Fee Advice from an Attorney

avatar for skibum609
Do not use your pager today...


last comment
avatar for shailynn
6 months ago
How on earth did they make this happen? Interesting tactic.
avatar for drewcareypnw
6 months ago
^I was wondering just that. I know that batteries in cell phones occasionally explode due to overheating. I suppose you could write a program that when triggered ran the shit out of the CPU without showing anything on the UI. This would heat up the battery with no warning and boom.

You would have to get the software onto the device. This could be done over the air via apps or via firmware patching. If you had a modern device with an OS and apps, that's easier, and if you had to get a firmware update that's harder, and if you had a primitive old school pager the software would have to already be there when the device was purchased... that would be some serious james bond shit to achieve.

But it's doable. A little like the hack MOSAD did on the Iranian centrifuges (Stuxnet) a few years back.

avatar for twentyfive
6 months ago
Incredible, amazing use of technology, just like how they killed Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital of Tehran with prepositioned sleeper bomb.
avatar for JamesSD
6 months ago
Wow that's really fucking smart
avatar for sfrsox
6 months ago
How much is the Fee?
avatar for gammanu95
6 months ago
I would love to know how it was done. We may never know, but that is scary. Blowing all their balls off. I saw that happen to a guy not 10 feet away from me when his vape pen exploded in his pocket. One of the injured or killed is the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon, who just happened to be carrying a Hezbollah pager. That was not a question anyone needed answered, but it reminds us that Iran has still not responded for the assassination of the Hamas leader in Tehran.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 months ago
^ Iran hasn't responded because like all bullies, they can be cowed by strength (like Trump droning Soleimani) and are emboldened by weakness and Obama/Biden's dicksucking.

Thanks to the latter, they are closer to a bomb than ever. We need another Stuxnet, or something more drastic, to keep a bomb out of the hands of the Shiite apocalyptic death cult.
avatar for gammanu95
6 months ago
here's some video, sadly, no sound

avatar for carnival
6 months ago
that blows
avatar for skibum609
6 months ago
Apparently Hezbollah had just switched to a new pager system. My guess is they made a bad decision to purchase pagers from TheMossadPagerCo., Inc.
avatar for drewcareypnw
6 months ago
TheMossadPagerCo., Inc. LOL!
avatar for shailynn
6 months ago
I remember this several years ago - my memory may not be 100% accurate - but…

Remember the couple in California that went on a rampage on an office where the guy worked? I think it was a municipal or local government office… anyway the FBI was trying to unlock their iPhones, and Apple refused to do it. I’m thinking wasn’t it an Israeli company that unlocked it for the FBI?
avatar for skibum609
6 months ago
^Yes it was.
avatar for Studme53
6 months ago
These pricks still use pagers? They get a text when a goat fucking video becomes available at Blockbuster?
avatar for ATACdawg
6 months ago
Damn Chinese lithium batteries...😵
avatar for mike710
6 months ago
How are they going to satisfy all those promised virgins when they go to meet Alah
avatar for caseyx
6 months ago
They switched to pagers instead of cell phones because the Israeli's were tracking their activities by hacking into the cell network. Apparently the Mosad can work with low tech also.
avatar for Muddy
6 months ago
Wonderful stuff
avatar for gammanu95
6 months ago
It's happening again, today, with the two-way radios they have as an emergency back-up/alternative to their pagers. It's almost hilarious. How on Earth did they manage to do this?
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Israel has access to stuff they shouldn’t have any access to. Its concerning that these pagers supposedly made in taiwan, had israeli agents messing around with them. Makes you wonder where else israeli agents are meddling around.

People like Dan Bilzerian, Candace Owens, Andrew Tate, Nick Fuentes, have completely destroyed the israeli narrative
avatar for skibum609
6 months ago
Apparently 6 months ago, after a speech by Nasrallah, Hezbollah threw away their cellphones for safety's sake, after a few assassinations. After the products were built, they were shipped a month later. Israel somehow managed to intercept the shipment, disassemble the pagers, place a small explosive in each one, re-assemble them and ship them to Hezbollah. they then waited 5 months, sent a code to the battery to overheat, then rang the pagers so the Hezbollah dudes would pick them up, blowing off hands, fingers and faces.
avatar for Manuellabore
6 months ago
Is it controversial to wonder who, other than dirtbags who are up to no good (like Hezbollah) uses pagers anymore anyway? They could put a dab of explosives in every one that comes off the line and none of us would be the worst for it
avatar for skibum609
6 months ago
^They were using cell phones, but Israel was intercepting the signal and using it to locate them. They decided low tech was the solution.
avatar for Icey
6 months ago
In the US cops use cell phone jammers to stop people from filming them. Which is illegal.

**I am not your attorney. This is general legal information based on the limited information provided. Details matter and additional details may change the applicability of this information. Further, although I believe that everything I have written is accurate, sometimes free advice is worth no more than yo paid for it.
avatar for twentyfive
6 months ago
Israel has always lived in a tough neighborhood, they’ve needed to be clever and tough, fortunately they are both, this was designed to force Hezbollah to back off, my guess is the ragheads get the message, make a few threats and back off quietly.
avatar for misterorange
6 months ago
Apparently there's now been round 2 using walkie talkies and solar devices. Another 9 killed and hundreds injured!

I think it's great, but makes me wonder about the phone I'm holding right now, made in China I'm sure.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
^i havent read todays stuff but as far as the pager explosion yesterday, there was an 8 year old lebanese kid killed.
This is why so much of the world doesnt respect right wingers. You’re cheering at the death of an 8 year old, because she happens to belong to a race or religion you want to exterminate, or because she happens to simply exist in a geographical area you believe should be exterminated or handed off to israel.

As far as debating whether the 8 year old would grow up to be someone violent, you can have that debate about anyone of any nationality, its not how morality works.

Lebanon is just yet another one of israels neighbors they want the land of under the guise of security.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
Most of those 2800 injured were random Lebanese civilians out shopping or eating, which means this was a terrorist attack.

Is it really fair for us to demand middle eastern countries condemn terrorism when so many Americans will celebrate it simply if it occurs in the middle east?
Lebanon is also like 40%+ Christian lol
avatar for JamesSD
6 months ago
Israel indirectly field tests our weapons for us. Most of the time if Israel has it, we have it.
avatar for gammanu95
6 months ago
These were not weapons, per se. The intelligence reports are that they somehow inserted themselves into the supply chains and were able to get these explosive charges, detonators, and triggers installed into the pagers and radios that were being purchased by Hezbollah. That tech has been around for a long time, but the penetration of the supply chain from purchase to manufacture to delivery seems nearly impossible to have pulled off with precision. Even more so, how much collateral damage was done to innocent purchasers?

The newest reports indicate an elaborate series of frontmen and shell companies. Maybe it was a 1 in a 1,000,000 shot that worked for the IDF intelligence.
avatar for rattdog
6 months ago
no doubt the jewish exploding phones resulted in collateral damage. but in this situation the innocent most likely share the same anti-american and anti-jew mindset as the intended targets. do you think they would shop at a place where there are jews present? is there segregation in those parts of the world?

i may not be a jew but i am an american. so if a certain group of sick fucks even poses some kind of remote threat to my well being then hey if it's cell phones, pagers, walky talkies, old ass refrigerators, vhs players, whatever, they have to go BOOM.
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