Comments by Electronman (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Is anyone else sick of assholes calling every positive review a club ad/shill/wh
    For a veteran TUSCL reader, it is pretty easy to adjust your subjective trustworthiness factor for folks like desertscrub (too many false alarms on his club ad tag line) and mikeym (his tantrum about 2001 made no sense in the context of SergeDs review). The problem is that the neophyte TUSCL reader doesn't know which reviewers and commentators are worth trusting. Fouinder could list the number of trusts next to the reviewer byline (next to the three icons next to each reviewer name). But that has a problem-- some veteran TUSCLers who actively post will have lots of trusts (Papi is a good example) and others who are relatively new but still write good, accurate reviews will not have many, if any, trusts. One solution is to create a "mistrust" button that is separate from the block button. This would allow an accumulation of the number trusts AND the number of mistrusts and provide even the neophyte reader a snapshot of how trustworthy a specific reviewer was. So the ratio of trusts to mistrusts might look like this: Hypothetical veteran user: 75 trusts/3 mistrusts (count on this person's opinion) 75 trusts/75 mistrusts (wildcard-- look carefully at the review and commentary) 2 trusts/75 mistrusts (don't believe anything this person says) Neophyte user: 0/0 5/0 0/5 Each of these patterns say something helpful about the trustworthiness of the reviewer that is independent of his/her length of participation (which mostly adds to the number of trusts but doesn't capture the number of mistrusts). Some people change their mode of operation (e.g., I think that desertscrub has become more discerning on his club ad commentary) so it would be good to a) allow mistrusts to be removed and/or turned into trusts or b) report only trusts and mistrusts over the most recent one or two years (to make it easier for someone to repair a trustworthiness rating). Probably far too much trouble. I'll just make a mental note of the reviewers who post unfounded and/or incoherent commentary.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Whats up with all the symbols besides ppl names ?
    Is it possible to add a descriptor that pops up when you hover your pointer over a particular symbols. If not, then a guide to what the symbols mean would be OK.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Is Yuni Putting Her Ass on Parade?
    Post a few photos of Yuni's ass. You might get some volunteers for some missionary work.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Did desertscrub's mom suck you dry, too?
    Interactive shaving cream shows are a sight to behold
    I too am a fan of the shaving cream shows. I'm surprised that the porn web sites don't have videos of the Hong Kong shaving cream shows. You can't capture the interactive part of it in a video but it is lots of debauchery and fun.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Currently in one of the most pussilicious places on the planet but ...
    And where is this "pussilicious" place? I need to book a trip.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Merrick Garland, denied Supreme Court spot, on court set to consider Trump subpo
    If anyone is interested in background: Frontline (PBS) just ran a special called Supreme Revenge, a story that started with the Bork confirmation hearing and tracked the increasingly combative and polarizing Supreme Court confirmation hearings, including the hearings for Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and the blocking of Merrick Garland's nomination. It does not paint an optimistic picture for the emergence of any more moderate and collaborative leadership.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    turning down pussy
    Dementia--- maybe he forgot his viagra?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Detroit Pricing in Reviews
    Posting some information about pricing expectations conveys valuable information to the potential customer and it provides a counter control for unrealistic pricing (often a result of informal dancer/club price fixing efforts). But, like others, I recommend that reviewers do NOT link prices or VIP details to specific dancer names.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancers running out of stage names to use?
    Car names seem to be popular in Detroit. No surprise there. However, I still have not met a dancer using the name "F150," in spite of its impressive sales record. Dancer names that should definitely be avoided: Sting LEO Minor and all the STD names!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Friday night in a Floriduh strip club.
    Did you see the other news story on that web page? Man arrested for having an obscene window decal. Where else but Florida?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Review vs telling a story
    I agree KC. My other pet peeve is when a reviewer spends lots of time taking about how long his commute is to the club without mentioning any concrete information. The readers don't know where you live (relative to the club that you're reviewing). We don't know how long your commute is (with and without traffic). We don't know the other clubs that might be closer options to where you live. And we don't know just how much time is "too long" in your view (10 minutes? 30 minutes, 2 hours)?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Stripping in the bathroom?
    ^ Care to elaborate? I had a HJ while sitting at one of the booths in Hong Kong, but I was wearing shorts, commando. Bare ass naked in the bar area?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Skin moisturizers.
    It depends on whether the moisturizer rubs off on your clothing or leaves an odor. If not, I'm OK.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Judge grants motion to suppress video evidence in Robert Kraft spa case
    Icey: As rickdugan points out, the second article that you posted says "Prosecutors have said they ultimately found no evidence of trafficking at the spa." As a reminder, law enforcement can charge anyone with any crime (and unfortunately, splash the arrests all over the media, thus ruining the reputation of some people who might be found to be innocent), but you need evidence to get a conviction. Where is the evidence and the conviction in this case? Flag and 25-- the restaurant example is called reasoning by analogy, sometimes called casuistry. The point is how does the restaurant example (a clear example!) differ from the spa example. How would a customer know if an employee was being trafficked, either at a sleazy spa, a legitimate massage business or even at a restaurant. Also recall, that not everyone working at a spa (even sleazy spas) is trafficked and not every customer seeks out pay for play services at a spa (yep, some provide legitimate massage services). The focus should be on those who engage in trafficking and law enforcement should be very cautious about violating civil rights.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Judge grants motion to suppress video evidence in Robert Kraft spa case
    Icey: If the evidence of trafficking was so strong, why did it take 8 months of surveillance focused on the Johns rather than on the people who were allegedly coercing workers? Why were none of the alleged victims rescued during the 8 months investigation. Why did this investigation not yield a single trafficking arrest? Human trafficking is wrong, but the focus should be on holding those who are the traffickers (via physical, economic threats) accountable for their crimes and rescuing the victims. The focus should not be on the often unwitting customers who happen to do business at a place where an employee is trafficked. As an example, sometimes restaurant employees are trafficked. Are you going to arrest unsuspecting customers who eat at the restaurant? Will customers need to interview all of the employees before eating at a restaurant to insure that none of them are trafficked. My point is that trafficking is vile and those responsible should be held accountable---- but the focus on the often unsuspecting customers, is wrong and probably a violation of their civil rights. That's why I support this decision and think that law enforcement seriously over reached.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Judge grants motion to suppress video evidence in Robert Kraft spa case
    Was there any evidence of trafficking, ever? From what I've read, the women were NOT being coerced (although this line of work may have been their most lucrative means of making a living-- but that is not coercion). If they were being trafficked, why did it take the police a full 8 months to collect surveillance footage but they never saved any women from trafficking during that 8 month investigation and never made any arrests for trafficking? It looks like a case of sex between consenting adults, even if it involved the exchange of money. Of course nearly every consenting sexual contact involves the exchange of value for both parties-- hopefully both enjoy the sex, sometimes one party also gets indirect economic and emotional benefits (a place to live, an expensive meal, an allowance, promises of undying love). In other words, even in a fully consenting relationships, lots of valuables are exchanged, even when it is not a straight forward pay for play arrangement. I'm perfectly happy that the police tactics are being reviewed and limited. What a waste of taxpayer money! I'd like to protect individual rights from police state abuse, including the right for consenting adults to have sex, even if money (or other valuables) is exchanged in the process.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    I second Easy Rider. I recall being impressed with the movie when it was released, probably influenced by the soundtrack, some nudity and the performances of Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper. I recently saw Easy Riger again and was disappointed--- far too much footage of the scenery while riding a motorcycle. Oh well, other old movies hold up pretty well-- Chinatown and Fargo are still excellent movies, in spite of the passage of time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Happy Mothers day you muthas!
    I support single moms who work at strip clubs. Of course,I don't discriminate against the younger dancers who might be in training to become Moms, but hopefully not with my DNA.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discuss this email I received
    He is over jealous and often wrong with his "club ad" commentary but that is no reason to delete his account. Like Shadowcat, as payback, I labeled a scathing review that he recently posted as a "club ad."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Bike lane assault at Rick's Minneapolis
    Sounds like Minneapolis law enforcement is also part of the problem.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Is there a market for strip clubs with Saturday or Sunday MORNING hours?
    Lots of great replies! Thanks. Minnow. Apologies for shouting with all CAPS, but we don't have a way to underline or italicize a word for emphasis (do we?) and I wanted to emphasize morning. Flagooner-- 12 step programs are for sissies. I've learned to embrace my addiction to naked women--- a pricey hobby but with fewer long term health problems than alcohol and other substances. And, yes the once per year morning strip club events are very popular in Michigan but I too doubt that they'd be sustainable over the course of an entire year.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Getting head in your car
    The up side of autonomous driving cars. Maybe they’ll be equipped with a virtual reality sex machine.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Grabbing his junk as a sales technique?
    And is a stripper handshake a good predictor that the dancer will be receptive to a customer rubbing her pussy or tits, while seated in the "front room?" In my experience, a good stripper handshake is a green light for front room fondling and back room debauchery. There are exceptions of course.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Grabbing his junk as a sales technique?
    More common in extras clubs. I’ve had a few that will reach inside of pants for a skin on skin sales pitch. It works to convince me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sounds like Cheap NO fuck Friday. That can still be a good experience.