A slow Sunday at the worksite gave me free time to wander through tuscl club ratings. I compared the ratings generated by my own reviews with the averages that Founder calculates from all reviews submitted for those same clubs. I have reviewed 32 different clubs. For 15 of those clubs my reviews were less than 0.5 points different than the tuscl average. 6 of my reviews were 0.5-1.0 points different. For 11 clubs my reviews were greater than 1.0 points different from the mean. Even though these ratings are entirely subjective I am surprised how far from the average I seem to be as a SC reviewer. For one very popular club my rating was exactly 3 points less than the tuscl rating! That is a real statistical outlier.
Anybody else ever do this exercise? Obviously, I am NOT one of Founder's credible reviewers.
I haven't, but you must remember that a lot of newbies give really high marks to bad clubs, just because they've never been anywhere else.
I was just reading one of my old reviews and noticed that I gave the club 4/6/2, while the person after me gave 10/10/9 and the person before me did 9/10/9. For both of them, it was their only review.
yeah newbies will always curve higher.. hell i noticed my earlier reviews at some clubs are a tad but higher than my newer reviews i was 17 when i 1st started sc going (yes i know i was underaged but the guy that worked the door lived next door to me .. and at 17 naked bodies were my only concern lol fast foreward now to me almost 30 been around alittle bit seen a few things and even learned alot from being around this site my sc knowledge has grown so my ratings are different
Expectations are also another factor. If you are looking for extras and don't get any, your ratings might skew a little lower than someone who just wants some titties in their face and doesn't care about the rest. For that person their experience was great, for others its a disappointment.
i can be a softie at times but for the most part i have high/tough standards and they're usually reflected by the fact that my ratings are usually lower than the tuscl average.
I think a contributing factor is if you're a regular vs if you're a traveler. In many clubs the regulars will get the better experience because their expectations are scaled appropriately, they know which dancers are most suitable for them, and the dancers are comfortable with them and know they're not LE.
I think Founder does a pretty good job of ruling out reviews that are obvious outliers but occasionally a club will jump into the top ten when, IMHO they belong no where near the top, i.e. Lido in Cocoa Beach. Others seem to have fans for reasons that are inscrutable to me, i.e. Brad's Brass Rail in Indy (seriously?). Like you, Art, I think I have developed some standards and am not impressed by the decor or the hotness of the bartender. I am most interested in great LDs. My reviews, and those I care about, are primarily driven by the LDs.
I always notice the number of clubs that a reviewer has written about. If they've only reviewed one club, even if they posted 10 reviews about that club, I pay very little attention to their ratings-- after all they have no comparisons. Even a Yugo (or a Pinto, or a Corvair-- you can add any low end car to this example) might be rated as a great little car if you have no comparisons. I do however read the commentary-- on very rare occasion, a neophyte reviewer includes some interesting descriptions about the quality of lap dances.
Why is Scores NYC never rated high on the list? Even back in the day, it wasn't. Say what you want about the club but it made the business more mainstream.
last commentI was just reading one of my old reviews and noticed that I gave the club 4/6/2, while the person after me gave 10/10/9 and the person before me did 9/10/9. For both of them, it was their only review.
i was 17 when i 1st started sc going (yes i know i was underaged but the guy that worked the door lived next door to me .. and at 17 naked bodies were my only concern lol fast foreward now to me almost 30 been around alittle bit seen a few things and even learned alot from being around this site my sc knowledge has grown so my ratings are different