
Best Stage Show I Have Ever Seen

I moan constantly about how lame Alberta clubs can be, Their one saving grace is the high energy stage shows performed by the dancers. I am in Calgary for a brief three day shot of business and I dropped into a club late last night for a bit of entertainment. I witnessed the best stage show I have ever seen a dancer perform.

She performed to 'my' music - a Beach Boys medley from the 60s. I was hooked with the first bars of "Dance, Dance, Dance`, she continued with some `Rock And Roll Music`, got robustly naked with `Do You Wanna Dance?', and finished by rolling around languidly on the floor for the loonie toss to 'Good Vibrations'. This girl had dynamite moves and terrific stage presence.

I was howling and making it rain with blues when she finished. Don`t think that had ever happened to her. She came over to the bar when she was done and planted a sloppy wet one on me.


  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    Umm, Art...I think we need to have a heart-to-heart here.

    The only purpose of a stage show is to show the customers who's there and who's hot. That's it. Whether she has good "pole work" or energetic dance moves is not something guys generally concern themselves with. And when I see guys mentioning that in their reviews I worry that maybe there's something not right.

    Do you find yourself having an inordinate interest in Broadway shows? I'm just sayin'. :)
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Glad you enjoyed yourself, Art. That's what it is all about.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    LOL There are guys who appreciate women and guys who appreciate their dick. art is the former jerikson is the later.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I had the pleasure of seeing Pantera in Seattle once --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nZv9l5YI…
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    I very much appreciate women. Women doing gymnastics? Not as much. :)
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I guess you skipped out on watching the cheerleaders, too. It's OK. Football is important.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    I had forgotten how good the completely nude shows in Canada can be. In my area of the USA the clubs that serve alcohol are only topless. Road trip?
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I've seen a lot of dancers do all kinds of pole tricks. I enjoying seeing their tits and whatever else they may show depending if the club is nude or not. It has to be something other than pole tricks to get my attention. I remember one feature was one of the tallest in the world and she had a large sword and fireworks for her stage act. She got my attention when she was moving that sword around. I typically prefer not to get involved in the dancers show. I've had my shirt torn open, stuff splashed on me which I did not care for at all. I've seen others get wedgies which I would not want or their underwear torn off (customers that is, pants still on).

    One feature got lucky and put her mouth to my shorts when I was sitting back in a chair next to the stage and successfully put her teeth around my dick. For a whole minute, I realized she was using me in her show. I started to get alarmed when she started to back up without letting go. I even wanted to grab her and tell her to stop but they had a strict no touch the dancer policy there. My white shorts were all red across the front from lipstick but it was fun. I did not realize she was getting all her lipstick all over me. Strangely enough, I had been the only one sitting back in his chair but after she was done with me, every other guy at the stage sat back instead of crowding her on that tiny stage. They were all leaning over the stage. They had everyone sit in their chairs though.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    The feature that got me good was a porn star. I don't remember who because I never saw her before at the time. The look on her face when she approached me and started looking in between my legs and then got down on her knees (it was a low stage) was something I wasn't expecting.
  • Electronman
    13 years ago
    It depends on your criteria for "best." I've seen some amazing dancers--some graceful, some teasers, some sultry, some dramatic etc. But if "downright nasty" is the criterion, then nothing beats the shaving cream show in the Hong Kong Club, Tijuana, MX. The set up is two girls on a marble topped stage with mounds of shaving cream. The stage has a splash rail to keep most of the shaving cream on stage on off the customers sitting around the waist high stage and runway. They get naked, play in the shaving cream, finger and lick each other. Then for some of the dancers the fun starts-- the dildos come out for the girls to use on each other and then they go around the tip rail allowing customers to test drive the dildos, your choice of holes, for a dollar tip.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Pantera is great!
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    "Pantera is great!"

    I agree. She's awesome. And when she starts out with the bunny hop, and the goofy glasses and ski jacket, it totally gave me a boner. I'm serious.

    She would totally win an Olympic pole dancing competition. Her "vertical power hang with legs spread and crotch to audience" is brilliant.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    See Jerkison! Now isn't the lap dance hotter now than if she just plopped her ass on your lap without any kind of frame of reference?

    The stage shows are like a test drive or a well told story where the lap dance or VIP should be the punch line in a night of rather enjoyable entertainment. I'm all about the stage show. Even with my regulars, I rarely get a dance from them until the stage acts have given me a hard on, and they know this... man!
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I've actually gotten stubborn dancers who've approached me to give me free air dances because of by warped (by SC standards) principles. I've tipped them and most I got the LD from. One was just plain awful and I tipped her and sent her on her way.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    I agree. With the bunny outfit, the hopping around, and the tats all over her legs, she truly exhibits an understated elegance and glamour. And she performs with a level of verve and panache seldom seen outside professional venues.

    Bravo, I say. Bravo.

    And to the person who PM'ed me and said "she looks like she's trying out for the Trailer Park Olympics", I think that's totally inappropriate and uncalled for.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Uh, jerikson, *you* are the one who made it public. At least the other guy had the grace to keep it *private*.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    Dude, I was joking...there was no PM.

    Maybe a few levels too deep for this group.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    And maybe you just suck at telling jokes.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    Yeah, you're probably right.

    Though I was kinda proud of the "Trailer Park Olympics". She really does look like she's right out of some trailer park.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that...
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