
The Shoe on the Other Foot

Somewhere in the Carolinas
Am I the only one who gets a little bit of satisfaction when you reject or tell a girl no in the Club? Most of us average guys have been experiencing rejection since we had sippy cups and were riding tricycles lol so we are used to it even though it sucks. Most women in the real world never approach Men which leads to less rejection plus no matter how ugly or fat she is in the real world she will still have desperate guys lined up for her.


  • ww
    7 days ago
    Not really. I care more about interacting with the girls I like and don’t get any satisfaction from turning girls down, although it’s obviously a necessary part of stripclub experience.

    And sometimes it’s not always a simple “no, I good, thanks” and they move on.

    I’ve gotten some comments like “why are you here if you not getting dances” “who you waiting on” “you probably don’t have any money anyway”, etc.

    In those cases, I do feel like I dodged a bullet, but I still wouldn’t say I get any satisfaction from it.
  • Puddy Tat
    7 days ago
    No, it's more like "glad you listened that I'm not interested, all the best."
  • ilbbaicnl
    7 days ago
    I might get some satisfaction if I knew a particular stripper was a tease in the real world. But I have no way of knowing that. You head is headed for a bad place, when you start seeking revenge against some uninvolved third party.

    With the preferable women, with a little experience, you can generally tell if they are interested in you or not. So, not that much rejection. The exception is with shy women. But, in that case, hard to know when it's straight up rejection, or when they are too shy to follow through on their interest in you.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 days ago
  • mogul1985
    7 days ago
    Nope! And, I don't like being nagged. I'm real polite too.
  • PAWG_Patrol
    7 days ago
    If she's pushy with ROB tendencies and doesn't get a single dollar from me yes.

    If she's nice but just not my type I try to cut it short before she even sits down and gets the wrong idea.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 days ago
  • RonJax2
    7 days ago
    I don't enjoy having to reject a dancer. It's necessary but I don't get satisfaction from it, maybe just a sense of relief once we've parted ways that I can focus on other dancers now.
  • Icey
    7 days ago
    I dont get a kick out of rejectimg dancers.

    A lot of guys do though and for the reasons op states. I think it's sick
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    There are both girls and guys who get an ego stroke out of rejecting people. It could involve a variety of reasons. Probably some narcissism, maybe low self esteem
  • rickmacrodong
    7 days ago
    Of course if its a known ROB, it would feel good knowing you arent putting more money in a robs pocket
  • Rod8432
    7 days ago
    I don't enjoy rejecting girls, but do it a lot out of necessity. It's part of SC life.

    But related to your point, I do enjoy being valued and sought-after in the club by hot chicks. Yes, it's a fantasy, but it works.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    7 days ago
    I get no satisfaction out of it. I’m sure it wears on some girl’s feelings plus I look at strippers as working and I do not enjoy anyone not making money.
  • rickdugan
    7 days ago
    ===> "Am I the only one who gets a little bit of satisfaction when you reject or tell a girl no in the Club?"


    At least on here. But I'm sure there are others like you visiting clubs and, tbh, it's kind of sad. Guys like this evoke a weird combination of both disdain and pity from me.

    Of course I didn't "experience rejection since I had sippy cups and was riding a tricycle" so maybe I just struggle to relate. Maybe I'd be a bitter little person too if I had, happy to make girls in their underwear feel bad with just the tiniest bit of power that I had. Who knows?
  • rattdog
    7 days ago
    an average guy will feel devastated after getting 75-100 rejections from girls their type. a girl will feel the same amount of that devastation from getting rejected just once.
  • rattdog
    7 days ago
    but i digressed.

    to answer the question the answer is no. getting a bit of satisfaction by taking it out on a girl at a stripclub for all the accumulated rejections is pretty fucked up.
  • skibum609
    7 days ago
    I don't see how getting rejected would make anyone feel anything other than empathy for another person being rejected. You actually enjoy making people feel the feelings you hated?? Seriously OP?
  • gammanu95
    7 days ago
    No, I do not enjoy turning down dancers. I am there to get dancers. I am there to be danced upon by sexy, charming women. If I turn you down, then you are not sexy, are not charming, or have some other trait which I find undesireable. Turning down dancers is counterproductive to the intent of going to a club.
  • JamesSD
    7 days ago
    I honestly feel bad if she's kind and sweet but I'm not feeling her.

    I only feel good about it if she gets bitchy after a polite rejection.
  • IWantHerOnMe
    7 days ago
    @skibum609 Took the words out of my mouth
  • boomer79
    7 days ago
    I kind of dislike it. I try to be as polite as possible although there are ways to put it gently but at the same time let them know not to waste their time.

    What I really hate is girls who make you be really aggressive to get iris of them but sometimes you don’t have a choice.
  • Hank Moody
    7 days ago
    As a matter of course, no. On one occasion however I was pissed at being taken by a ROB at CH3 in Vegas. I wrote about it in a review. I go out there once a year and a year or two later the same girl approached. She had no reason to remember me but I remembered her and sent her on her way. Not sure if it was satisfying but I felt good about knowing enough to say no.
  • whodey
    7 days ago
    I get satisfaction from the girls I say yes to ane have fun with. I couldn't care less about any girl that I say no to or who doesn't want to spend time with me.

    I choose to focus on the fun times in strip clubs, not any rejections.
  • WiseToo
    7 days ago
    I don't consider it as rejecting the girl, but rather rejecting her attempt to get money from me. I'm kind of indifferent about it because it comes with the territory of being a stripper. It's unrealistic for a stripper to expect every guy she asks will buy a dance or a VIP or even buy her a drink. If she thinks otherwise, she'll be disappointed.

    I try to be polite, but it's her problem if her feelings are hurt or she gets upset. She needs to talk to the house mother for help dealing with rejection.
  • Manuellabore
    7 days ago
    Nah. I'm too focused on hooking up with a woman who is out of my league IRL and marveling at the opportunity.
  • wld4tatas
    7 days ago
    Well said by Rod8432. It's the fantasy of being sought after, and the sense of appreciation or gratitude one may sometimes feel, that you get to be in that position to choose who you want.

    It's not about making anyone else feel bad. OP said nothing to indicate he rejects girls in a disrespectful or malicious way. A few posters are looking pretty silly in their negative judgements of him.
  • Dolfan
    6 days ago
    Do, I think you're the only one? No. I'm betting this guy probably did too: https://tuscl.net/discussion/85928 Yeah, I'm exaggerating. But that is the sort of thing you might want to give a second thought to, ideally your little petty revenge by proxy mentality will stay petty and harmless. But, those are the sort of feelings that seem to always foundational to serial killers and mass shooters and shit. Don't let it spiral out of control.

    I don't get any satisfaction from that sort of thing. I do not particularly mind the typical interactions where she offers her company and I decline. I rather dislike the interactions where she persists to the point of annoyance and I have to be less than polite or even rude to get my point across. Luckily, those aren't very common. I don't let any of it ruin my visit, but I'd certainly prefer not to have to reject any of them. It would be perfect if every single girl who approached me was exactly my type and I could say yes every time.

    And don't think girls, even hot girls, don't know what its like to be rejected. Don't forget that tastes vary, one mans hot is another mans ugly. Even the hottest of the hot have been rejected for something, even if it was more perceived than actual. They've still felt it.
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 days ago
    You love her
    But she loves him
    And he loves somebody else
    You just can't win
  • Icey
    6 days ago
    Some of you are overthinking. Shes upset at losing money not about you rejecting her
  • skibum609
    6 days ago
    ^^J. Geils got it right.
  • rickmacrodong
    6 days ago
    Lol Icey, if she’s getting rejected for dances it means theres a strong chance the guy didnt find her physically attractive, this idea that shes “upset at losing money” is completely ludicrous and a coping mechanism.
    Dancers lose money by default if many customers dont come in. The idea of them being upset not over the rejection but over losing money is laughable.
  • booty_lover92
    5 days ago
    ^Exactly I literally had a dance ask me if I thought she was ugly since I didn’t want a dance lol
  • Estafador
    4 days ago
    Wait are we talking at strip club or regular Club? If it's a strip club I don't get the point of the Elation of rejecting a girl because it's about business she's not going to normally come to you anyway. In a regular nightclub, meh I guess. Not really. Why would you even reject people if you don't have a good experience getting accepted? Not like the girls you're rejecting will ever know about you being rejected in the past. Or maybe they will I don't know
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