Remembering 9/11
I know that someone else posted a remembrance, but I try to post this every year. So here goes...
At 8:46 am on 9/11/2001, Mohamed Atta and other hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 11 crashed the plane into floors 93-99 of the North Tower of the World Trade Center, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building.
At first it was assumed that the crash was a horrible accident. Then, at 9:03 am. hijackers crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into floors 75-85 of the WTC’s South Tower, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building. At this moment, we knew that this was no accident.
At 9:37 am, hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 77 crashed the plane into the western facade of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., killing 59 aboard the plane and 125 military and civilian personnel inside the building.
At 9:59 am, the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.
At 10:07 am, after passengers and crew members aboard the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 learned about the attacks in New York and Washington, they mounted a heroic attempt to retake the plane. In response, hijackers deliberately crashed the plane into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all 40 passengers and crew aboard. It was suspected that this plane was headed either to the Pentagon or the White House.
At 10:28 am, the World Trade Center’s North Tower collapsed.
I was in New York City that day, when the whole city went into mourning and all too many people were faced with the tragic and senseless loss of family, friends and acquaintances who were killed for no other reason than because they worked in those buildings. There were also too many heroes to count on that day, including NYPD, FDNY and the people on Flight 93 who forced the hijackers to bring the plane down in a field rather than into another building.
We will never forget.
last commentThe events of 9/11 remind us that freedom isn’t free. Amen
Thanks for post, rick. Every bit as good as your prior postings, here and on pink site.
Never Forget gets harder every year that goes by. Nearly a quarter of the US population was not alive yet on 9/11/01, so it’s important to remind ourselves that there are a lot of people around the world who absolutely hate America, who would do anything to hurt us if given the opportunity. When I say things like this around my kids, they accuse me of being racist, but they don’t remember 9/11/01. Never Forget.
Americas Reichstag event
^ Someone seeking attention today.
Caused me to google “Reichstag”, and I learned something today!
To say that " 9/11 remind us that freedom isn’t free" is a really stupid statement. We were attacked by an international terror group, which had repeatedly attacked us before around the globe. It had nothing to do with freedom, it had to do with allowing radicals to foment their hate philosophies unchecked. We cannot go into Gaza, Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Somalia to stop the hateful radicalization there, but we do not need to go that far to find it, either. It is happening daily in the classrooms of high schools, college, and even grade schools. Students are being taught by far left instructors that America is an evil colonial empire founded by slave-owning White racists who didn't want to pay taxes. They are taught that people who do not look like you, act like you, or worship like you are not equal and should be looked upon with suspicion. They teach that white, male, heterosexual, and successful Americans are ruthless, oppressive, greedy, and biased and must be disliked and disrespected. A lot of these same philosophies were taught to the al Qaeda terrorists that attacked the US in NYC, DC, the twin embassy bombings, Somalia, Khobar towers, USS Cole, and the first WTC car bomb.
We were not attacked because of our freedom. USB was radicalized by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. AQ and the Taliban have their roots in the mujahadeen resistance fighters of the 80s. Even then, despite our support, many of them hated us as the Great Satan but needed us to evict the Soviets. USB's hatred of us grew when we entered Saudi Arabia- Islam's holiest kingdom- to stage for the liberation of Kuwait. And then we stayed, and his attacks against the US began. The interconnected globalism that helped him to radicalize others against the US is too complex for this website, but the general goal of the attacks was to get the US to withdraw from the Middle East and Muslim world and cease support for and opposition against the different governments there. That is why we were attacked - destroy the symbols of American global power: the WTC was our financial symbol, the Pentagon was our military symbol, and the White House or Capitol Dome would have been our political power symbol.
Now, the fight afterwards had a lot to do with protecting with our freedoms - not the freedom of individual determination, liberty, or the Bill of Rights- but the freedom to life and the pursuit of happiness. The freedom to go to work downtown without fear of a jetliner being turned into a missile or the local pizza parlor being blown up while you are getting a slice. That freedom came with a price, and we lost the war. Sorry to go political, but we ran away while the Taliban re-conquered the last of Afghanistan (and we gave them a bunch of new toys to go along with it). Now, the men and women who helped us preserve our freedoms while fighting for their own are being hunted, tortured, and raped to death. Every relative in their bloodline is being executed.
So while we sit behind our oceans and pledge never forget, there are others pledging the same. Our allies will never forget how we abandoned them and those in Afghanistan. Our enemies will never forget how we ran from the fight to score political talking points (Clinton pulling out of Somalia after the Battle of Mogadishu showed USB that we could be beaten even after we win). Never forget that one political party has repeatedly left our borders open and unprotected while military age males from hostile nations and known terrorists came pouring through. We could all be reminded of that at any moment.
^ still a weirdo
In addition to all the rapists, drug dealers, and parasites Joe and camela invited in to make sure the white house, senate, and hor are blue, don't be surprised if the terrorists that have also been invited in do something in the next 2 or 3 years that makes 9/11 look like child's play.
@mickey48066 For the WIN
@mickey48066 - I offered a left-leaning friend a $10,000 bet on this. He wouldn't take it.
^could be because he might be a part of it. refusing to take that bet means he's trying to tip you off.
You're all incredibly retarded lmao. White boys are committing terrorist acts in schools every other month and yall still worried about brown people. So sad.
^ fuck off Muslim asswipe.
Nobodygtyu what’s concerning is that despite all the white shooters, there are still more murders being committed by two other specific races. Also the population is like 66% white people. They should be the majority of people committing murders yet they aren’t.
Defending Muslims in one thread and subtly attacking blacks in another lol, interesting guy this rickmacrodong.
^ you trolls should recognize your own