
Comments by rattdog (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
    "the south Bronx, Brownsville Brooklyn, Irvington NJ, west Philly" damn muddy!!! you went to all those areas and you're still in one piece?
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    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Go woke go broke; Jack Daniels Edition
    95 correct. if you don't adhere to blackrock and their like good luck getting that loan from one of their banks to continue your company's manufacturing and distribution.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Go woke go broke; Jack Daniels Edition
    i wasn't even aware that jack daniels joined the woke movement until i ran into this thread. harley davidson, budweiser, and now jack daniels. which american iconic brand will next to join this movement? yea it does make sense. the 50 year old plus demographic appears to have been milked dry. political agendas aside, these companies have to come up with ideas to survive the next few decades and appeal to the 19-49 group. the way they've been going about it for the past few years...well it doesn't appear to be working as expected now does it? the customer base of these companies as a result got pissed off and are acting with their wallets. harley davidson? bikers that rode them have been switching to other companies like indian for quite some time now. jack d dropped in favor of maybe johnny walker. bud is still reeling from their actions. even if these companies backtrack the damage at this moment appears beyond repair.
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    2 months ago
    how to tell a customer to take it out??
    first place to start is you gotta work at clubs that tolerate extras. the non extras club that you're working at now: does management allow barside grinds to take place? if yes and no one is looking, and also the guy is slick, then dick out is very doable.
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    2 months ago
    Hearing protection in strip clubs
    120 decibels? in 1976 the who played somewhere in the uk and measured at 120+? platinum plus in memphis was notorious for this type of shit on saturday nights. i had to be resourceful and plug my ears with napkins and toilet paper.
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    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Soprano’s Quote
    orange, the blowjob is the accomplishment and the 50 bucks is the prize.
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    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Soprano’s Quote
    damn!!! a bj isn't even enough. got to also pay in addition 50 bucks. years ago at some mid-level brooklyn bar i met a scores dancer. she had an arrangement with the scores manager. no housefees for the month in exchange for the manager getting taken care of. lucky manager-she was a top 5 girl easily when scores back in the day would have some real nice looking lineups.
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    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Aubrey Plaza - hot or not?
    anybody wondering if deniro got off on that bed dance?
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    2 months ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    3 Albums - Pick Wisely
    led zeppelin-the song remains the same creedence-chronicles cheat pick: ratt-the atlantic years 1984-91. this kind of cheating merits expulsion from most schools. this collection contains 5 albums.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    How did you find a GF/Wife who was open to you going to stripclubs?
    "You're just gonna parrot back what you think someone else would say. Come back when you can form your own opinion based on your own knowledge and experience in this world." ahh i came across with one of these guys very recently at another site. the dialogue went exactly like this: dude: "I don't listen to Van Halen, nor do I listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn, but since he's also a highly regarded guitarist, I Googled 'Stevie Ray Vaughn vs Eddie Van Halen' and came across this video... I read through the top 20 - 30 comments, and each one emphatically said SRV was better..." my reply: "advice - if you want it or not: if you don't listen to eddie van halen or srv you might want to refrain from making opinions. cause like you know it makes you look and sound like you don't know what you're writing/speaking about. and your basing on the opinions based on a youtube clip along with the 20-30 comments below?" dude: "Except... I didn't give any sort of opinion regarding SRV or EVH Well now, I've got some advice for you, little buddy Before you point your finger, you should know that I'm the man I'm the man and you're the man and he's the man as well So you can point your f**kin' finger up your ass" he's absolutely right-he indeed didn't make an opinion-which makes it even way worse.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    At what do you say: “It must be me?”
    to add-you already know what you like and into. when it shows up in due time go for it. if it doesn't show up where you're always at go elsewhere.
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    2 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    At what do you say: “It must be me?”
    nah it only you, but that's not a bad thing. if you ask yourself would be really be 100% happy if you settled for something less and the answer is no then that's the way it has, is, and always will be. you've gotten this far in life already with your high code of standards. so why should you lower them at this point?
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    2 months ago
    Clearly No One Looked Closely at this Picture on a Scrolling Phone
    imagine taking off the lid of the coffee cup and oh wow look-there's a hairy pussy floating. i guess i should give it back and ask for another one. of course the risk is the counter girl/guy might laugh at my face, and if a tomato or a cherry is shaped like a pussy would it be safe to eat it?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    brian wilson - not bad. but i would say george martin. the way he handled the career of the beatles was absolutely brilliant. nikola tesla. that experiment using free energy in the air to turn on the lights from one point to another i believe a stretch of a few blocks. fuck edison and the government!!! word of advice: if any of you know how that tesla experiment works you better keep it to yourself. once word spreads you will fucking die. trump if he wished to pursue so could be the greatest president this country by simply attempting real progress with the tesla works. but he doesn't want to. he's definitely aware of it.
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    2 months ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you lie to dancers about your day job?
    replying with bullshit data entry boring job usually ends that topic of discussion real quick.
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    2 months ago
    Advice: Wife Found Out About OTC, How Should I Proceed (Pussy Pic of OTC )
    "She said “what do you have to say”? At that point I didn’t say anything….I mean what the hell am I going to say that isn’t already known at this point. " replies: "well yeah. i see you're mightily pissed. you feel left out. you want to join us and be in the film production? there's room for one more." "let me ask you something. you haven't been in the mood and taking care of me for 7 months now. put yourself in my shoes. no action at home. i'm over at the club and this piece of ass is willing to get me off. so if you were me you're going to turn that down?" your wife probably already got sick and tired of you longer than those 7 months. i really wouldn't want to imagine the reality of having to go home every night to deal with someone who feels like that towards me. that's a sucky way to live. get that divorce lawyer. find creative ways to allocate your money. sell your car for $10 to a relative. (skibum, feel free to add to this). also be very thankful you didn't bear kids. rest assured your wife will use them to her advantage.
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    2 months ago
    Your favorite song(s) for great harmonica?
    led-zep: bring it on home and you shook me neil young-heart of gold beatles-love me do the who-baba o'riley live from the kids are all right
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    FUCK IT!
    There's no Election Fraud
    "They cheat like hell, it's clearly obvious that something isn't right, but if you question it then YOU'RE the one who's fucked up." there was a word that was constantly being used that was ever hardly being uttered before the last 3-4 years: gaslighting. i believe that the above is an excellent example of this word. j6. that day those scumbag officials inside the capitol were lucky that it was only a small amount that "stormed" into the premises. the amount should have been at lease 500,000.
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    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Without reservation
    ^ego. once they put all the efforts into their craft and eventually wind up at being one of the best at what they do they feel that they've earned the rights to act like 24-7 prima donnas. that mindset was already wired in place during the younger years.
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    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Without reservation
    so she finally faced a minor hardship that people 2-3 levels under her status level sometimes have to endure. awwww. well i guess now that's retired she now has plenty of time to go to X and vent away.
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    2 months ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Slap Fighting
    have you seen the girl slap fights? a lot of these girls have good looking faces and they're taking a huge risk of having them wrecked. all it takes is one shot and the face can wind up fucked up looking for life.
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    2 months ago
    Local Hick
    Psycho Stripper Loses Her Mind
    what a piece of fucking shit!! and the fact that he said he was from ny should have meant that he should have known better. when you're from there over time you learn to respect people's space and mind your own fucking business. the prick also shows total disrespect towards that girl. did anyone notice that he didn't ask if it was ok to film her but did otherwise with the dude with the guitar?
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Foreigner in a Strange Land
    i don't understand something. if the uptown girl is expressing that she's willing to hum a bill joel tune to you for an extra 100 and you decline, why would you think that it would not be okay for you to be handsy? but cool review-it's good for all of us to know there are other options to explore north of the border.
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    3 months ago
    Boycott ! The Olympics is Allowing Men to Box Women
    the girl would have still quit even if a natural woman such as rousey or nunes had inflicted that shot. a broken nose will alter your will. "Amazing how stupid white liberals will endanger actual women to show how enlightened and superior they are." they don't even have to be white. being a stupid liberal doesn't have fall in any sub-category of race, ethnicity or any other differentiated group. since most of them act on feelings without any regards to actual realities, let's see any of them get into the ring with a fallon fox. or 3-4 of them against tyson, wilder or even someone 60 pounds lighter. this would be way more interesting to watch than most of what's happening in the olympics.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    pardon me y'all for asking as i haven't been in this club for many years but at around what year did the girls starting asking for tips for the handshakes and whatever else in the 30 dollar rooms? tatiana has been there for many years. she used to be kinda thick. then she lost weight. blond hair. big tits. real nice face. based on what i've read i'm assuming she's held up real well. but even in her prime she wasn't all that with her lappers. i tried her once or twice - meh was my reaction.