
Comments by Notsosly (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Pros & Cons of Negotiable Dance Prices & How to Handle Them
    I like a set price. ...though I don't mind negotiating a price for extras, I hate the negotiations for something as simple and basic as a LD. The only place I've ever been that does it is the Body Shop in San Diego. It's $20 per dance + TIP. But if you only pay the $20 you get an air dance. Girls will usually let you touch pretty much everything but the kitty for $40/dance, but no extras. And other than the occasional dancer who will give you a few tugs either up your shorts or from outside your pants, you basically just get what amounts to a mediocre LD where you might be able to suck/feel a titty or two. It's lame. I also see that Treasures in Houston, TX is kinda "negotiable" where a number of girls are asking for 3 for $100 as opposed to the $20 or $25 that it's supposed to be. I'm going there in about a week or so, and not looking forward to that aspect.
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    15 years ago
    SC Attire
    Deogol, that was funny... and until you got to the "man purse" part and I realized it was a joke, I was thinking "jogging shorts, dress shoes and an Egyptian shirt!? WTF!?" Me... Daytime: Here in South FL it's bloody fucking hot, so I wear cargo shorts and a nice t-shirt and flip-flops. Night-time: I wear dockers (though occasionally jeans), nice/stylish but comfortable shoes, and either a nice solid color t-shirt or a Tommy Bahama silk shirt (I love Tommy Bahama, VERY soft, loose and very comfortable). You guys that go commando in underarmour shorts are brave. Firstly because there would be no way I could hide my rock hard schlong when a LD was done and I'd be pitching a complete tent as I walked back to my seat... I guess you tuck it in your waistband to keep it hidden after it's over? Secondly, for anyone going commando, if she took me to completion (or I took her there), I'd be afraid of big wet stains. I usually get boxers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    computer gurus. The nerd needs helg again.
    Actually, I fucked up my left and right clicks! Should be the opposite of what I wrote. Swap those. Right click on the actual picture, left click on any links.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    computer gurus. The nerd needs helg again.
    Sounds like you saved them to your HD in the wrong format (.aspx is a type of active server page file extension suffix). Specifically, I think you saved the whole webpage of your email as opposed to saving the individual pictures. Open those original emails again if you have them. Left-click directly on the pictures--if you can see the actual picture when you open it in the emails--and "Save Picture As..." (or right-click on the picture attachment link if you see that... it should open a separate browser window or picture application that will let you look at it). You will then get the pop-up to save the pic and designate a file name and file type and where you want to save it on your hard drive. Find the folder you want to save it in, type in a file name you will recognize, and then finally (and most importantly), choose "JPEG (*.jpg)" as the File Type. Then click the Save button. Rinse and repeat for each picture. If you don't have the original emails, either in your inbox or deleted folder, you might be screwed. Good luck!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancer gives you a lousy dance to get get rid of you. Does it work?
    If she's really hot and there aren't any other girls I'd want, and I have money to spend... I might hang in for a few dances. But I guess it depends on how bad it was. I've only ever cut a dance short because I got a whiff of her ass as it was gyrating in front of me and it smelled overwhelmingly like shit (as in I don't think she wiped last trip to the bathroom). I about threw up on her back.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your strip club routine
    I used to just dive right in... but I've found that kicking back with a cold one and checking out the scene for a bit helps several things. Like declining that 6 that came up right after you sat down... so you won't be otherwise engaged when the 8 that was back in the dressing room for the first 15 minutes, comes out. The chit-chat helps you to avoid ROBs and wannadance robots. All these things help me get the best value for my SC dollar. All that said, I still get suckered now and then... though FAR less often than when I first started hitting SCs.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do anyone knows or is a Male Stripper?
    BTW... I'm done in this topic as I'm sick and tired of seeing this dude's bare ass on top of the discussion board!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do anyone knows or is a Male Stripper?
    Then use the ignore button on me! Dummy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your strip club routine
    1.) Sit at the bar and get a beer. 2.) Survey dancers and find something I like (could take 20-30 minutes), while tipping each girl that dances $1. Turn away all fuglies, but chat with hotties that approach on their own... though if they approach very early on, I will probably say "hit me up later" since I want to completely check out all available talent. 3.) If the one I like won't come over, I try to make eye contact, smile, and get her to come over. If that fails, I'll wait til she is on stage and tip her then... letting her know I'd like to maybe get a few dances from her when she's done. 4.) When she does come over: Chat her up, see how frisky she is, and how much contact she's up for. 5.) Get a LD if she seems my type... if she's not, start at 1 again. 6.) See how far she will go over 2-4 dances (if it's a really bad dance, I'll stop after 1). If it's not what I'm looking for, start at 1 again. 7.) If I know I can get what I want, and have the cash, I will go VIP and close the deal. If I don't have the cash, I'll just stick to the LD couch. Arrivals of an ATF or a girl that has really rocked my world before, will throw this whole routine out the window!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do anyone knows or is a Male Stripper?
    Actually, Dougster, it takes a lot for me to even consider using the ignore button, because everyone has moments where they act like an ass. As long as they contribute to a discussion now and then, I can deal with the occasional flame post or hissy fit. That said... I'm still waiting for you to post something that doesn't have to do with your unhealthy obsession with MisterGuy. So maybe the ignore button would be a good option.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Miami or Columbia
    Anywhere from north Fort Lauderdale to south Miami, without a doubt. There are like 40 SCs and every one that I've ever been in down here offer all kinds of extras... and if you have any interest in latina women, you've going to LOVE it. Plus, like you said, a TON of activities to do here. If I were you, I'd stay at the beach. Enjoy the beach, the food, the shopping, the beautiful women everywhere (avoid the numerous drag queens in South Beach unless you're into that!). Ignore Madonna's in South Beach... but there are a ton of good SCs in Miami. Just realize there will be a LOT of cuban and south/central american latinas... and many of them are fucking unreal gorgeous.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do anyone knows or is a Male Stripper?
    Dougster, are you going to make a post about MisterGuy in every thread? Seriously man, give it a rest... it's getting annoying.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is an 'average' rating for a club
    I've seen a ton of reviews just like you've described. Personally, I've given a club as low as 2's and 3's in stuff. I very rarely give a 10, and never across the board (as far as I can remember anyways!) I've also given a club 2-3 on a visit when I've given that same club 7-8 in the past. It's all about your individual experience that visit. But yeah... I agree that a good number of people don't really put much effort into their reviews unfortunately.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    More great movie sex scenes
    "The Color of Night" with pixie-like Jane March having crazy sex through half of the movie with Bruce Willis. The movie itself is a half-decent psychological mystery/thriller. The sex and nude scenes with March are some of the best "soft-core porn that isn't really soft-core porn" that I've seen.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    Also, to SC... with regards to your question to lopaw. Flipping the equation around a little bit might give you some insight. If you and your wife (I know she's your ex now, but imagine a happier time!) wanted to have children but couldn't, would you, as her husband, prefer that she got artificially inseminated? Or would you prefer that the male sperm-doner just inseminated her "the old fashioned way?" I know I'd definitely want the artificial method if I was in that same situation.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    Seriously Dougster? Most of their posts seem to be honest questions about what guys/customers like, and many seem to be from women new to the occupation. So whether they do/don't want to perform "extras," who freakin' cares? To each their own. Why don't you run off guys that post here that don't engage in "extras" with a dancer? And so what if they are "shocked" or surprised that extras are performed in a club? I know I was shocked and surprised (happily, of course) the first time they were offered to me in a club. Seriously, I have yet to see any of the types of posters you've mentioned in the past year or so that I've been lurking/posting here. Your whole attitude seems so misogynistic. I can understand telling some female poster to take a hike if she came on here and gave some feminist, man-hating rant and called us all pervs... I'd be telling her to gtfo too. But if they come on here simply asking questions that might help them earn extra money, or understand their customers wants/likes better, then why care?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shelf life of dancers/female customers posting on here.
    Shadowcat, what difference does it make if women post here? And who cares if they only post for a few weeks and then are never heard from again? It seems like everytime a new woman posts here, you make some snide comments and/or tell them that they'll be gone soon. Why do you seem like such a misogynist in these posts, but then in your very next post you are fawning like a 13-year old with a new crush about some other dancer who posts here? Split personality? Personally, I like to see women post here, so long as it's subject matter-related. It can breathe life and a fresh topic to an otherwise stale message board (which this one can be now and again). And a big bonus when they post pics of themselves! So seriously... what the fuck difference does it make?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Sports Strip Clubs
    I enjoy lots of TVs in the clubs, especially during college football season. Gives me something to watch when a fugly is on stage, or when I'm trying to ignore a fugly that is bugging me for lappers. Also, since I usually go to a bar to watch games anyways, why not go to a SC club where I can watch the same game and drink the same beer, but there are naked women dancing around me too!? I will watch football, hockey, boxing, basketball, lacrosse and/or soccer (especially EPL soccer) while in a club. I hate baseball, too boring... so during the summer, I just watch the dancers!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    1st nude club experience
    Pink Pussycat in Fort Lauderdale (pretty sure it's mentioned in the Motley Crue song Girls! Girls! Girls!). I was a senior in HS, my buddy a junior, both of us underage but with REALLY crappy fake IDs. But the PP was only 18+ so they didn't check to hard. Neither of us had ever been in one, but the girls there were hot and naked, and honestly that's all we were hoping for. Unfortunately, neither of us had shit for money, so no lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The Warm-Up Girl
    No. I don't get warm-up girls. If a girl I know from before is working and available, I take her. If none of the girls I know are working, then I will sample here and there until I find what I'm looking for. It could be the first girl I sample, it could be the 5th. ...but no, I do not look to sample other girls and put one I know will finish the job on the back burner. "No one puts baby in a corner!" Besides, it just might piss the girl you know off and end the extras you might have been getting. Believe it or not, dancers get jealous! Crazy! I know right!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When a stripper asks "Do you have a girlfriend?"
    I've gotten the question before... I've lied and said "no" and then gotten the response "good" and she then proceeded to get naughtier. I've also said "yes" before too, and that usually ends up with the follow-up question "do you have kids?" If I answer that one truthfully, I then get sucked into having a conversation about her kids and her failed marriage or shithead boyfriends... and that's a conversation I really don't want to have in a SC. In general, dancers usually don't care and respond with something like "oh you're a bad boy... I LIKE bad boys!" In which case, it really doesn't matter what you answer, because she doesn't really care and is just making conversation. However, I have gotten a few disappointed looks, and had impending freebie extras get derailed. I've also had one girl (former ATF) get really hurt and disappointed before. I had told her I was single, we had done a lot of extras during lappers, and had some good long conversations over a span of a few weeks. She had dropped hints of seeing me outside the club before, but I never bit. She finally got the nerve to hand me her number, her real name, and flat-out asked me out to dinner and a movie. When I declined and told her I was actually in a long-term relationship, she got REAL upset and took back her name/number from my hand, and didn't speak with me for a couple weeks. But then her rent was due, and she was all for the extras again. Though she never failed to ask me if I was still dating "that girl." ...if only I had met her before I met my wife, man I could have had a lot of fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    You ever have a dancer accuse you of being a cop?
    I've been asked before, usually right before the act itself (which is after they broke the law of soliciting by stating the act and the price they would accept for performing it). Never been outright accused however. And yes, cops, particularly vice cops who's job it is to bust prostitution and who regularly go undercover, are allowed to grow beards and long hair and dress in plain clothes. Special Forces do the same in the military, particularly the troops who get embedded with foreign militias.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    UK/US Terminology Differences?
    We say those, and there are innumerable possibilities... Just a few I hear often: --a few sandwiches short of a picnic --his elevator doesn't go to the top floor --not the brightest bulb in the chandelier --not playing with a full deck (as in playing cards) And a recent favorite to describe a homosexual man: "he's got some sugar in his gas tank" ...that one makes me laugh everytime.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Which U.S. city is the best overall
    If you want to hit up Tijuana, don't waste your time and money in San Diego strip clubs. No mileage and very little contact there, and full-nude mean you're stuck drinking water/soda.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Tip rail etiquette
    I'm not a fan of sitting at the rail either, preferring to sit at the bar or on a couch/chair against the wall. I've only ever seen $1's, especially with the hood-rat club "makin in it rain." Though I'm sure if you want to really get the interest of a girl, tip her at least a $10 or more and make sure she sees the denomination while you're doing it.