
Comments by Dudester (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm going to get jumped on for this, but it's the truth. All the border violence is the fault of every American who thinks sitting in their home getting stoned is "harming no one" and "no one's business". Truth is, every five dollar bag of pot you buy gives a drug dealer half a box of bullets. Every pound of pot, a gun. There are laws against illegal drugs, but this only seems to increase the lure of the drug. I know that employers are increasing drug screenings and I have no pity, none, whatsoever for people who screw up their career because they can't get by without altering their reality. I went to a prep school for high school. I struggled to get C's. My roomate, a stoner, graduated with high honors-and he rubbed my nose in it. Several years later, he dropped off the radar screen, completely. All that brilliance shot, gone. Pity.
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    16 years ago
    Craig's List computer help please - unrelated
    There's a specialty video service that has that problem with me. They tell me it takes 5 to 6 tries to get through to hotmail. I don't know what the problem is. On the other hand, I don't trust Craig's List. I have bought tens of thousands of dollars of items off of Ebay. It's your choice.
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    16 years ago
    Weed, OTC, legal question... (not ENTIRELY off-topic)
    Depends on the hotel and the state you're in. I was an assistant manager of a Marriott for 8 years. In Texas, a hotel can evict you quite easily. I threw out several people who actually thought they would set up a drug selling business in the hotel. Telling them that I would call the Police, and that their response time was usually 15 minutes, was enough to have them out in ten minutes. Liberal states, like California, you could get away with a lot, but like I said-depends on what state you're in.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drug tests.
    Last time I was up to spped, but if memory serves- weed stays in your system for up to 32 days. Coke can be in your system for up to a week, but out mostly in 24 hours-depending on the dose. Heroin-about the same as coke.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    4 day work week. Yeah I know off topic.
    My company works for a much larger corporation. A 4 on, 3 off, wouldn't works for us, but it would work for the corporation. Problem is, that corporation has a lot of 7 day a week workaholics (I know-they should get a life).
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Battle of the Sexes
    In my 20's, I was commitment minded, but kept on meeting women who weren't. In my last long term relationship I learned that there are women who will lie when the truth sounds better. In my mid thirties, after that last relationship, I warned women on dates not to lie and some did just that first thing. There are a number of people who can live a lie-I'm not one of them. Early this year, I put on a confirmed bachelor ring and gave up on relationships altogether. Since then, I've learned that fully two thirds of people in marriages cheat on each other. Because marriage is something sacred to me, I can't imagine how horrible it is to be in a marriage like that. I know that there are some sane women out there, but I don't have the first clue where to find them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waitress turned dancer.
    My present ATF is a waittress/dancer. She does personal dances for about half a dozen guys only-no stage action. Several years ago, when I was in a financial slump, a friend nagged me into going to a club. I could only afford to spend about twenty bucks. The club was filled with latina's, none rating higher than a 6. However, there was this waittress. She was a golden goddess, barely legal, just ravishing. She looked like the girl voted too beautiful to be a cheerleader. I would've paid a high price for LD's from her-if I hadn't been so broke at the time. At one point, it looked like a couple of the dancers were trying to talk her into it. I've been back there a couple of times, but haven't seen her since.
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    16 years ago
    Travel companion results
    Fish and company begin to stink after three days. I had considered a "traveling companion" for a monthlong trip to Europe, but you confirmed my suspicions.
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    16 years ago
    You ever decide just to stay home and save your money?
    Last night I was "feeling the urge", but earlier in the day I had plunked down some change for my main hobby as I had sent off money to buy a 36 Chevy pickup for restoration. I'm up for a promotion at work-increase of pay by one thirds. If I get the promotion I'll go see my ATF again, as a celebration.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where is your best source of strip club entertainment?
    I live in Houston. Houston is a high mileage area. The reviews here for Treasures comes from guys that can afford to drop 1-2k a night for fun-I can't do that. There are several clubs on the north side where fun can be had for 2-3 hundred. Also, too, there seems to be a traveling band of high mileage strippers. One has to listen to the radio commercials to ascertain where they presently are (like right now they are at Glamour Girls). Outside of the Penthouse club, the club that advertises has the group.
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    16 years ago
    pubic hair
    Once, a raging feminist called me a pervert for wanting bald pussy. I explained I like bald pussy because I love to dine at the Y (and dislike coarse hair getting in the way). I then asked her if she preferred to kiss a man with or without a beard. It shut her up.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I need to get laid OTC.
    shadowcat, in the club, girls "perform" because there's money involved. OTC activities happen because of money, a-n-d because the girl respects and trusts you. You've started threads here about girls that piss you off and the general tone is that you don't respect them. Respect is a two way street. You have to give to get.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers and politics
    Quimby makes a good point - conservative justices can't be a good thing for the strip club industry. We will all have to road trip to Canada for decent LDs before long. Truth is, McCain is a republican in name only. McCain was picked by democrats who prolonged their own primary season by spending the early primaries crossing over to vote for McCain in order to piss off conservatives. If McCain picks any supremes they will not be conservative (democrats will probably increase their lead in Congress this fall and McCain doesn't want to fight Congress). McCain buys into the global warming farce and he wants to double the price of gas to punish us Americans for our lifestyle. Besides, Quebec is close to seceeeding from Canada, causing Canada to fall apart. Half a dozen Canadian provinces have already drawn up papers in which they will apply to the US for statehood. I'm voting for Bob Barr, just to keep my concience clear.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    who wants to vent? Every stripper that ever pissed you off...
    One time a dancer put her kitty in my face and she said she would have sex with me, and she did, so I left happy. Another time a stripper spent four hours with me, giving me the total GFE. She hardly charged me anything. There was nothing on TV that night anyway. I slept like a baby that night. And finally, an Asian stripper showed me things like 69, around the world, and spooning. I slept like a baby that night too.
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    16 years ago
    New York
    What do you talk about with strippers?
    I'm a news junkie and prolific reader. I've heard people say they don't watch the news because "it's depressing" but I've also overheard those people have absolutely inane conversations with others. I've found that most strippers are intelligent. It's rare for me not to have something to talk to them about.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    He Should Have Gone to a Stripclub Instead . . .
    It is said that one should not shop while hungry, likewise, one should not surf the net while horny-masturbate first-unload the gun. There is a very concentrated effort to shut down "the commerce of child pornography". That means not only websites, but chat rooms, and travel agencies that specialize in "specialty tours". It is easy to go overseas and get laid, but to let anyone know your plans in advance is not only stupid, but moronic as well. It is easy for the Justice Department to prosecute an American who goes over border to get laid-if the American is extremely obvious about what he is doing. With that said: If you go to Mexico, South America, Asia, or Europe and end up in an Escort club, what you do and did is between you and the escort you do the deed with. There is no FBI agent lurking in the shadows with a camera-unless that American was stupid enough to tell others of his intentions. And that's what this whole thing is about. FBI Agents and local smokies cruise chat rooms. If you are stupid enough to go to a chat room and presume what's going on there is private, you are a fool. If you electronically arrange to do anything that a chaste zealot would not do, you're going down a dangerous path.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for a stripper to make it to your favorites list?
    1) Non Smoker (I have weak bronchial tubes) 2) She takes care of herself (size zero not important, but if she gains weight every month...you get my drift) 3) Limit on tats-having a HUGE one is deal breaker 4) Personality-she is interested in me, and allows me to be interested in her-I really do care) 5) Extras not mandatory, but expected at least a couple of times a year. 6) We must have a couple of things in common-does she blog, watch the same movies?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn stars as featured performers...
    The half dozen times I've been to a club with a featured porn star, it's been a HUGE letdown. The porn star fears vice is there and she doesn't want the expense or trouble involved in an arrest (besides, a local reporter would be able to out her real name-"Guage-whose real name is___"), so she puts on a really tame show. She might do a lapdance or two, but it's strictly one way contact. I worked at a hotel across the street from a club that had featured performers, and if the girls gave private performances-it sure wasn't at the hotel. Most of the time, the porn star stayed with her husband, boyfriend, or bodyguard.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer sues Strip Club.
    If the dancer has a good lawyer, he'll choose a judge only (no jury) trial. Having a jury is a roll of the dice (especially in Alabama). A sympathetic jury will of course side with her, but a jury made of churchgoers will go against her. In the bible belt, this stripper has an uphill battle.
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    16 years ago
    Rhode Island
    clapping for a stage dance
    Societal trends change. In the past fifteen years, it has pretty much become mandatory for strippers to wear those 4-6 inch fuck me platforms that pretty much endanger the life of anyone that wears them. Recently at St. James a dancer told me she wasn't allowed onstage because she didn't have hers. With that said: 35 years ago, it was extremely rare to get a standing ovation. Nowadays, they pretty much happen almost anywhere an entertainer appears. 15 years ago, before dancers were required to wear those hideous platforms, some "dancers" actually danced onstage. It's too dangerous to dance in those platforms and I actually encourage dancers to go barefoot during LD's. It's safer for them and me. Besides, I would really like to see a dancer go onstage and really put on a show. Not twirl around a pole-but really shake her thing and make it appear she knows something about dance.
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    16 years ago
    Very interesting debate re tax bill affecting the sex industry
    Porn is a ten billion dollar a year industry. I don't know the employment figures, but it seems that Californians rejoice in electing people who are anti business. If California drives the porn industry out, some other state will gleefully take it in. Some other state will rejoice in employed taxable workers. I'll have a huge laugh if California shoots itself in the foot like that. If they drive out porn, they'll probably go after Hollywood next. California-land of nuts, fruits, and flakes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Lucrative is Owning a Strip Club?
    About ten years ago, I tried really hard to get a club's manager to hire me. The opening pitch-his 15 year old run down car was broken down and I got it running again. Filling in the story-it was a small place. The larger places reek of money, but I imagine the owners have a diversified investment-so that if the club goes through a rough patch his other investments will keep his club afloat.
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    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    My Cavalier gets 33 mpg. Work is 15 miles away=one gallon a day.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunkest dancer I ever saw...
    This was nearly ten years ago. The place was a room-not really set up to be a strip joint-it had folding chairs for cryin out loud. It was a nude place that opened at six, but when they let in first few customers, me included, not a dancer to be seen. Finally, about twenty minutes later, this petite young black gal staggered out. She had on a long sleeve T shirt, but nothing from the waist on down. A security guard turned her around and got her back in the room she came out of. A hispanic gal appeared and tried to entertain the five of us, but one guy had his eye on her and they disappeared into the VIP area. Another hispanic gal appeared, but bounced between the three other guys. Finally, the black gal came out. She had sobered up somehow. She looked over the room and approached me. I accepted a couple of dances from me (good grindage-but she was still a bit loopy).As I paid her and she saw the wad in my wallet, she offered the full menu in the VIP. I didn't know what she was on, and even with a condom on, I was afraid of the full spread of blood borne diseases. I declined and left the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper With Smelly Vaginas
    njscfan, I follow a list of things I do before I go to a club, which includes dressing nice (wearing a dress shirt and ironed dockers gets you attention a lot quicker than jeans and a T shirt), and also dental hygiene. I want the stripper in close and a mouth that smells like sewage will scare her off. So, being a non smoker I watch to land a girl who isn't a smoker. How I smell, and how she smells, is mutually important. Mutual consideration means a better experience for both of us. Likewise, I usually pleasure a woman bfore I even enter. Because of this approach, my former ATF usually charged a low flat rate, and not an hourly rate-basically, we did it for about two hours each time for 220-instead of the escort rate of 300 an hour. Consideration of her feelings has always taken me far. Since I take the time to dress up, and clean up, I expect an equal amount of consideration from her. Nez pas?