
specifics in reviews?

Was reading a review recently that went into pretty specific detail on a VIP session, including pretty obvious allusions to a HJ and a BJ *and* the dancer's name. Between reading other reviews and discussions on this forum, and my own common sense, that level of detail seems to be:

* legally dangerous for the dancer and the club (LE knows to try to sting Jane Doe at the Happytime Titty Bar)
* possibly physically dangerous for the dancer
* bad form, in general

Am I wrong?


  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Lee-you're right. Reviewers here should say "Had a marvelous time with a latina, HJ-happy ending" instead of using names.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    It's also possible the reviewer was clever and really wants to cause trouble for the dancer he named. I thought a long time ago, the best way to get a dancer into potential trouble was to talk about how great a time I had and make the review sound like she gave out extras. For a really great time hook up with Miss Jane D., she really knows how to suck on your knob. You just have to pay her $40 up front so she knows you're looking for full service. I do believe LE reads this and they would like launch an investigation believing all the crap we write on here. That is if they have money in their budgets right now. Teachers are getting furloughed, I have yet to hear about other government personnel getting let go.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    That was probably bad posting form above. Sorry, I should not have caused doubt about anything I say or that anyone else says. We would never lie. It's in bad taste to post dancer's name unless you only post very general good traits. Word will get back to the club good or bad and dancer's typically will not want their name mentioned at all if you ask them.

    However if a dancer ripped you off, post her name and what she did.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    It is probably easier for LE to make busts on craigslist than reading through the reviews. And you gotta wonder how much of extras in reviews is bullshit bragging.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I'm sure a lot of guys here would be real good at telling fish stories.
  • dallas702
    15 years ago
    Just wrote a review for Jax, FL club I visited Monday. I did name one dancer (she did nothing in violation of club rules or the law) and used C*#*# for the name of another who did provide a very good time (read "extras"). I was also vague about what C*#*# did with me.

    You are, IMHO, right that it is a bit uncouth to name the dancer and specify the extras she offered. Certainly name the ROBs, name the hot looking dancers, name the ones with hot stage shows, and I hope posters will (with some honesty) let readers know if extras are available - but I won't name the girl. (ONE exception - I mentioned TUSCL to a dancer a few years ago and she wanted to be named, along with what she would do, so I did.)
  • ilbbaicnl
    15 years ago
    Probably the best bet is to ask the dancer what is or isn't OK to mention. Besides that, other concerns would be getting a good club closed down. Or LE getting a court order or somehow blackmailing TUSCL into giving them your real name, and then causeing trouble for you of some sort. I'm sure there are few if any cops who really want to waste their time bothering us. But if the bible-thumpers and busy-bodies bug the cops enough, they will feed a few of us to them. And the cops will do their best to draw media attention to how they're clamping down on the huge threat to society that we represent. The dancers usually get the worst of it. LE know it's more effective to go after the customers, but the bible-thumpers seem to like it better when the dancers get put through the wringer.
    15 years ago
    Still waiting to see an FJ in a review (FJ = foot job.) Surely mention of that will bring law enforcement around. Or at least the public health inspector...
  • LeeH
    15 years ago
    casualguy: "That is if they have money in their budgets right now. Teachers are getting furloughed, I have yet to hear about other government personnel getting let go."

    LE around here usually makes the federal gov't look frugal in comparison. A couple years ago, they busted a handful of guys after a 9-month investigation for conducting a weekly Texas Hold 'Em night at this one guy's house. Nine freaking months to bust some friends who probably had all zero'd out in what they had won/lost to each other anyway.

    So the fact that teachers are getting furloughed doesn't really mean anything. Screw the students; we gotta bust those poker players.
  • Electronman
    15 years ago
    After reading reviews that are so vague as to be useless (something like, "had a few lapdances at Club xxxx and had a great time") I strongly prefer more specificity in a review. I don't routinely specify names, services and costs in the same review but I routinely specific at least one of the above. After all, the goal of club reviews is share useful information among the customers-- the readers of TUSCL and other review sites. Some dancers like to have their names mentioned favorably in reviews (good for business and they're using stage names, not real names). I've never heard of a dancer getting into trouble (with management of LE) based on a review from an unknown person (after all the reviewers are using screen names) and of unknown veracity. It seems to me like we should offer enough specifics to help the reader determine if the club/dancer is worth spending his/her hard earned money on.
  • Ironcat
    15 years ago
    I have to agree with Electronman - you don't have to be specific but naming the dancers that provided an enjoyable dance is Okay in my book. That doesn't necessarily mean she provided extras - it may simply mean that she looked good and provided good contact, etc. I find this useful to have recommended dancers for my favorite clubs and am happy to return the favor to others that frequent this web site.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Years ago guys with no class wrote names, telephone numbers and services on the wall in the stall in the mens room.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I am well known at the Columbia Platinum Plus as the "candy man". I have a dozen favorites and they know that I post on here. I will never mention their names in my reviews. Unless they ask me to. "I could use the business".I have a dozen TUSCL buddies that I share info with but I do it with TUSCL PM's or email. I am not concerned with LE reading what I write but do not want to fuck up some great relationships.
  • LeeH
    15 years ago
    Yeah, I'm not dumping on *all* specificity -- I know what Electronman is talking about. But when a review for the Happytime Titty Bar says, "Jane Doe and I went back to VIP and she gave me a HJ and I spewed 5.2 ounces", that's too much, IMHO.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    I suppose if somebody I know were to ask discretely for some of those details, I might supply them, but I'm not gonna post them on these boards, or any other, for any jerk to go in an screw things up for me.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    One has to be careful in giving specifics in reviews. You don't want it coming back to you especially if it is something which would be embarrasing for management, a dancer, or trigger some reaction from LE.
  • LurkerX
    15 years ago
    Getting too specific can backfire on the reviewer... too many newbies pile on looking for so-n-so and prices go up. Oblique hints are usually enough.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I will not give out the names of my favorites unless I've lost my mind and/or do not plan on returning to the club for a very long time. If the club business is bad, I might think about it. However listing my favorites could become a target list for anyone. Management might decide for instance that all of those dancers were not charging enough and let them all go. It'd be like a big FU to the poster on TUSCL who gave out a list of their favorites on here by club management. On the other hand, those dancers could get a lot of attention from visiting customers. Then when I went to visit I would not be able to get my regular dances or the same dancers would want to charge more. It's a no win scenario in my opinion. However I might consider giving out a few names. The other variable is that, I'm a regular, others visiting would not be. The same dancer might charge me one low price (regular) and visitors she would charge a lot more. Visitors might not be happy paying a lot more if they knew about it.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    The other option is to try to maintain a running list of dancer names in a strip club where regulars could help to maintain the lists. If a regular just gives a general rating, that would provide a lot more information. Example
    Candy - good high contact lap dances
    Sabrina - I enjoy her lap dances.
    Madison - Looks great but haven't sampled her. Great looking pussy at another club she dances at.
    Mercedes - NA, I can only have so many favorites, don't know.
    Rachael - haven't seen her in ages, ok lap dances
    Katrina - hot spinner type dancer that I like to tip on stage, haven't sampled laps
    etc. etc.
    Disclaimer - some of these names I made up or heard somewhere sometime but don't remember where.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If I listed too many dancer names, I would spoil my reputation for not remembering names. :) I could probably list hundreds of names though. I just can't put a face to all the names I've heard.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I have read many news stories about strip clubs being busted and I have not read one yet saying something like "the police were tipped off by reading strip club reviews"...it is usually drug related
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I say review details should be precedent subjective on whether they should be extras detailed. For instance if club X has many other reviews suggesting extras are common, then fine say it carefully. But if there is no history of such remarks then the reviewer should probably not say too much. Some clubs and areas obviously have more problems with LE than others.
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    If I am getting some good ass from a gal in VIP, why would I want to name her and then have other guys going in there wanting to bang her too?
  • Electronman
    15 years ago
    A few thoughts--- if you're getting extras from a dancer it might be naive to assume that she's providing those special services only to you.

    Will recommending a dancer result in her being so busy that you can't arrange a repeat performance--- not in the clubs that I frequent but it might mean that she makes enough money to stay in the business and maybe even some of the other dancers will notice the increased demand for her services and offer similar services.

    Will sharing discrete information increase the risk of management of LE intervention? I really don't know but Ive never heard of such an occurrence. Nevertheless, that's a good argument for not including too many specifics in a review.

    Will it result in "stripper inflation"--- probably not if the reviewers share some information about prices paid for particular services (while still being discreet about including too much detail). Remember, information is power and when it comes to bargaining for a service, it really helps to know what the going rate is. It is not unusual for a dancer to offer an outrageous quote for a service (kind of like a car salesman offering to sell an auto for full list price). Knowing something about the going rate can help with more effective bargaining and, in the process, keep some check on the prices.

    Finally, I find it helpful to know which clubs are noted for extras and what price range to expect. If extras are relatively rare in a particular SC, then it does help to have some recommended dancers, but without explicit details. In exchange for these scouting reports, I'm typically willing to reciprocate with similar "intel." That seems, to me, to be the basis for sharing reviews on TUSCL and other similar discussion boards (e.g., aesource.net).
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