
Review vs telling a story

If a review gives no real info, just a story of how his night went would you approve it? I read a review that more or less said I go here when in town, my friends didnt show up, I had some money, left with most of my money, pissed off a waitress and plan on coming back tomorrow. No description, no mention of mileage, no mention of VIP rooms or if dances are on the floor. I get you say what you do when there, but there are some details needed. Every review should tell you costs, mileage, floor or VIP dances, busy/slow, attractive girls or ugly, and some mention of safety of area(if needed). Its a review, I dont care about your night if there isnt any real info.


  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    I agree KC. My other pet peeve is when a reviewer spends lots of time taking about how long his commute is to the club without mentioning any concrete information. The readers don't know where you live (relative to the club that you're reviewing). We don't know how long your commute is (with and without traffic). We don't know the other clubs that might be closer options to where you live. And we don't know just how much time is "too long" in your view (10 minutes? 30 minutes, 2 hours)?
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    It's just inexperience. I had one rejected back in 1999 when all reviews were read by an editor/s prior to publication, for this very reason. I rewrote it and it was accepted. People just don't read the guidelines.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    You are never going to please everyone, like Electronman says, many ppl want diff things in a review. And most of us have our pet peeves about certain reviews. Mine is the uneducated looking reviews that use no punctuation and spelling, even in this day of autocorrect is awful. Even worse are the idiots who write the whole thing as a single sentence without paragraphs. Even if you have only a grade five education you can find the Return key.

    I usually look for some information in a review but even the stories almost always have useful stuff if they are detailed enough.
  • rockie
    5 years ago
    And in the case of stripclubs that are seldom reviewed, you may assume (due to the story) the club remains open for business!
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    General costs and "type" of club are my two must haves. Just a story about a specific visit is an auto reject, UNLESS my 2 requirements are met..
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    There can be value in all types of reviews.

    Review - Provides objective info, but is often just redundant

    Stories - can give a sense of the vibe and some recommendations on specific women but often leaves out the value component

    Papi submissions - provides a sure-fire cure for insomnia
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I don't mind personal stories and enjoy many of them - but a review needs to be about the club, not about you - I read a review to learn about the club not your commute - no problem for me about the personal details as long as you also adequately describe the club.

    Seems some people are unable to write adequately, but seems most that write shitty reviews do it bc they don't wanna put the effort in.
  • Daddillac
    5 years ago
    Papi-pedia..... Wikipedia of titty bars
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    I totally agree with this. If I can't find one bit of info in the review that is specific about the place then I reject it. There are too many reviews that tell a story that could frankly take place in 95% of strip clubs around the country. I suspect a lot of those are people who just want the month of VIP so they can read reviews of clubs they're planning to visit.

    Let's not make it easy on these clowns. You want the VIP access, then put in some effort.

    My own reviews are basically stories, but I make sure to include prices, descriptions of girls, and other things about the club while telling that story.
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    I like to at least see dance and VIP prices so I can plan accordingly.
  • King_Gambrinus
    5 years ago
    I like to at least see dance and VIP prices so I can plan accordingly.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    ^ true. That is important. And the cover, if any.

    The value proposition.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Don’t forget we need to know if there’s a pee troll and shit and shit;)
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    They're not professionally written reviews. People have different styles, different writing abilities, etc.
  • 623
    5 years ago
    And diff keyboards - as in some of them don't seem to have and Enter key or a period key on them.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    If it's a compelling story I'll accept it. If it's just drivel, then ...
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    Depends on how often the club is reviewed but I look for at least one piece of information that tells me something about the club. That’s the lowest bar for me. I do appreciate the top of the heap reviews which give club info and are entertaining to read (wallanon, reverendhornibastard) but those are lofty standards that few can meet.

    If you can confirm prices and add in some personal observations about dancers and be discreet, that’s a solid middle of the road review.
  • Member6532
    5 years ago
    There was some information in the review, but its misleading 1 statement about it being a membership club, he renews his membership every year...well in Kansas about half the clubs are membership clubs, some memberships only last 1 night tho(such as the outhouse, no one even notices you are getting a membership tho) not sure why this is I have a theory that private clubs you can smoke in, public clubs its illegal. This club has a membership with no waiting period and everyone is accepted, you fill out a card and pay $10 for the year.

    That was the only real info to the review.
  • Member6532
    5 years ago
    If I go out to dinner, tell you where I go, mention the waiter but not really say if the service was good or not. Say I got Italian but not if it was good or not or if I go my money's worth. Say I sat inside but dont say its it's nice and clean or old and dirty. Can you say I reviewed the restaurant even if I told you I had a good time?

    Reviews need
    Description (this can be over looked if nothing has changed)
    Smoking/non smoking (this is a deal breaker for alot of people, especially if you are hiding going out)
    Area dances take place
    Alcohol/byob/juice bar
    Tell me about your experience, but make it clear if you'd recommend it or not
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    I only review clubs worth reviewing.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago

    Excellent point about the BR troll.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I enjoy reading a good story of an experience... but also nice to have some info also... such as prices and shit and shit.
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