputation for nasty dances). But most of the time, the dancer claims that she has no idea what the other dancers do or don't do during a lap dance. If true, I find this surprising as it seems important to know what your "competition" is providing and at what cost. On occasion, I've asked a waitress to recommend a dancer who is "lots of fun" and received either a recommendation of a friend (who turned out to provide a pretty mundane lap dance) or a "I really don't know what the dancer do" answer.
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    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Video cameras in VIP area?
    Thanks for the helpful posts, especially for the mini course on security camera systems by Phillip A. Stein. I like the jacket over the camera dome idea but at the club that inspired my inquiry (a Michigan Deja Vu), the dome was mounted in the ceiling about 12 feet above the lap dance area so I'd need a ladder to do anything to obscure the view of the camera. I don't recall details but there was a club near Ypsilanti Michigan that was busted for tax evasion by the owner and reports emerged about hundreds of hours of surveillance tapes. I had never visited this particular club so I wasn't worried (personally) but I always wondered about the status of the confiscated video footage. My preference is for ultra high mileage clubs without cameras but when I can't get to these clubs and want a LD fix, I do have the tendency to politely explore where the dancer draws the "line" on contact, extras, etc. I'm surprised that I haven't had any LDs or VIP dances interrupted because of rules transgressions that were detected on video surveillance (thus my question about whether the domes contained operational cameras and produced video feeds that were really being monitored in real time).
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    15 years ago
    Hustler Club in Lincoln Park
    Judy: I've now made two afternoon visits to the Hustler Club, one of which I wrote about in a review that can be located under Michigan, Lincoln Park, Larry Flynt Hustler Club. I have not been there at night (when they have a cover charge) and thus, I have not seen an amateur contest. Nevertheless, the facility is beautiful (nice stage and an especially impressive second floor full of private rooms) and the afternoon selection of talent is somewhat mixed but good overall. It is definitely worth a visit. Good luck if you enter the amateur contest.
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    15 years ago
    Fav Club
    At the risk of over representing Detroit clubs in this list: Hustler Club in Lincoln Park, MI (recently opened outside of Detroit) Penthouse BT's Flight Club
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    15 years ago
    Married guys who secretly visit clubs
    I agree, your wife either knows or is very suspicious. Two hypotheses: #1. You've been "outed by odor" (sounds like a country music song title??). Some people have a very keen sense of smell. Even if you change shirts (thus creating the wardrobe inconsistency problem noted by Clubber), you may come home from your SC visits with your hair and other parts of your body and clothing smelling like smoke, perfume and pussy. For example, getting a stevie at the tip rail may transfer glitter or perfume from the dancer's breasts to your face and shirt. I've also noticed some dancers with very strong crotch odors that could be transferred to your pants from a lap dance. If your club offers extras, you'll also need to clean up afterwards. Several strategies for discretion, carry a gym bag full of exercise clothes in your car and slip in an extra shirt or set of underwear. If you're really cautious, change into the extra shirt and underwear before going to the SC and then back to your original set after the SC visit. If you have a gym membership, stop by to exercise or just to shower after a visit to a SC. Some high end clubs offer wet wipes in the men's room or you might consider getting a travel pack of wet wipes. The other hypothesis-- your wife is interested in strip clubs, possibly for any number of reasons: they are increasingly depicted on main stream TV shows, maybe some of her co-workers have talked about SCs, maybe she finds naked women (or men, after all there are male strippers) sexy. Why not ask her if she's ever been or would like to go to a strip club. Just be sure to go to a club where you are not already known by the strippers. Nothing blows your cover like having a dancer address you by name. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Spending varies by club but always less than 250. At many Detroit area clubs, extras can be obtained for 100-150 but I've certainly spent 200 for an exceptional dancer. Some of the more expensive visits have been to clubs where I had to do "research" to identify dancers who were high mileage or who offered extras. Of course the research is fun but the expenses can accumulate as you get LDs from a number of different dancers.
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    15 years ago
    Tiger Woods Offered Strip Club Endorsement for $1 Million
    Maybe if Nike drops Tiger, Trojan can hire him. I can see the tag line: "Just do it, as often as possible, but use protection."